
by raxxxx 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    I do not mean to sound dramatic but it is almost like part of your world has / is falling apart... is it not?

    It does feel that way but this too shall pass.

    I second LWT's advice. I read non-stop for a year, then took another year to wake my husband up. It's not easy but worth the effort.

    And welcome.

  • ziddina
    "While we're on the subject, why not start your research with the older Wachtower publications..."

    Ah, just to let you know....

    If you want to research the older material, much of it is available - usually for a fairly low price - on many of the bookstore sites and used-book sites...

    Sometimes you can pick items up for about the same 'price' as the householders at the door.... Plus shipping - which bumps up the cost, just a bit, unfortunately...

    But that way you can see - for yourself - exactly what was written WHEN it was written...

    I've built up quite a little library, myself - and eventually I'll be posting some excerpts from what I have...

    But from what I've purchased and read, I would advise you to look for items that were published between the years 1950 - 1985...

    I sincerely hope that you find - as I mentioned before - the factual reality that would help you make well-informed decisions...


  • DesirousOfChange

    I do not mean to sound dramatic but it is almost like part of your world has / is falling apart... is it not?

    Imagine someone who has 20, 30, 40 years or more of their life invested. Their entire world feels like it's falling apart. Sound like you have most of your life ahead of you.

    LeavingWT says:

    1. Do NOT tell any JWs about your doubts.

    2. Read, read, read and read. Research. Think. Ponder. Read, read, read.

    Proceed with extreme caution. You don't have to make the mistakes that we've made. It's WAY to early to even think about telling anyone what's on your mind and in your heart. You need ro LEARN about the beast that you're up against. You've only glimpsed into the eye of the beast. It's far worse than you can now imagine.

    Take it slow. It's not a race.

    JEWEL: As others have said, take your time and do your research. You'll be scared often and outraged just as often, but if you want to fade as opposed to DA'd or DF'd you'll have to keep your thoughts to yourself.

    GREAT ADVICE from LeavingWT & Jewel. Pay attenting to the experiences here.

    Do your research, but DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE of thinking that presenting it to others will open their eyes! Their eyes will suddenly gloss over and they will see nothing but APOSTATE! in bold RED letters!


  • mamalove

    Don't stop the research. Read as much as you can until you feel somewhat satisfied on the important stuff. Also, start to visualize your life outside of the organization, and let yourself see that you can and WILL be happy.

    There are many organizations like JWs that profess to be the truth. There are members of the FLDS (Fundamenal Mormons), Scientologists and many other smaller scale faiths that you can relate to no doubt, that are also going through what you are. That is what woke me up.

    Hang in there!

  • Heaven

    Hi ya raxxxx and welcome!

    You said: I do not mean to sound dramatic but it is almost like part of your world has / is falling apart... is it not?

    Yes, part of your foundation is crumbling. This is a time of uncertainty, change, discovery, and renewal. Leavingwt has some good suggestions for reading material. Paul's website "JW Facts" ( is very useful as well.

    I personally found Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" to be excellent.

    The very first habit "Be Proactive" is in direct opposition to the Watchtower's habit "Wait on Jehovah". This was very profound for me. I've always found being proactive to be a wise choice while waiting on Jehovah was not. This organization's advice for people is not wise nor is it healthy.

    Life is a journey and yours to create. Only you can do this for you. I wish for you all the best.

  • rebel8


    it is just soo.... much? I do not mean to sound dramatic but it is almost like part of your world has / is falling apart... is it not?

    Yes it surely is. Watch the movie The Village.

    Some lighter material to start your research is misquotes. Look up the wts source directly yourself, then look up the secular source yourself. Then ask yourself if God's Only Channel On Earth could do such a thing.

    Here's a list, but I do recommend you verify them for yourself.

  • flipper

    RAXX- Very good advice here. Especially by Leaving WT. We will be here to support you throughout your fade and journey. Welcome to the board ! Nice having you here

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Welcome they and research...the 'actual' truth will set you free!!

  • Shanagirl

    raxxx, trust your gut feelings. Your inner voice is saying uh oh, this doesn't feel right to me. Use your critical thinking, and read everything. WT is no more different than an abusive parent. Threatening members that they will be shunned and be killed by their god is abusive. It's a spiritually abusive religion that uses cult tactics to keep members in line.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to our nightmare.

    I recommend you keep your mouth firmly shut around Dubs until you are sure you know what you want and have a workable plan to achieve it.

    Every warning the Org ever gave you about IDing dem nasty, evil, apostates ........ your friends and family heard too. Don't think that your family is different and wasn't really listening, or think that the warnings didn't apply to them.

    Stick around and learn from our mistakes and successes.



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