Fox News

by StopTheTears 137 Replies latest jw friends

  • botchtowersociety

    Regardless, to say that there is a false equivalence in comparing journalistic standards between Fox and MSNBC is just a plain dumb blind thing to say.

    You are muddle headed:

    How can he be a real republican when he stands where he does on social issues?

    Party and ideology are not the same thing. You don't define what a "real republican" is.

    And really, you have a very false view of RP.

    I consider his stand on social issues a fraud also, since what he really seeks to do, is give states the right to allow discrimination by weakening the Fed. govt.

    That's bullshit. Ron Paul doesn't want racial discrimination.

    MSNBC is somehow more honest than Fox?

    You are brainwashed.

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    I think that noted athiest Ricky Gervais said it best:

    Just because you can be offended doesn't meant you're right.

    Personally I think it's a mark of maturity to not automatically become offended when something blatantly offensive is said. I reflect my disbelief back unto the source and ignore any further comments as those that come from a madman. There are classes of people out there who make it a point of becoming offended and using that as an excuse to go on a rant themselves.

    'Redneck' is one of those words that used to have a much more sinister meaning, but now is actually adopted by some. Any overtly racial undertones (after all, redneck almost always refers to a white person) have long since vanished. I can perfectly understand how a black or Hispanic person could be called a "redneck". Put on some Wrangler jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat, and you're there. It could be as simple as just chewing tobacco.

    The 'N Word' is a bit of a different story. Though many victims of this word have embraced it in modern times, it's just a matter of politeness to not use it if you are not black. Someone calling someone that as a deragatory name rightly deserves to be shouted down. Someone mindlessly repeating the words of a rap song should be politely reminded.

    Jesus, now I sound like Mrs. Manners.

  • NewChapter

    LOL, I'm brainwashed. Funny stuff coming from a member of the Ron Paul cult. While he preaches personal liberty, he would take it completely away from everyone by allowing states to dictate rights. Very funny. Thanks for the laugh. Oh, and I'll break another of the cult rules. I WILL define a republican, and Ron Paul ain't it. At least not on the surface. Well maybe he is a real republican---but he chooses a different angle. Instead of using the Federal govt. to enforce morality, he would like to free the states to do it instead---unchecked. So yeah, perhaps he is a real republican.


  • botchtowersociety

    Funny stuff coming from a member of the Ron Paul cult.

    I am not a member of any cult of personality, and this includes Paul. However, when it comes to liberty, this is my religion.

    If you believe one (MSNBC/FOX) of the partisan corporate media is actually better than the other, then you are not seeing straight.

    While he preaches personal liberty, he would take it completely away from everyone by allowing states to dictate rights.

    Read what you just wrote. You are saying that states would take away rights from all of us. That's nuts. Check your state's constitution.

    1.01: All men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety.

    Here is mine:

    Basic rights. — All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property; except that the ownership, inheritance, disposition and possession of real property by aliens ineligible for citizenship may be regulated or prohibited by law. No person shall be deprived of any right because of race, religion, national origin, or physical disability.

    One of Ron Pauls's favorite books is Bastiat's "The Law." From everything I've read from him, he believes the law is only valid when it protects our own freedom.

  • botchtowersociety

    Looking at your posts again trying to figure them don't make any friggin sense!

    First you state that he isn't SoCon enough to be a "real republican":

    How can he be a real republican when he stands where he does on social issues?

    Then you accuse him in your next post of a devious plan to back door legal enforcement of SoCon morality!

    Instead of using the Federal govt. to enforce morality, he would like to free the states to do it instead---unchecked.

    I guess too much MSNBC makes you

  • Berengaria

    Ohhh look at Burn and his deceitful quoting tactic!!

    She said

    I WILL define a republican, and Ron Paul ain't it. At least not on the surface. Well maybe he is a real republican---but he chooses a different angle. Instead of using the Federal govt. to enforce morality, he would like to free the states to do it instead---unchecked. So yeah, perhaps he is a real republican.

    Not to mention when he has to link Prison Planet, he's reeeeally hit bottom.

  • botchtowersociety

    Berengaria can't follow a thread and is engaging in her usual sort of well poisoning ad hominemisms. Video is linked.

  • NewChapter

    Thanks Beks. I thought I made myself clear, but apparently anything can be taken out of context.

  • Violia

    I see we are still talking about words.

    I find redneck offensive b/c it is a slur. I take offense b/c one is intended. To say it has lost its impact is not true. Come to Texas and start throwing words like redneck, white trash and trailer trash around. I realize it is different in some areas but those are insults here. Middle and upper class whites love throwing these words around to insult those who are not in their social class. Saying it is not an insult betrays a lack of knowledge of who uses these words and why. They mean you are poor and stupid. It is a way to deem you for just being poor.

    I grew up working class white and we most certainly did not hang out in bars, strip joints, get drunk and fight, have domestic disputes in the yard. All of those behaviors would be associated with what is commonly called rednecks, white trash, and trailer trash. They are not associated with working class whites in this area.

    Using any of these slurs and insults does not work toward peace and harmony. It is a social class slur and it Is insulting.

  • Berengaria

    Burn excels in obfuscation, deceit and projection.

    Berengaria can't follow a thread and is engaging in her usual sort of well poisoning ad hominemisms. Video is linked.

    Berengaria never said she "couldn't" follow the thread.

    I would think that the plural of "ad hominem" is "ad hominems"??

    Poisoning the Well? Please, don't be humble, this is your area of expertise!!

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