The effect we are having on the Watchtower is HUGE

by jwfacts 140 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    don't recall the exact time of the change in reporting hours but I distinctly remember that in the past when studying with a baptized individual only the study conductor was able to count the time. Now however, as mentioned in the April 2011 KM Question Box, both the study conductor and the publisher who accompanies him or her on the study should report the time spent.

    This has been the case for quite some time and was explained as such in "Organized to do Jehovah's will" published 2005, page 86 par 2.

    This week there is a Service Meeting item entitled "How much time should I count?" It refers to Sept 2008 KM which announced that henceforth both parents at the family BS can count time up to one hour per week!

    I got the distict feeling from the item they are trying to get publishers to note down every minute when you say something that could be considered as preaching!


    I firmly believe that 90% of Witnesses have some sort of doubt about a teaching or a practice of the religion......Stuckinamovement

    The percentage is higher than that..

    How many times have you heard a JW defend the WBT$ by saying:

    "I know there are problems in the organization but where else would we go"..


    It`s a common saying in Watchtower World..And..It happens all the time..

    JW`s acknowledge something is wrong in the WBT$..

    Then they go back to sleep..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • Hoping4Change

    ....and the effects of (besides being a great reference for anyone who needs quick answers)?

    Enough so that media outlets will use it as a reference(with link). See 'not quite half way down':

  • clarity

    Remember the jw's old saying "what a momentuous time to be living!" ?

    Love this post JWfacts, keep up the good work.

    Talking about all these many stats and reports .....I find it amazing that the seven GB members don't even know or care, how many of their other '144000 brothers' are alive.

    Somehow way tooo hard to keep those stats!!! GB says the 144000 are taking the lead in preaching the good news, how would they know? Where are their special reports ?

    And yet they will hound us for our 15 minutes on a time slip!


    love this one....

    "They know the average number of hours each of the 3 pioneers on Butumba Butumba Island spend in field service each month, and they know the average attendance of the Theocratic Ministry School for the month of July 2009 in the Herpaderp congregation in Butterfinger Idaho."

  • sir82

    where else would we go

    And the WTS is aware of them saying this as well. That phrase makes it into the WT study articles at least 2 or 3 times a year.

    One might go so far as to say the WTS encourages them to say it.

    It's one of the WTS's most effective tricks. Point out the lies, hypocrisy, corruption, greed, hatred, etc. of every other human institution on earth (not that hard if you look close enough) and then step back and say "but we are different!"

    JWs are conditioned to look for the flaws and imperfections of every other organization, overlooking their good points. "Just a drop of poison in a glass of water! Would you still drink it?"

    Then, once (inevitably) a flaw or imperfection in their own organization is pointed out, it's quite easy to say "but where else would we go? Every other place is worse!"

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Hi Marvin,

    I can't say that I agree or disagree with your graph or conclusion because I simply don't understand them. Perhaps you can explain a little bit more what the y-axis represents. According to Wikipedia's world population page the annual world population growth rate has hovered between its 1962 high of 2.2% and 1.1% in 2009; these percentages don't match the numbers on the left hand side of your table. Perhaps if you used one line to represent the world population growth rate over time and another to plot the Witnesses annual growth rate a clearer comparison could be made.


  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    "Thanks, jw facts and Old Goat, for your findings. The WTS can see the trends, as all of you have pointed out, but I doubt they will change much about their approach and operations. I found Old Goat's experience especially telling. The Witness "historian" he talked to said that apostates have played a role in the development of Witness teaching and culture down through the decades. It is interesting that this same historian couldn't cite holy spirit as that driving force, isn't it? Yet this is the organization that makes new adherents profess belief that it is "spirit directed"! Terry, you were spot on about the Witness mindset. "Willful ignorance" best describes it."

    I don't want to misrepressent him. Of course he presented all the usual "scriptural" arguments including the claim that Witnesses are directed by holy spirit. But you've heard all that, right? Retelling that here wouldn't sway anyone, would it? And I wouldn't put the word 'historian' in quotes. He's one of the few Witnesses with impressive letters after his name and a book and articles in his C.V.

  • hoser

    One population statistic worth mentioning IMHO is the baby boomer generation. They are the ones born from 1946 to the mid sixties and are a huge segment of the population. I'm just wondering if the huge growth of the WT in the 60's and 70's had anything to do with the boomers coming of age and the lack of growth today because of gen x and gen y.

    I do notice a lot of grey hair in the KH lately.


  • Bella15

    Hello Everybody:

    I have a neighbor who studied with the JWs for 4 months, she looked them up in the Internet and immediately terminated her home study with them after finding out about the facts about the Watchtower Corporation through the net. I hope more people will be googling the Watchtower and finding out the real facts about them!

  • Glander

    More JW's should be looking into XJW websites and spend less time looking at porn and touching themselves.

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