What was your most DISTURBING event as an elder ? (Per T.O.S. no full names please).

by Balaamsass 83 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Balaamsass

    I'll start the ball rolling. Dealing with KIDS in any type of judicial manner. I would do everything I could to get parents to "deal with it-kindly" at home. I never disfellowshipped a kid, but knew a number of congregations who did. It scarred kids for life. It seemed that most of the time the acting out was from something else going on at home, or school, that was unknown. If a child is acting out enough to tell the Elders, they need therapy from a PRO. I have lost sleep over realizing I should have asked better questions from certain kids acting out..because I found out later they had suffered some form of abuse or mental health issue. An hour in the library with the "brothers" does not help those issues.

    Having been a parent..I understood the "fear factor"& leverage of the "3 Bears" but I always felt it was mentally and emotionally abusive to use that forum with kids. Disfellowshipping and Public announcements are wrong for 95% of adults..for kids..it should be a CRIME reported to Child Protective Services.

  • seenitall

    Investigating wrongdoing, grilling wrongdoers, reading scriptures that say the liar will not succeed. Asking young unmarried sisters personal questions and listening to old school elders probe these young sisters (what were you wearing, how did it feel, how many times, what did you touch). Seeing the smirks on their faces when the sister was excused while we reached our decision. The looks these guys would give the sisters for years spoke volumes on their dirty minds.

    Had a old-timer CO who wanted to know juicy details of cases and wanted to sit in on cases if he was visiting that week. Dirty old man!

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I have posted JC reports here before. One of them was about an ectopian pregnancy and I have shown it to some worldly people, it just makes them sick. My most disturbing moment was when I was literally told to sacrifice my daughter to Jehovah (blood transfusion), I left shortly afterwards.

  • donuthole

    anony mous ---

    Would you mind reposting those for me or providing a link to the originals?

    I tried to use the site search feature but was unable to locate anything.

  • punkofnice

    I loathed being involved in anything 'judicial' as I figured God is judge not 3 men in cheap suits with a book of rules from WBT$ HQ that over-rides the Bible.

  • mrquik

    Personally knew & worked with a pedophile from another hall. Always thought he was a little too friendly with the younger boys from his congregation, but assumed as everyone else that nothing perverted was going on. Only later did I learn that he did, in fact molest several boys from that congregation. Totally destroyed those boys' lives. The elders never called the authorities. He was never disfellowshipped.

  • ScenicViewer

    I was never an elder, but I love hearing from those who were regarding things the rest of us didn't see.

    A few questions,

    -What is T.O.S.?

    -Who are the 3 bears? The Judicial Committee?

    -What is an 'ectopian pregnancy'? Couldn't find ectopian in the dictionary.

  • 00DAD

    TOS = Terms of Service aka Terms of Use (see also Posting Guidelines below)

    Ectopic Pregnancy - An ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal pregnancy that occurs outside the womb (uterus). The baby (fetus) cannot survive, and often does not develop at all in this type of pregnancy.

  • Balaamsass

    Mr Quik,

    Wow, I can understand how you feel. We had a serial pedophile move in our area who WTBTS had swept under the carpet in the past. "Holy Sprit" had appointed him a servant in another Congregation already! A sister from his old area just happed across him and told me. I told the Circuit overseer- he told me it had been "Handled". WHAAAAAAT??? So I wrote a personal letter to a Governing Body member I knew and had it hand delivered by a friend. STONEWALLED!! Screw it..I just walked into the State Police spoke to the sex crimes guys and laid it all out for them. Never felt better.

  • Balaamsass

    Scenic Viewer: "3 bears", slang by U.S. JW kids for Judicial Commitee comprised of 3 ELDERS. Harps back to the Childrens story :Goldilocks and the three bears "Who has been..."

    Judicial commitee = Three Elders who investigate "Serious moral sin". They are supposed to be chosen by the entire body of elders AFTER at least 2 Elders have determined through an investigation a serious "Sin" actually occured. In my opinion..this arrangement has gotten completely out of control and is now being used to Disfellowship (shun) anyone who even questions or disagrees with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society over minor issues or doctrine. The sin is "Apostacy" or "Causing Divisions" or "Rebellion" when people tell them they are full of S...... Becomming a lot like 1930s Nazi Germany.

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