The effect we are having on the Watchtower is HUGE

by jwfacts 140 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heaven

    They know the average number of hours each of the 3 pioneers on Butumba Butumba Island spend in field service each month, and they know the average attendance of the Theocratic Ministry School for the month of July 2009 in the Herpaderp congregation in Butterfinger Idaho.

    I'm-a havin' a real hard time reading the rest of this thread because my eyes are tearing up too much from laughing so hard. Thanks sir82.

  • WTWizard

    And the graph only tells part of the story. How many of those going into the cancer are from Nigeria? What about other countries from Africa that do not have access to the Internet? Most of those people have close to zero education, and are looking for a better way. They think the witless lifestyle is the better way, so they jump without having access to information that proves otherwise. They also have nowhere else to go, since their life outside the cancer is dreary. Fortunately, these people have close to nothing to contribute.

    Also, there is the issue of fake time slips. How many of those remaining in are only turning in fake time slips? And the "growth(??)" is mostly children within witless families. One country had a loss of roughly 1,700 witlesses between 1996 and 2001, and they managed to gain back a whopping 81 between 2001 and 2006 (and I think those are children that got forced to get baptized), out of less than 20,000 witlesses. Another country, one that was the showcase of the witlesses during the 1980s, seems to have been reporting negative growth as well. Sincere members are shrinking even faster than active members that are turning in nominal time slips.

  • Ding

    The WTS seems to be in circle-the-wagons mode, seeing apostates behind every bush and DFing as many people as possible.

    They do everything they can to isolate JWs from people around them and from anything that might cause them to question the organization.

    That may produce a group of devoted followers, but it doesn't promote growth and it makes a lot of born-ins long for freedom as soon as they reach adulthood.

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    I don't recall the exact time of the change in reporting hours but I distinctly remember that in the past when studying with a baptized individual only the study conductor was able to count the time. Now however, as mentioned in the April 2011 KM Question Box, both the study conductor and the publisher who accompanies him or her on the study should report the time spent. The reason given is that they want newly baptized ones to be fully 'rooted' in the Christ so every effort must be made to study the 2 entire books with them before leaving them on their own. No need to be fully 'rooted' before baptism.

    That change, especially if a publisher knows how to milk a study by considering 2-4 paragraphs per session, can significantly boost the hours counted by at least two people. Imagine: two publishers can now count time spent teaching an already converted individual.


  • Shrek

    One of the biggest facts that got me thinking many years ago is the difference in how many become witnesses each year compared to how many people are born in the world each year. It seems that there are approximately (very roughty) 200,000 people added to the WTS each year, give or take. That's about how many people are born each DAY on the planet, give or take. Yes , the percentages may show an increase for the witnesses, but look at raw numbers.

    According to, I figure there are about 74,000,000 more people each year on the planet. If the witnesses convert say 250,000 people each year, then that is 73,750,000 more people Jehovah has to destroy each year that armageddon comes.

    I was always taught that if Jehovah had brought the end in 1914, 1975, etc. (take your pick), then look at how many witnesses would not have been gathered. I say look how many more people have to die for every day the world goes on.

  • dozy

    Nice graph , JWF.

    It is hard to quantify the effect of the net & "apostate" sites , but there must be a marginal effect , particularly on children of JWs who are of a generation who google everything and aren't inclined to be spooked by the FADS telling them not to look behind the curtain. Once baptised & entrenched and with large family networks (as we all know) it takes a huge effort to leave and most people don't bother.

    Growth wise , the WTBTS seem to have almost given up on the West (excluding the USA) which is in long term decline other than amongst immigrant communities. If they can retain most of their membership with a mixture of sticks & carrots and hope that enough children stay in to offset deaths ( hence the encouragement to baptise them by 12 years old ) , then they will be quite happy.

    The new simplifed study Watchtower and the new brochure issued at the assembly is a clear indication of where their priorities lie - the poor & uneducated masses of Africa & South & Central America. These are flocking into the evangelical churches in their droves and JWs can take a slice of that cake.

  • Gayle

    The power of one.

    There are many successes starting with one or few, that finally make the stand that something is not right. Governments have turned in their power. Injustices have finally been exposed. There are many, many voices now free to express the machinisms of the Watchtower/GB. These voices are not going away.

    The Internet can link individuals that have been isolated in the past because of the "moats" created around each congregation by the WTS.

    Even where ones may not be Internet savy in poor countries, their 'word of mouth' can be strong. These countries may have one person that become a whole family that become JWs. However, these families in such countries have a different form of survival. They rely on each other differently, tremendously. They become disturbed more deeply when one of their own are hurt by elders or the WTS. In such countries, they may get recruits quickly but most will will burn out quickly because of the unloving demands of such an organization.

    Their youth leaving at critical percentages should be horrifying to them.

    The authoritorianism of the GB is so anti-"freedom." It is repulsive. It's exposure will not go away now. Never.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Another more recent change they made that I think probably hurt them was canceling the midweek book study in private homes.

    The reason they gave was love for the friends - saving their gas money and giving them an evening for Family Worship at home.

    The result is one less indoctrination session to reinforce the mind control. This was a huge error that I expect them to fix before long. They will create a "new" meeting earlier in the week so that no JW has to go more than 3 days without indoctrination reinforcement anymore. They may even make it non-compulsory at first - but the social pressures and unwritten rules (men who don't attend don't get privileges) will require everyone to be there.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    "I don't recall the exact time of the change in reporting hours but I distinctly remember that in the past when studying with a baptized individual only the study conductor was able to count the time. Now however, as mentioned in the April 2011 KM Question Box, both the study conductor and the publisher who accompanies him or her on the study should report the time spent."

    I remember when neither the study conductor nor anyone else was permitted to count time when studying with a baptised person.


    Terry nailed the customer service numbers..It`s the same way in Canada..

    A Happy customer will tell 4 people about Good Service..An Angry customer will tell 10 people about Bad Service..

    The WBT$ has Pissed alot of people off..Including still active JW`s..

    It`s going to have an effect..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

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