Chemtrails, Seeing is believing.

by pedal power 482 Replies latest social current

  • pedal power
    pedal power

    Chimp has done a runner ? where are you laddie ? are you google-ing the canadian press ? If you are so sure of your assesrtions, post, I asked a simple enough question, your reply please ?

  • sammielee24

    Cloud seeding is a FACT. The governments that over-ride mother nature, have said that the chemicals they use to alter the weather, aren't harmful to you - of course, government will tell you that radiation is safe in small doses whereas scientists have declared time and again that there is NO safe amount of radiation. Chem-trails come from any variety of sources and in regards to morgellons - given the historic proof of tampering with the climate and experimenting on people - I'm not about to disbelieve anything that I read. Chemicals that fall to the ground and are absorbed, chemicals that have proven to harm the fish - are in all liklihood proving harmful to us over the long term. sammies


    Pacific Spirit Marine Institute

    Wednesday, June 18, 2008

    Russian pilots accidentally dropped an un-pulverized chunk of cement into a house while trying to assure a dry holiday. Yet another attempt to ‘fool mother nature’.

    Let’s have a look at what is commonly found in cement shall we? Calcium oxide which is corrosive to human tissue. Crystaline silica which can cause damage to lungs, and is abrasive to the skin. Toss in a trace amount of chromium and voila! allergic reactions.
    Silver oxide, another cloud seeding favorite, is said to be non-toxic to humans yet it is known to have severe detrimental affects on fish. Salt, popular also, is being widely used to change the weather too. Salt lessens the ability of soil to transfer nutrients to plants…there are few enough nutrients left in the food we eat as it is.

    Pony up Paul McCartney! In 2004 Mc Cartney’s team reportedly spent 55,000.00 to have 3 jets spray clouds over the Palace Square in St. Petersburg, Russia to stave off rain.The former Beatle needed to spread his former corrupting influence in a rain free environment, so he influenced the weather by spreading, not corruption but, dry ice so that his 50,000 fans there could stay dry. (The former Soviet regime had banned Beatle music as a ‘corrupting influence.)

    China has guaranteed rainless medal ceremonies for the Olympics. A quick google search brings up more countries in the world and more state agencies ‘practicing weather modification’ than any sane person would hope to find. It’s absolutely daunting and the reasons, in some cases, are beyond belief.

    The United States, Canada, South Africa, Mexico, Australia,China, Russia…You name it. It seems if a nation or a state has two nickles to rub together they are going to get into the weather modification game. Beyond a playful picnic, or drought busting, I think it would be a mistake not to at least consider many nations are eyeballing weaponization of the weather…Operation Popeye is just one, now public, example.

    No wonder our weather is so screwed up!

  • shamus100

    Yes, they cloud seed. Yes! They've done it! What you are referring to is entirely different.

    Here is where we can all get off the stalemate. Just tell me that you believe what independent scientists (not really scientists) and theorists on the net are saying. Just say it - it's not hard.

    I don't have to google anything because any asshole can build a website in their basement. Did I believe bullshit on this website when I left the cult? NO. I found out for myself, using proof.

    Give me what I ask for and I'll respond. You need to understand give and take relationship. You haven't given me anything yet. Hell, just give me a yes or a no. These are some wild claims - proof please.

  • pedal power
    pedal power

    Hi Sammies, good to have you on board, another ex JW who has Critical thinking Skills, or just occasionally looks up, Its not rocket science is it ?, PP

  • pedal power
    pedal power

    Chimp, answer the question, Do you believe the Canadian press and media objectively, tell you the truth, and if so why ? as you have stated the Canadian media can be trusted Why ?

  • shamus100

    That's all you have, PP? That's really sad - you have no proof other than what these conspiracy websites tell you.

    Nice having a one-sided conversation with you. To answer your question: My cats breath smells like cat food. Hope that satisfies you.

  • pedal power
    pedal power

    ANSWER MY QUESTION, Do you trust The Canadian press and media to report the News Truthfully and objectively, You wont escape , yes or no, and give your reasons ? Im still waiting ?

  • Qcmbr

    Chemtrails is an odd one for me - and I do love conspiracy theories.

    Things I need convincing of:

    1 - Chemtrails are deliberately harmful (seems a pretty dangerous thing to do unless the perpetrators live in air filtered buildings / are innoculated.)

    2 - Spraying an area for a measurable effect would be pretty stupid (Headline: City X suffers massive rate of disease Y ). Spraying it for no effect / minor effect would also be pretty stupid (2 additional cases of disease Z in two weeks for several thousands of pounds worth of spray / wages etc.)

    3 - Cloud seeding (the well known practice of cloud control to see if water vapour can be condensed around particles to promote precipitation) is not the cause. Include crop spraying etc.

    4 - Entire swathes of government / military personnel would need to be involved and also to keep quiet.

    5 - If it was 'evil' experiments than surely the west would be doing this to under represented populations in Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan rather than in the middle of central Britain.

    Things that would help:

    1 - An actual reason for spraying ( I can see motive for faking a moon landing but I can see none for spraying stuff in the air with no discernable effects.)

    2 - Some measurable effects verified by scientific evidence - on multiple occasions.

    3 - Samples of what was supposed to be sprayed.

    4 - Video evidence of two similar aircraft flying side by side showing one producing a contrail and teh other producing both a contrail and a chemtrail. As a compromise I'll be ok with one aircraft producing both trail types at the same time.

  • pedal power
    pedal power

    Hi qcmbr, Not trying to circumvent your intrest, but if you had read the posts, or at least some of them, then, needless repitition would not be nessesary, with all due respect, your points, and many more, have been raised and answered, many times over, PP

  • Qcmbr

    pp - I did read them and while I accept that there have been several youtube videos and internet articles the standard of evidence would need to be a little higher than dramatic music backed 'expose' videos made on someone's home pc - I wouldn't accept that level of evidence for anything else important. So far for me chemtrails are probably a tiny percent truth (maybe there have been some government studies to see how far harmless viruses/bacteria spread - in fact I hope the governments have done this sort of study since biological attack is a probablility), a large percent of mistaken linkage (crop spraying through to cloud seeding), a very large part uneducated mistakes (I stopped looking at the linked map of chemtrails pictures posted previously since they all looked just like regualr contrails to me) and then the largest part speculative bolloxs which basc logic defeats.

    Sry if i dont get as excited as you - there's a real famine going on in Africa.

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