The effect we are having on the Watchtower is HUGE

by jwfacts 140 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mary

    Excellent graph JWFacts. We should all turn our time into Crooklyn to let them know the success we're having getting people out.

  • Violia

    They really cover their bases with some of the bad PR by the Df ing policy and the way jws spread rumors about those who are "weak". The only time they have any real problems is when the person who leaves was really one of them , dearly loved and widely respected. They have a hard time destroying their reputation. I can think of one brother and family who left and they called at his home for years begging him to return. He wanted nothing to do with them and never gave them a reason for leaving-just left and changed phone number and eventually moved. that was years ago and to my knowledge they never found out why he left.

    I think unless you are someone very important to them they can damage your reputation to the point it would not matter what you said about them, you are an apostate. case closed.

    i always hope and pray for those who were well liked and connected to leave . those folks they fear.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    The other way they have boosted the figures is by allowing both parents to count the hours spent studying with their children.

  • sir82
    The other way they have boosted the figures is by allowing both parents to count the hours spent studying with their children.

    You'd be surprised - well, maybe not - at how many parents get 100% of their field service time from just "studying with their kids".

    I can think of 3 right off the top of my who fall into that category in my congregation.

    Expand it to "get more than 50% of their time from studying with their kids" and it jumps to well over a dozen.

  • snowbird

    Good News to Make Us Happy tm

    Excellent work, JWFacts.

    Did Para mention a parable about not being able to finish what was started?

    Luke 14:28-30 "Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn't first sit down and figure the cost so you'll know if you can complete it? If you only get the foundation laid and then run out of money, you're going to look pretty foolish. Everyone passing by will poke fun at you: 'He started something he couldn't finish.' The Message Bible

    Tee hee hee.


  • MrMonroe

    JWN and JWFacts are among the sites that contain some of the best facts about the WTS that can open the eyes of wavering JWs.

    I think it's also heartening that the Jehovah's Witnesses page at Wikipedia (probably perceived as a reasonably trustworthy site) gets between 4000 and 5000 visits a day; the Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses article gets between 180 and 200 visits a day, probably all of them coming directly from the links within the parent article.

    Witnesses have tried very hard to remove and water down the criticisms section of the main article; I think it may help to round out the knowledge of anyone considering immersing themselves deeper into the religion.

  • sizemik

    We better whisper in soft tones about Wikipedia Mr M . . . I agree it's a valuable resource in it's current form, because of it being perceived as close to neutral as any resource for info on JW's . . . good to hear those sorts of figures.

    JWs are such a tiny minority that any change in world population is going to have no measurable effect on their ongoing potential for growth.

    I have to agree with this . . . at 0.01% of the overall population this constitutes an irrelevancy. It's like measuring the distance from here to Timbuktu in light years. Population growth as it relates to the bOrg is about internal population growth and more importantly . . . the success of their prosyletising and retention tactics . . . both of which are seriously threatened by the internet . . . a threat which is not constant, but is growing. (sorry Marvin)

  • rebel8

    That's totally encouraging.

    Considering only my anecdotal observations, that was after the Great Witch Hunt of the 1980s, when unbaptized children as young as 13 were involuntarily "disassociated" from the platform and shunned for silly things like making out, trying marijuana or listening to "demonic" music. It was the big apostacy scare.

    Basically every time any innocent or normal person gets DFd and non-Borg people find out, it's a really bad witness. They tell others, who are disgusted by it.

    Their behavior in the 80s--again from my limited anecdotal evidence--did them great harm too.

    The Internet was probably the final nail in the coffin of an already half-dead growth movement--but certainly a necessary and big nail!

  • ABibleStudent

    Outlaw -

    The percentage is higher than that..

    How many times have you heard a JW defend the WBT$ by saying:

    "I know there are problems in the organization but where else would we go"..


    When a JW says that "I know there are problems in the organization", ask them what problems are they refering to instead of allowing a JW to go back to sleep. If a JW can't say what they feel are problems, then ask them if they were trying to deceive you, because you can tell him exactly what is wrong with the WTBTS but you don't want to cause him cognitive dissonance. A JW would have to continue to think to discover what is cognitive dissonance.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • unshackled

    I recall this phrase was consistently used like a slogan in 80s/90s: "and he will speed it up in his own time"

    Can anyone confirm whether they still use this saying frequently? I haven't noticed in their WT as much. Perhaps starting to de-emphasive the numbers growth?

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