Whistleblower — Watchtower’s Dump

by Marvin Shilmer 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Bookmarked for the excellent info!!

  • 3dogs1husband

    booked marked tooo

  • stuckinamovement

    Please share the information with all you can. Its funny because I used to do the talk " A Cleansed Earth who will Live to See it?" The talk gave examples of how severe God's judgement would be against those who were polluting. It is incredible that the Society can be this hypocritical.

    As for the brother who wrote the whistleblower letter. I am sure that the branch has already sniffed him out. He was one of four people at that time who were assigned to clean up the mess. Marvin, if you know this brother, have hime come forward. This story needs to be shouted from the rooftops, not buried away.


  • cedars

    Marvin, I agree with SIAM. If brothers with first hand knowledge of this (such as your contact) can be brave enough to step forward, it would double the the impact of the story among Witnesses. The press coverage is fantastic, but we really need brothers who know the ins and outs to be prepared to make statements without concealing their identity. If the story had just a little bit more weight to it in terms of eye-witness testimony, there's no telling how far it might go. It's not every day you find tangible evidence of Watchtower hypocrisy supported by an investigation by an independent regulatory body. A named source is the final piece in the puzzle. I really hope your friend understands this.


  • designs

    Were these brothers given Haz-Mat suits to handle these toxic substances and where did they ship the containers to..

  • Refriedtruth

    Thank you Marvin

    Chemicals found buried at upstate NY property; state agency ...
    The Republic - 3 days ago AP SHAWANGUNK, NY — State officials are investigating chemical pollution found buried at an upstate New York property owned by the Jehovah's Witnesses ...

    Chemicals found buried in UlsterTimes Herald-Record all 11 news articles »


  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Designs - I'm sure there were - The scripture in Revelation is one of those scriptures I never forgot because it promised to bring to ruin those ruining the earth - quoted that ad nauseum myself as a 'representative' of this sorry excuse for a religion - in retrospect, I should have woken up when I heard about the first case (I now know of at least 2) of a Bethel 'inmate' becoming TERMINALLY ILL due to exposure to toxic chemicals, in these cases, both to do with pesticides/insecticides - it struck me as odd at the time that these individuals were not protected from such exposure at or working for 'God's house' - who knows how many victims there are in fact out there? I believe that there were supposed to be training workshops given to all employees (do volunteers qualify as employees?) when handling hazardous materials - there's another angle that might turn out to be quite costly to them, once this information is freely disseminated.

    Sorry, did'nt really answer your question (I have a tendency to ramble) - I will have to look up my bound volumes for 2002 to check out what they were saying that year - I still have those, not sure why - their own words will condemn them, I am sure.

    On another note, whose signatures are on those cheques? Are they GB members? (This may be the real reason they made all those different corporations - you can't have God's representatives on earth(TM) signing cheques that pay fines for illegal pollution now, can you?)

    Anybody know?


    ETA: Just another thought - no wonder there is never transparency as to where all the donations go - can you imagine a separate column on the credits/debits set up to capture AMOUNTS PAID RE: FINES LEVIED BY GOVERNMENT RE: ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION??? Outrageous. Instead you get paragraphs telling you how many millions or whatever were sent to support the volunteers. GAG

    Religion or no, transparency in how financial donations are spent is a MUST - this is another angle that could be pursued to open the eyes of the drones.

  • poopsiecakes
  • slimboyfat

    I don't think the poor standards of proof JWs may practise should be relied upon to excuse poor sourcing of information when the shoe is on the other foot.

    I studied history for my degree so using sources without any indication of provenance simply goes against the grain for me. Marvin's blog is really frustrating in this regard, because he comes up with a lot of interesting stuff, but without important contextual details a lot of it is of dubious value. On top of which it sometimes appears that the lack of details about provenance is entirely unnecessary. Such as with the letter from A H MacMillan that startingover found among his grandfather's papers:


    That Marvin later posted without any indication of provenance:


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I get that sbf but sometimes putting a piece of information out there can enable others to fill in the gaps. If the whistle blower can't go public at this time, isn't it better that the information we do have is known?

    That's the whole issue for whistle blowers, they often can't reveal their identity for fear of repercussions.

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