What was your most DISTURBING event as an elder ? (Per T.O.S. no full names please).

by Balaamsass 83 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mouthy

    Welcome Glueman.

    I would like to know the elders who d?f James Aldridge..
    Who was executed in Huntsville.Who used to write to me
    while he was there, a Marvoulous Artist.
    His Mother was a devoted JW,his Dad wasnt at the time,
    ( I understand he became one later)But what James told me
    was his Father used to mock him for being a JW,so wanting to please
    his Dad he joined a tennis club,didnt go to meetings, had a brother
    with mental problems.( was advised to the Mother not to take him to
    worldly DR's>so didnt)He ( the Brother) Shot a guy,( he was executed)
    so James lost all faith in God!!But in MY opinion the Brothers???? were
    judge & jury in this families life.He also killed ...Thinking he was evil .
    James came to know Christ before he was executed.Was a wonderful
    friend.Thank God we have a higher judge Sorry for the long post but I am ticked

  • DNCall

    I will mention two, because they are so different, yet they illustrate corruption on very different levels.

    I sat on a special committee that was adjudicating a business dispute. Without going into the details of the case, I witnessed prejudice, bias, Simony, cronyism and noncomprehension of the facts, all on the part of the Service Department. The committee and I lost a lot of innocence on that one!

    The object of the second case was a gay man whose background included a failed marriage. He had been advised by the elders that marrying a sister would "cure" his homosexuality. He had been disfellowshipped and reinstated several times for acting on his impulses and inclinations. I sat on the committee that reinstated him for the last time. We learned over several hearings that he had not been promiscuous, but was simply aching for intimacy and affection. He pursued them in the only way that his brain could process. We learned that the reason he lived in a predominately gay neighborhood was so that he wouldn't stand out or get beat up. All he was surviving on was ice cream because his feelings of guilt made it impossible for him to eat (or keep down) anything else. Some months after his reinstatement he took his own life.

    All of the judicial situations that I witnessed were disturbing, but these were two of the worst.


  • cantleave

    Hi Glueman......

    I hated judicials and avoided them whereever possible. I also hated people asking me for advice on personal problems.

  • zev

    hi mouthy. long time not talk. how are you?

  • mouthy

    Hi Zev!!! I'm alive >> Unfortunatly!!!! How are things with you?????
    Miss hearing from you

  • iCeltic

    Although I wasnt an elder, I did go to a shepherding visit with an elder to a family of four (also an ex elder and I felt completely out of my depth). The elder told me the 3 verses he planned on using before hand but after 5 mins it was clearly apparent there was a problem.

    One of the sons said he no longer believed, he just didnt feel it was the truth. The elder got really hacked off and was really annoyed 'what more proof do you want?' he asked.

    Suffice to say he still carried on and used the very same 3 verses he planned to use, even though now they were meaningless. When we left he told me how annoyed he was at the silly boy for not believing it anymore.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    DNCall: Good to hear from you. Been wanting to tell you how much I enjoyed your Freeminds life story. Wish you and yours well. May God bless!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    What was your most DISTURBING event as an elder ?

    Too many to relate.

    If I had to mention one duty of an Elder that disturbed me the most was ...................being a 'hatchet' man. I had no business cutting 'friends' off from their family, loved ones and friends by way of the WTBTS' disfellowshipping policy.

    Disfellowshipping the WTBTS' way is unscriptural, unloving and not Christlike.

  • ScenicViewer

    The elder told me the 3 verses he planned on using [on shepherding call]...

    One of the sons said he...didnt feel it was the truth. The elder got really...annoyed...

    Suffice to say he still carried on and used the very same 3 verses he planned to use, even though now they were meaningless.

    This is proof the elder was not qualified to be an elder, nor a spiritual leader of any kind. Jehovah's Witnesses are full of elders like this. What a shame.

  • hamsterbait

    Ectopic pregnancy brings up an issue with the dubs, as much as with the Catholic Church.

    The pregnancy ends often before the first trimester, with haemorraging the death of the baby for sure and often the mother too.

    The argument is that if you allow the pregnancy to end with this situation, then the baby and mother have died natural deaths, and no adverse divine judgement (Judgement?!) is incurred.

    If the ectopic pregnancy is aborted, then the mother has murdered her baby to selfishly save her own life and is therefore a murderor, guilty of infanticide.

    I have not checked the threads on ectopic pregnancy and JCs yet.


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