Let's settle this and stop the madness

by N.drew 89 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Now you see why I don't bother reading her posts.

    She doesn't make sense and it drives you crazy trying to understand her.

  • N.drew
    Sometimes I have to leave the Forum . . . to do other stuff . . . it's nothing personal.

    I hope you mean that is suppose to be funny.

    There's no point, Sizemik. She just rambles on with anything that falls into her mind at the time of typing.

    I think it would be interesting to have her and Aguest in the same room at the same time, lol.

    Seems you are doing the real anti-christ a favor masquerading as one.

    The real anti-christ doesn't know it, does he? But since he looks around at the fools for death he sees he's not so bad.

  • N.drew

    Who is it I hate?

    I hate them they brush me off like I was a mosquito.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    ^^ See what I mean.

  • N.drew

    Two headed funny pink thing run along now. I mean please.

  • sizemik
    Two headed funny pink thing run along now.

    Is that what they say? . . . pffft . . . mosquitos aren't even pink. I've never seen a two headed mosquito either.

    Let's settle this and stop the madness.

  • Broken Promises
  • N.drew

    Other religions are different. All the religions I know of respond to how they see things as they are.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses respond to how they see want things TO BE.

    But what "will be" means deliverance. To be delivered means from one place (now) to a future place. I supose I must explain? It means today you are here. If you wake up tomorrow consider yourself delivered to another day. If you can't see that I quess you should do some brain exercise. I do Lumosity. It's on the web.

    ...Now pause for a new thought... do the dots help?

    It is always associated with what YaWHeY is doing because Christ's name means YaWHeY is salvation.

    So then is it not people's wish to be saved to a better day? You can't have it. It is exclusively the Watchtower's property. (That I don't expect you to understand). But it is a problem worse than any other religion, I think. Except for the religion featured on Indiana Jones. (the movie). Seen it?

  • tec

    I don't think Nancy is so hard to understand. Sometimes I have to read her posts twice , but mostly because she is sharing a perspective that is often outside the norm. That is a good thing!

    Nancy, honestly, the person on that discussion sounds like a troll... or actually, just like one of the JW apologists that comes here. Same reasoning (or lack of it), same ignoring of the facts presented, same... oh that stuff didn't happen or didn't matter, etc.

    At first I thought it was people arguing over who really was chosen... the bible students, or the JW's. I don't know why I thought that... perhaps because the site is called bible discussion.

    Anyway, I do my best to stay off those threads when they come here. Mostly because I know so many people here that DO answer the apologists and have all their facts straight and can present them. So troll or not, people watching and reading are getting all the facts that can help them.

    The WTS is also just one of many that lead people astray and away from the Truth.

    Peace to you,


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I don't think Nancy is so hard to understand.

    And you think Aguest really hears Jesus' voice. Nuff said.

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