
by raxxxx 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OnTheWayOut

    And be ready to dismiss just about anything this "mankkeli" says to you, especially in a PM.

  • mankkeli

    OnTheWayOut - It is a privilege to have a cyber doctor on JWN, let others avail themselves of the opportunity my presence offers, It will definitely help the healing process.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    A belated welcome Jaxxxx, can only say please keep posting here and asking questions, research, read, think........while life outside the cult is uncertain, life inside the cult is a prison. Id rather die standing than live on my knees, and this forum saved me and my son in more ways than one. Ive made some fantastic friends along the way. We are right behind you.


  • Ding

    A good website for information is

    Check it out.

  • raxxxx

    Thank you all for your replies and both motivation and support from all of you. Currently I am in a place where... I can not even bring myself to go to meetings or even continue with a study that an elder has with me. All I seem to be discovering about JW is making me slightly more depressed and annoyed at the same time... but yet I can not shake that feeling that maybe satan is fooling me by all this? I know it is irrational but after all these years and heavy imprinting what else to expect. So both annoyed and disappointed with myself and JW...!

  • leavingwt

    but yet I can not shake that feeling that maybe satan is fooling me by all this?

    This is to be expected. It's completely normal. Most of us experienced a period of this.

    Continue your research. Put the facts to the test. What is true will always be true. What is false will always be false. May you never fear the pursuit of truth.

    Please have a look at this thread:

    Also, ask yourself how a believing Mormon would ever come to believe that his church is not the only true religion? If he only read Mormon literature, what conclusions would he reach? If he only sought the counsel of Mormon church leaders, what conclusions would he reach?

  • diamondiiz

    It it understandable to think that satan is testing you. If you check watchtower publications as to what they said or how today they misrepresent their own old publications and teachings you aren't even going outside of watchtower realm. You cannot be tempted by their own words unless they were speaking for satan in their older publications.

    You have natural feelings that many of us had while under influence of mind control. When you grow up believing only one set of "truths" it's hard to accept that you've been deceived all these years.

    Examine the last articles in the watchtower (oct & Nov public edition) on the fall of Jerusalem in 607BC to the sources they quote. You will see how watchtower takes quotes out of context and how they ignore the surrounding text to present the idea that bible really supports 607BC. This is only the latest misinformation found from the "faithful and discreet slave" class. A good pdf discussing the Oct article is here.

    But the more research you do, the more disappointed you'll be in the wts. This 130 year old religion has more skeletons in their closet than catholic church in the same time period!

    They taught and preached Jesus return in 1874 for over 50 years

    They taught that the pyramid of Giza was God's witness in stone

    They taught that resurrection to heaven occurred in 1878 and then 1918

    They taught that 1925 was more scripturally based than 1914

    they taught the King David and other faithfuls would be resurrected to earth in 1925 and they build them a mansion in San Diego in 1929 which was called Beth Sarim! Rutherford lived there "waiting" for these ancients!!

    They taught and strongly implied that 1975 would be the end of the system

    They still teach that Jesus isn't you mediator but only of the anointed.

    Those are just a few crazy teaching and then there are numerous scandals throughout the 130 years that I didn't even touch on. Knowledge is your friend, the more you learn the better you are off. Whatever choices you make at the end of the day, are the choices you'll live with. Good luck

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    And be ready to dismiss just about anything this "mankkeli" says to you, especially in a PM.

    I second that!!

    I got a PM from him, under a different name, that was disturbing but I was already 100% out so I got over it.

    Your in a good place and welcome! Hope your girlfriend gets out too


  • ziddina
    "And be ready to dismiss just about anything this "mankkeli" says to you, especially in a PM..." On the Way Out

    As Found Sheep replied....

    Most chat boards seem to get a small percentage of trolls. I've been taken in by one or two, myself.

    Then I 'got smart' ...

    Now, when someone's words seem weird, contradictory, seem to have a hidden agenda or sound downright hostile, I go back and look at the threads they've posted - from the VERY beginning....

    Mankkeli [or "Makkitup", as I'm prone to call him...] has posted more threads in 3 months than I have in two years... Some of his earlier threads show a decided lack of respect for the very organization that he claims to be "defending"...

    Such two-faced behavior makes me VERY, VERY leery of him...

    If you read anything authored by Mankkeli/Makkitup, you might want to take his words with a HUGE boulder of salt...


  • ziddina

    Here's one of Mankkeli's earliest threads...

    And here's his Opening Post from that thread...

    "I am currently preparing for the public talk on sunday and as i was looking through the outline some these thoughts just keep popping up my mind that In the face of several allegations and numerous scandal, WBTS has not stopped claiming to be God's organisation, I am wondering if they will ever realise that their strategies are no longer appealing to the general public. regrettably, They keep on publishing and printing using victims of mind control hazards to the detriment of over 7 million rank and file members and spiritual illiterates in the society. I keep on pondering on how long this malicious activity would continue. sad to say, it is distressing that in this era when the number of informed elites are increasing with the availability of technology and diverse communication medium, people still allowed themselves to be fooled by those authoritarian clowns. Well, I have to deliver the poison on sunday, "Are you marked for survival", Lets see if I survive the 30mins. ..."

    I find Mankkeli's comments to be bizarre and contradictory in the EXTREME...

    I can only think that he's suffering from a disasterous internal mental confusion, himself...


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