Whistleblower — Watchtower’s Dump

by Marvin Shilmer 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Cedar writes:

    “If you won't take my advice, then why should I take yours?”

    Because good advice is worth acting on no matter who it comes from.

    And, I don’t give a rat's patootie if you take my advice or not. It was shared as a favor. Do with it as you please.

    Marvin Shilmer


  • stuckinamovement


    Lets focus on the fact that the Society has been dumping chemicals at the farm. Marvin's information is still valuable because the whistleblower letter matches the news account. In my opinion this gives it some credibility.

    I sincerely hope that this brother will come forward to the media about this toxic dump. As an "undercover brother" though I can appreciate the need for anonimity at times. Marvin's information in the past has been reliable, I see no reason to question the validity of it now.


  • cantleave

    Well said SIAM.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    stuckinamovement writes:

    “Lets …”

    Unfortunately there are sideshows in every discussion. It is a bane of humankind.

    stuckinamovement writes:

    “I sincerely hope that this brother will come forward…”

    The man has already made himself available to authorities and the media. We will see what happens. He is not interested in making news and would prefer not to become prey to sideshow personalities. He wants to help exposed citizenry, including Witnesses who live(d) and work(ed) at Wallkill Bethel.

    Marvin Shilmer


  • stuckinamovement

    Marvin, Great news. I have worked in a regulatory type of position and can't understate how big of a deal this is. There are so many layers to it.

    There is willful negligence, stupidity, conspiracy, and huge exposure to liability claims from the environmental agencies, Bethelites, and neigbors of the farm who potentially have been exposed.


  • cedars

    I have no idea why Marvin chooses to participate in a forum discussion if he has absolutely no interest in other people's opinions.

    The only reason I got into this was because I was a little put off by how derisory he was of another poster who raised legitimate concerns only to be given short shrift.

    If the rest of you can read what he wrote to me and think "Ah, here's a level-headed down-to-earth guy who doesn't take himself seriously and can take a bit of constructive criticism on the chin" then go right ahead, but he's gone way down in my estimations after those outbursts.


  • JunkYardDog

    Any person in NYS who uses pesticides/insecticides or even handles them . must go to (PCO) school for at least 4 months , PASS A TEST IN THE CORRECT USE AND HANDLING and get a license from new york state. 4 months being the minimium , up to years of schooling, test and training and licenses for different levels of pest control. I would guess there were only a few bethelites that may have {PCO] LICENSES. i TOOK pest control operator school in the 1980's, recieved 2 different licenses in low class pest control. AND IT TOOK ME OVER 6 MONTHS. roach and vermen. To work on farms and fields etc. takes much longer schooling. any person that does not have the REQUIRED PEST CONTROL LICENSES, CAN NOT EVEN TOUCH THE SO CALLED PESTICIDES AS WELL AS USE THEM UNDER PENELTY OF LAW . OR EVEN BUY THEM. licensing of PCO'S in a big deal in nys i worked for many exterminaters in NY and with out a License you will not get a job

  • Violia
  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Cedars writes:

    “I have no idea why Marvin chooses to participate in a forum discussion if he has absolutely no interest in other people's opinions.”

    Idea: To share information.

    Now there’s an idea for you.

    Cedars writes:

    “…but he's gone way down in my estimations after those outbursts.”

    I’m glad you got that off your chest, and if it made you happier then all the better!

    There is nowhere to go down from. As I said before, readers do not care about me, and I do not care about what readers think of my person. Why should I?

    Readers care about having useful information, even if it is not as useful as they would prefer.

    Marvin Shilmer


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    I was unsuccessful in searching again for the mention at JWN of this episode from several years ago that got my attention and led to further digging. When/If I stumble upon it I’ll share.

    Marvin Shilmer


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