What was your most DISTURBING event as an elder ? (Per T.O.S. no full names please).

by Balaamsass 83 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Balaamsass

    Do tell WH.... ?

  • EmptyInside

    At my first hall,there were too many domineering personalities in the elder body. The elders were always fighting and nothing accomplished. I did hear of fists being raised,and hearing raised voices.

    My brother,at the time,was a newly appointed elder,and there were plenty of times he just wanted to walk out of a meeting. They eventually had to have brothers from other congregations get involved. Four elders were deleted at the same time. Some have since been reappointed,but haven't learned their lesson.

    My brother recently had a couple of elders try to get him deleted. And they were always trying to cause him trouble. He moved to another congregation and is happier. He almost left the organization,too bad he didn't wake up with this experience. Now,he's as hardcore as ever.

  • rebel8

    How 3 elders could not forgive a senile old woman for drinking too much (in the privacy of her home) I will never understand. She did not drive - so it was not like she was going to run someone over.

    We had a few senile old ladies who regularly came to the meetings drunk. They drove, dangerously, and had accidents. They were disruptive at the meetings, saying stuff really loudly (like criticizing the speaker's tie or asking who the guy giving the talk was). No jc for them in the Universal Religion. TM

    The idea of hiding sins being equal to non-repentance is a farce.

    Interesting. One would think it indicates the opposite, the realization of guilt.
    In a psyche ward office, I kid you not, two brothers drilled me on my life.

    I work in behavioral health and have seen that happen. Very sick. Prior to me leaving myself I knew of a sista to whom it happened too. They were so mad at the psychiatrist for telling her the religion was the cause of her problem.

  • Balaamsass

    Yes, It is not just disturbing but Criminal for the WTBS$ to feed elders the line they are SPIRITUALY qualified to render MENTAL HEALTH treatment. I believe more may have DIED from this (suicide) than from Blood Transfusions.

  • cptkirk

    to the OP. think about what you're saying. you a human were able to use some reasoning abilities, and figure out that the child was "acting out" probably due to some situation he didn't know how to deal with. maybe kids were pushing him around at school something of this nature. but the GB are in essence saying jehovah is not able to figure this out, because they are under the direction of his holy spirit. LOL i almost can't type this is just so stupid....so you can figure this out, you can also probably enact some contact with the child to help him, and hence he stops the behavior, and has a loving empathetic ending. but the gb is saying god can't figure that out. god's holy spirit is telling you and body of elders to disfellowship him, so as to add insult to injury to the poor child. at what point are people going to wake up en masse to this scam?

  • AvocadoJake

    Disturbing is one elder who is dialed into every Kingdom Hall, (Not foreign language halls.) knowing who is going to be disfellowshiped, reproved and knowing the confidential talk of the Three Little Bears of each Congregation. This brother would lie, if I was to call him on the information he divulged to me, and he would fall on this sword to the W.T.S. than confess to Jesus Christ. The ironic thing about this powerful (Bible and Christian belief challenged man.) elder, is there are elders in these and other Kingdom Halls, sharing data with each other. When he called three disfellowingshipings in a row, in three different Halls, I became disenfranchised with the Organization and knew, elders are not appointed by Holy Spirit. If a young one thinks he is confessing a sin to the listening ears of loving men, they need to realize this information will stay on their card for life. What you did as a 16 year old, will follow you into your fifties, under some notes in the Secretary's safe book. Balaam's Ass has hit the nail on the head, elders will downplay, cover and wheel and deal with their problem children. Quid Pro Qou..... Gomer Pyles put in charge of the Hall, Jehtro Bodine, Barney Five ect. The talent pool is drying up in the Organization, as many smart brothers are tiring of listening to half-cocked blowhards. The Kingdom Halls are becoming more like a dysfunctional social club for the Pharisees and Mentally Diseased Class with a touch of nervous spiritually conscious men and women, not knowing the way out.

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    Two things come to my mind immediately. One issue was an ex-con, former pedophile who was studied with in prison and when released, began attending our congregation. There was a lot of controversy about how to handle the situation because the man was fresh out of prison and was still working on making behavioral adjustments in his life. Also, we had a lot of young children in our hall. A couple of the elder's wives got word of the man's past and that really heated things up. Watching the elders try to obey the Society's strict guidelines in the face of genuine concern from other elders, their own families, and the friends was a shocking taste of reality for me. Overall, it was a bad situation for everyone involved, including the man, who I believe wanted to do right but was deeply troubled and unstable.

    The other issue was when a young brother got into trouble for a single incident of over-drinking. He was dealt with in private but because the incident happened at a brother and sisters home with a couple of congregation members present, a marking talk was arranged. The talk was supposed to be general, to let those who knew of the situation that the matter had been handled while still preserving the dignity of the repentant young brother. A loose cannon elder who was chosen to give the talk didn't like the young brother and used the marking talk to detail all of the events of the evening, only leaving out the names of those involved. He made the young brother sound like a real creep, which he was not. Then he and another elder made calls to other halls, warning elders and families that this young brother has been engaged in wrongdoing and that he is bad association. It was a real mess. The congregation was upset, this young brother lost a bunch of friends and went into depression, and his family developed a hatred for the offending elders. Eventually the CO got involved and disciplined the elders and then worked personally with the young man to restore his faith in the Organization.

  • 00DAD

    It's hard to understand how this organization believes public humiliation is effective discipline, that it in any way is going to help correct someone's behavior, especially if it was due to human weakness and imperfection, not so-called "wickedness".

    It's even harder to understand how they convince themselves that it is at all Christ-like!

    Public Humiliation

  • Balaamsass

    I was sitting in an Circuit Elders meeting at the assembly hall. The Circuit budget was being discussed, and the numbers weren't adding up. When the question was posed "Any questions" I simply pointed out the numbers didn't add up and asked about a clarification. Over 50 elders gave me a look that could kill. Like "how dare I question anything" ???

    By the way, the "Expenses" at the Assemblies read off the platform are a bold faced lie. They include "Donations" pledged to the WTBS, buried amoung real costs. Many Halls have been paid for YEARS ago. WHY have a building when you can RENT NEARBY faciliyes for $1-$5 per head (and save all the friends travel expenses?)..because the building can bury "expenses", secure loans, and someday be sold for a big profit.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    My most disturbing event was when I was a young, newly appointed elder. Got informed by the CO about needing to meet after the meeting. In this meeting a beautiful, young, single sister about my age confesses to habitual masturbation. She was so guilt ridden by WTS propaganda that she felt she had to confess to the old cogger who was the CO, and then he brought me into hear it as the 2nd witness. I didn't grow up in the religion and didn't know what to think hearing a woman confessing to something totally normal, but against WTS sexual rules. I felt totally embarassed for her and had a hard time looking her in the eye after that.

    Oh yeah.....the CO volunteered me to give a special needs talk to the congregation about masterbation.

    Think About It

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