Let's settle this and stop the madness

by N.drew 89 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • N.drew

    That's why I hate you. You understand now?

  • sizemik

    Yeah BP . . . just thought I'd toss a few morsels . . . you never know what might be deemed fit for consumption.

    Beats playing Sudoku.

  • sizemik
    The point is if particles so small can travel from here to there perhaps thoughts can too.

    You would have to be particular about your thoughts (joke).

    That's a good hypothesis N.drew . . . how do you think we can test it for validity? . . . you know, see if it's true?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I've never got into Sudoku. I should, because I'm good with numbers.

  • sizemik
    That's why I hate you. You understand now?

    Not really.

  • N.drew

    Why? To leave one all alone means to hate them. Doesn't it?

  • N.drew

    If I believe most readers hate me I am in my right to say it back finally.

    What? To leave one all alone means to hate them. Doesn't it?

  • N.drew

    And you, whoever you are, should probably check your mental status if you insist I mean you personally.

  • sizemik

    I do not hate you N.drew . . . why would you think that?

    Sometimes I have to leave the Forum . . . to do other stuff . . . it's nothing personal.

  • sizemik
    And you, whoever you are, should probably check your mental status if you insist I mean you personally.

    Me? Sizemik? . . . very well I shall do that first thing in the morning I promise.

    So . . . just to be clear . . . who is it you hate then?

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