Whistleblower — Watchtower’s Dump

by Marvin Shilmer 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Cedar, I for one have had enough. If a contributor wishes to be quoted anonymously then petulance and sniping from the likes of you are not relevant. He has added to the debate, if his name and evidence

    are available to the authorities then a cas can be built.

    This information has the hall marks of a slow build up "Watergate". I can see it rumbling on with revelations and denials as it builds up a head of steam. It could be a big, big banana skin especially as cover ups are revealed.

  • slimboyfat

    I did find this thread in my searches, maybe this was it?


  • dropoffyourkeylee

    This dumping issue has great potential for a number of reasons I can think of:

    The clean up alone will cost large sums of money, at a time when they can least afford it.

    Property value of the Wallkill farm is greatly devalued.

    Potential/probable lawsuits from former Bethelites, neighbors, indeed anyone who drinks water from that watershed. Can you say 'class action'?

    This kind of news makes headlines, especially in a state like New York, with major metro areas downstream. The negative publicity will be hard to live down.

    Tarnishes the squeaky-clean image that the Society has tried to build up and maintain.

    Proves that they are and have been hypocrites. Bring to ruin those ruining the earth, indeed

    Even die-hard witnesses will have a hard time explaining this one. There is simply no excuse for burying chemicals in the New York countryside.

    If a firm/corporation is breaking the law in one area such as this, they are likely also guilty of other infractions, which the increased governmental scrutiny may bring to light.

    The notoriety of this case will bring increased government attention to other printing facilities in other countries. There are likely to be environmental or other violations at other Bethel printeries.

  • Listener

    It will be interesting to see how far they consider the health implications of the workers on the property. It is a good opportunity for them to demonstrate that the health of their flock is more important than money or legal litigation.

  • finallysomepride


    thanks marvin

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Apparently the solvents dumped included Xylene and benzene, both of which are carcinogens.

    Benzene is the worse of the hydrocarbon carcinogens. OSHA requires respiratory protection if benzene is only 1 part per million. Supplied air is usually used if working in concentrations of 10 ppm or more. Benzene is a very bad chemical that is strictly regulated in the production & working with it and the disposal of it. To dispose of benzene by burying it underground where it can eventually contaminate water is criminal. Xylene is bad, but not even in the same ballpark as benzene.

    Think About It

  • MrMonroe

    Thanks for the information, Marvin. It's powerful stuff and, and as Gayle said, these things often emerge in small pieces before the full picture is revealed. It is entirely appropriate that, if the whistleblower doesn't yet want his name revealed, that's his prerogative ... although in the small world of Bethelites, his identity will be obvious to any number of people.

    This website is a forum, and Marvin's blog is a blog ... both places are useful to release information; neither site claims to meet any academic standards requiring peer review. What's there is there, and I don't see the point of berating Marvin for withholding information that may be revealed in a court case, or in the media, at some point in the future.

  • startingover

    I know this goes back a page or so, but since I have been mentioned in this thread I want to say something.

    When I first discovered my grandfather's letter on Marvin's blog, I'll admit I was a little taken back, but after giving it more thought I came to this conclusion. I posted the letter here because I felt it needed to be seen by those interested in such things. I could have kept it in a box in my garage, and kept it to myself. But why?

    I'm glad Marvin picked up on it and publicized it. I have a couple others on here he must have missed as I think they deserve a spot on his site as well.

    FYI, I am presently going though boxes of old stuff from a family who some may classify as hoarders who were involved with this organization from the early 1900's. It is very overwhelming. If I come across any more interesting stuff you will see it here. The last thing I want is to see an old letter tossed in the trash by someone uninterested. I suspect at this point that a scan posted on the internet will perpetuate it. That to me is a great thing.

  • sizemik

    Thanks Marvin . . . I never realised WTS's bone closet was this big.

  • 3dogs1husband

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