Let's settle this and stop the madness

by N.drew 89 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • N.drew
    lose their elasticity and there's hell to pay.

    I have an old pair of comfortable pants that I can not walk around in, but I can sleep in, so there.

    Think personal dignity and hold that image tight.

    Oh, I should care about my dignity. OK, whatever.

  • N.drew

    The link is not "Jehovah Witness exchanges". It is reasonable people who are interchanging with them. It's down right scary. It's also very weird that it's been going on for many months. Is it real?

  • Glander

    N.drew -

    You seem to be going in the right direction but you have a long way to go. Don't stop with the WT Soc.

  • N.drew

    No I don't think interchange is a word for discussion. But I suppose it looks like that. zip zip zip zip

    I did settle it with myself. As I quit (under force of expulsion) it. They won't let me post there any more. What bothers me though is why the non JWs keep up the exchange. If someone here is there, please tell me why you keep talking to them. And why are they there? The witnesses there might be non witnesses too. What do you think?

  • N.drew

    N.drew -

    You seem to be going in the right direction but you have a long way to go. Don't stop with the WT Soc.

    pardon moi?

  • Glander

    You are pardoned. Go in peace. Bless you my child. Never forget the value of the precious shed blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.


  • elderelite

    N drew... Im not trying to be flippant or disrespectfull.... But while im sure you are typing english words and i am reasonably well versed in english as it is my native tounge, i swear i do not understand a word you post

  • N.drew

    The exchange over there, did you read it?, was about the society saying "we are not prophets so we can't be false prophets". The evidence that they have said they are prophets is substantial.

    I just wanted to add that they ALSO call themselves the JOHN CLASS. John was presented revelation through an angel. That MEANS prophet. See how the STUPID is spreading?

    And nobody but me cares. I know why.

  • elderelite

    Ahhhhh ok. Makes a bit more sense now!

  • N.drew

    Are you being sarcastic?

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