Are you sure leaving is a wise decision ?- Lurkers think twice- Part 2

by mankkeli 283 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    da... It was a joke

    but the only way your statistic could be true


    Alice shows off her Cow Pie Clock..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • mankkeli

    OUTLAW- It is not about the statistics you provided, it is about the integrity and credibility of the source of that information. How can we vouch for their reliability? and as I mentioned in the first series, I am not a Pro-JW.

  • zoiks

    I am not a Pro-JW

    I was trying to hold in the smoke as long as possible, but that just forced me to exhale violently.

    OUTLAW- It is not about the statistics you provided, it is about the integrity and credibility of the source of that information
    How can we vouch for their reliability? and as I mentioned in the first series, I am not a Pro-JW.

    Your the one that made the claims..Your the one who can`t provide any evidence..

    It`s just one Brain Fart after another with you..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Why do you limit your question to atheist so-called apostates? Plenty of JWs leave and join the true Christian faith and have rich fulfilling, truth-filled lives doing God's will. The Bible teaches us to avoid false religion, false teaching, and the Society is a false religion. That has been proven countless times. Eternal salvation hinges on this - JWs are doomed in this regard. While you might believe some JWs have good lives, which some might, the issues go far beyond the present. Bible truths are not merely about "having a good life." Your approach is too self-centered. It's not simply about this present life.

    One cannot be a JW and please the Almighty as the Bible contemplates. He does not approve of false prophets which the JWs are. He does not approve of false doctrines, such as the notion that only 144,000 go to heaven, or that Jesus is only the mediator between an obscure 144,000 and the Almighty, or that the New Covenant is only between Jesus and the 144,000, or that all men are acquitted of their sins committed in this life, or that Jesus was just a man, nothing more, or that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607, or that the Second Return of Jesus Christ happened in 1914. JWs are deluding themselves into believing their lives are better by staying in because they cannot be pleasing God Almighty and doing his will. Like the Jews in Jeremiah's time who had better lives worshipping the Egyptian Sun God before the Babylonians devasted Judah, the JWs are measuring their lives by a false standard.

  • mankkeli

    Jonathan Dough - Those you knew who have constructed a more substantial belief system based on their own understanding of the bible, tell me, how have their lives become better than those of the JWs?.

  • Jewel

    Shamus100 - Which doctor can vouch 100% for your survival if you take blood?, If they cant confidently vouch for the success of the surgery, then it is all about trial and error

    Well, I would say the only one who could vouch for 100% survival would be Jehovah. And I bet there were parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters praying desperately for those kids.

    If you believe in the god of the bible, he could have reached down and cured those kids with the tip of his pinkie. Or he could have used his 1-800-the- Governing-Body number to give them a little "new light" about blood so they could have given the human doctors a fighting chance to save those kids.

    Or, he could have sent a ram or something the parents' way so they could have made a sustitute sacrifice. Nope, for those kids, Jah let the parents go through with the sacrifice. Maybe he's decided he likes the smell of sacrificial human blood the best after all.

  • ReallyTrulyAthena

    If the OP was from a softer perspective of "Hey, lurkers - just trying to help here...when considering leaving the WT [however that leaving is defined - whether fading, DA, DF] know that it may be a tough road. Please be aware of some potential downstream impacts on your decision, as just like in MANY INSTANCES IN THIS THING WE CALL LIFE, there may be pitfalls and obstacles, you may find yourself feeling depressed, etc." - I could see this topic as worthwhile.

    But no. While Mank professes not to be pro-JW, he sure acts like he is. 'Cause that's what high mind-control groups/cults do, right? With them, it's either THIS way or THAT. RIGHT or WRONG. BLACK or WHITE. There's no in-between, no nuances, no shades of grey. Well, Welcome to the Human Race and to Real Life, man...where there are all sorts of ups/downs/side-ways and in-betweens. You act as if staying in the borg is sunshine and roses. It's NOT. Yes, there are happy people there, decent marriages, good association. Not all is bad amongst the general rank and file JW. But on the outside of the JWs, whether theist/atheist/flyin' spaghetti monster believin' - it's the same thing! Not everything in life is ponies and rainbows, but there are happy people, marriages, smiling faces. Maybe it was a tough road to get there, but it was worth it.

    Life is what you make it! And it's not always easy! But it's worth it when you live your truth and live with a sense of dignity and integrity. Funny how I found MORE of that outside the WTBTS, not in. I'm DF' perhaps I don't really have a voice in this particular conversation as this is geared towards those who are lurking and considering an exit...but this website helped firm my resolve to stay out as I was having doubts (and yes, I was missing my family.) Often-times, it saved my sanity and helped me hang on another day. But here is where I really learned the truth about the truth. It helped me feel better to know that all those quiet doubts I about the religion, even as a child, were things others had gone thru as well. I found solace that I "wasn't the only one feelin' like this" and read/learned from others. Yes, there are many heartbreaking tales...but often inter-twined are tales of courage and strength and breaking out to the Other Side, towards unconditional love, happiness and freedom. I can not and will not accept conditional love. I also would not stay in a JW marriage where I was physically/mentally/emotionally abused. I was ready to take my own life, while in the JWs, and after I was DF'd. But I stayed on the road "out", not falling for the emotional twisting my family brought to me in their attempts to get me back in. And here I am.

    So, is it tough "out here"? Sure! There's lots of days of hardship and unhappiness. But again....LIFE is tough! You act like it's a JW-centered experience, and that leaving the borg is a SIN, a bad choice, a no-no...all so we can stay, just to please others.

    You may choose to twist my response as me merely having a tantrum or holding on to anger/venting against the JWs. It's really towards the black and white OP and what I perceive to be black and white behavior from you. Mind you - I have my days, my moments...just like everyone else. But mostly, you know what? I'm alive. Not just surviving. I'm happier. I can hold my head high. I have FREEDOM. And no one can take that away from me. Don't ask me for stats or more "hows" either, pretty please with a ripped-up copy of an unread WT on top.

    There's a price to everything in life. It's up to the individuals to weigh their own, personal decision to leave and determine "how" they want to do that. If they stay, that's their choice as well. Who are we to say?

    Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.
    Abraham Lincoln

    I bid you good day. With that said, I think I'll go and look at the beautiful world outside...

    ~ RTA

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    how have their lives become better than those of the JWs?.

    Where to begin..... I'll sum it up with one word FREEDOM!!!!

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