2011 Watchtower publisher statistics with analysis

by jwfacts 220 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • donny

    Wow, almost 12,000 partakers. They are almost up to the amount of one of the tribes of the 144,000. How long will it take to get to tribe #2?

  • outsmartthesystem

    "Auxiliary pioneers up by 60% - is that right?

    Is there a reason for that? Did they have a special campaign or did they lower the hour requirement or what?"

    I knew this would happen. YES! Back in April there was a "wonderful provision" from the slave. They lowered the hour requirement to be considered an auxilary pioneer to 30 hours for that month. People came out of the woodwork in order to sign up so they could have that lovely moniker of "auxilary pioneer" attached to their name. The society lowered their standards so they could get the number higher. Yet all the witnesses will view this report and say "wow! look how many pioneers there were! jehovah's blessings are really being poured out!" And none of them will notice that it was all because of lower standards.

  • ziddina


  • outsmartthesystem

    "It seems that the greatest influence the internet is having has been in preventing people joining."

    Paul, you nailed it. It is extremely difficult to reverse the mind control and indoctrination once it starts. But for those "worldly" ones that may have shown interest.....there is nothing keeping them from researching the truth about witnesses. These ones are not indoctrinated yet....not controlled yet. Therefore they research and get the hell away. New converts in advanced countries are becoming harder and harder to come by. The less educated can be controlled and manipulated. Born ins can be controlled from an early age.

  • AGuest
    who is making up the newly annointed? Probably just people who want the attention or label? A feeling of authority in an otherwise world of inferiority?

    No, they are merely those who hear the call, dear Skeeter (peace to you!). Contrary to popular belief, however, that doesn't mean they're chosen (Matthew 22:14). While it's true that the Most Holy One of Israel shows mercy to whomever He wishes, so long as they continue "touching the unclean thing" being chosen is virtually out of the question (I know, I know... how can I say that? I didn't; He did: Isaiah 52:11; Jeremiah 51:45; Revelation 18:4... and Paul explained: 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18).

    Such ones may seem "quirky"... and many are. I certainly was considered such... and probably am (although those who know me often comment that I'm the sanest person they know - LOLOL! Let it go, ridiculers - - it was a joke...).

    But if you know any of them, few actually carry themselves with a "feeling of authority." If that were the case, the GB wouldn't be able to hold sway over them as they do. I only knew a couple (who were immature, IMHO, both physically and spiritually) who did so. I found most of them to be the exact opposite: pretty mild, if not meek... almost to the point of exasperation and, sometimes (IMHO), ridiculousness. Because they wouldn't/won't speak up and expose the false prophet that is the WTBTS, in loyalty to Christ... but continue to "wait on 'Jehovah'"... which isn't what Christ did in that same situation at all. So, they're not really "following" who they think they are... but instead are doing just as the "hired man"... and "wolves"... tell them. To their own great detriment... spiritually, certainly... because they show themselves to have other "leaders"... those from among men... and sometimes physically (many end up quite sickly, physically and mentally).

    Because most, if not all of them, are persecuted INSIDE with the same attitude/perception as you have shown here. Which is baffling to me, unless someone of them has literally displayed such (feeling of authority) TO you. Otherwise, I see no basis for your assumption... other than perhaps your own, perhaps unknown to you, "insecurity"... about what someone else claims to be/have happen to them.

    True, most keep their distance which can make them appear "aloof." But that's not because they think they're better in most cases. Rather, it's because they're either "quiet" people to begin with (like my husband) or... and this is most likely... because of all of the utterly ridiculous things say to... and about... them. You wouldn't believe the things people say... to your face (including things like what you stated above - yes, right to one's face! ("You know, it seems to ME that if 'Jehovah' was going to choose someone, it would be Sister So-and-So, because she's so... and she has..."). And/or the questions [inside] people ask ("So, you think you're of the anointed, now, sister? What does that make you, now - better'n the rest of us?") Okay, seriously??? Unfortunately for such ones... "meekness" is not one of my stronger qualities.

    So, some have great difficulty "minding their own business" about such a matter. Because it IS, after all, personal... and no one should HAVE to explain or answer for it. So long as it doesn't infringe upon another's life... what should others care, really? But... they do. So, best to stay to one's self, sometimes; again, this can, however, give the impression that such ones are avoiding others because they consider others to be inferior or themselves superior. Again, that is the exception to the rule.

    I'm sorry that I posted this way to you... but I was compelled. Some of these may one day become my brothers/sisters in Christ... and I am loyal, if nothing else. I am VERY sad for them that they are still in "captivity"... and still committing [spiritual] fornication/adultery... but I was once one of them. Since the Most Holy One of Israel saw it in His heart to show ME mercy... and allow His Son to call ME... and lead ME out... love and gratitude prompts me to want the same for these. I will not mince my words with them, either, but I understand them.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • steve2


  • jwfacts

    Phizzy - Has any one factored in the number of Bros who would have died during the year (s) ? This must be what 1% ? So is not the increase larger than it looks ?

    At http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/statistics.php there are a number of graphs that analyse the affect of the death rate, currently around 0.85%, on growth. Even factoring in the number that die, in the last 15 years over 30% of the number baptised stop being publishers.

  • redvip2000

    Wouldn't it be great to know how many of the publishers are kids of adult JW's ? Surely each JW family with one or two kids is taking them along in service starting at an early age ( 6 or 7). Potentially 20 or 30% ( or more) of the publishers are kids who are reporting because they don't have much of a choice.

    I would really be interested in knowing how many people actually become JWs, due to preaching efforts. Although i know this is close to impossible to get, it would really shed some light on how much the preaching work is a tremendous waste of time.

    I too was suprised by the spike in pioneers, but i see now how it happened. The creative minds at bethel keep finding new ways to cast an image of prosperity for all to see. And to think they could have a real job in a marketing firm somewhere..

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Just downloaded the book. . . Whenever I read these stats, anything considered less than 1% growth is really negative growth as it does not even compensate for the avg birth rate. Let's hear it for the 1%!!

  • EntirelyPossible

    the clowns over at JW Talk are (for now) all happy that all numbers are up across the board, even the partakers. It's only a matter of time before someone asks why and they trot out the "mentally imbalanced" answer.

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