Do you yearn to know what we are, and why we are here, before you die?

by sabastious 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • finding my way
    finding my way

    One of the things my mother says to me when she chooses to associate with me... is that there's no where else to go. She thinks i'm miserable and lost "out here". I'm not. I feel content not knowing. I'm still curious and enjoy very much reading about other ideas. I'm currently exploring some new age dream ideas etc. but just for fun. I don't feel pressured to find any answers. I guess I believe that if there is a God he is LOVE and he will know that I am just trying to be good. I'm cool with that

  • Nickolas

    That's more than can be said for the WTBTS. No apologies from these individuals. Though the messenger may have been flawed, his message has obtained almost incredible accuracy as it pertains to prophecies regarding the resurgent rise of Germany, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the rise and meteoric fall of the United States, a predicted United States of Europe in the form of the now formed European Union.

    Can't agree with you more on the first sentiment, prophecor. The men of the Governing Body talk out of both sides of their mouths. When their truths turn out to be falsehoods they either assign it to God revealing truth incrementally through new light (which is absurd, since their light is not getting brighter but is either on or off) or blame it on the rank and file for running ahead. If the GB were ever to make such a remarkable admission as did the new leadership of the WWCOG it would cause a whole lot of new lightbulbs coming on in the minds of Jehovah's Witnesses, but not the kind the GB wants.

    As to Herbert W. Armstong's prophesies it is necessary to recognise them all before coming to a conclusion as to how remarkable they were and how remarkable the man was. What you are describing are predictions, not prophesies. My late father, an atheist, also predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, the formation of the European Union and the decline of the United States. He also predicted the rise of China and India and a number of other things that have come about. But he saw those things because they were there to be seen. The writing was on the wall for anyone astute enough to read it. It didn't make him into a prophet, just a prognosticator. Herbert W. didn't restrict his prophesies to world events, however. He also involved himself in the mystical realm and it was there he was shown to be just another false prophet.

  • godrulz

    findingway: God's standard is perfection, so your goodness will be filthy rags in a holy God's sight. This is why we need Jesus. Faith in Him alone and what He has done for us saves. Your mother is also wrong. JWs are a dead end and there are many other places to go that truly know God and the Bible (unlike JWs). God will hold us accountable for what we do with our lives and the truth that He has revealed. The answers are out there, so laziness or apathy or ignorance will not be an excuse in the end (Rom. 1). We should not research cars, houses, careers, schools, TV purchases, etc. more than spiritual things that affect our eternal destiny. Don't be lulled into the lie of the Matrix. There is reality beyond the hustle/bustle.

  • designs

    "so your goodness will be filthy rags in a holy God's sight"

    And you wonder why Religious people have self-esteem problems...eeesh

  • ProdigalSon

    Absolutely. It's been my lifelong quest.

    We're here to remember why we're here! And then, to help humanity and the earth... evolve towards unified consciousness.... the Law of One.... service to and compassion....gratitude and forgiveness.... and yes the animals help us and we help them....

    jaguarbass: I agree with you about the Sumerian texts, that the truth is locked up in there.... but Sitchin has made some translation errors.... you might want to look into this:

    This planet X stuff is just wrong... it's not natural events that have been wiping out the civilizations here, it's been the same as it is now.... war, war and more war, until there's NUCLEAR war.

    Look into the Planet Tiamat.... that's where the floodwaters came's now the Asteroid Belt.

    Also, google Michael Tsarion- "The Origins of Evil", and "The Future of Mankind" I really do believe he's got the story a lot straighter than Sitchin.

  • godrulz

    designs: Rom. 1-3 establishes this. The problem is that you are comparing yourself to Hitler, so you are not so bad and have some good. God will compare you to Jesus, blazing in holy perfection. We all fall short of the glory of God no matter how 'good' we are. It is actually mentally healthy to have an accurate view of ourselves: not thinking too little nor too highly of ourselves. God has accurate perception down to heart and motive, but we fool ourselves and others (difference between character and reputation). Since we fall short, we need the cross to bridge the gap that we cannot (a drunk might drown a few feet from shore and an Olympian may swim for hours, but no one will cross the ocean from US to England no matter how good or bad a swimmer they are). You don't understand the basics about God and the gospel. JWs think Catholics, etc. are biblically illiterate. Well, evangelicals are right to know that JWs really don't understand God, gospel, Bible either (I am convinced of this after 30 years and 100s of encounters; a JW cannot tell me what to do if a plane is crashing and I am trying to get right with God, whereas I know the biblical way to have assurance even on the death bed).

  • Nickolas

    God's standard is perfection

    You are apparently unfamiliar with entropy. The entire universe is becoming more and more disorderly with each passing nanosecond. If you believe God created the universe and all the laws that govern it then it follows that His standard is the polar opposite of perfection. It is chaos. Regardless, and I hesitate to say this godrulz, but I am finding your posts more and more difficult to stomach, so I will not be reading them any more.

  • prophecor

    Correction taken and accepted on point: prediction as opposed to prophecy, Nickolas. Can you elaborate, however as to Armstrong's involvement in myticism? The idea of cult will always be suspect as we are products of a cult. Those of the former World Wide Church of God also were not mainstream. Any one not marching to the beat of the status quo will also be judged a cult. I'm willing to accept being called cultish as even Christ defined the fact that there would not be throngs of folk who would come to know him or follow in his footsteps, but only a rare few. Mainstream religion is the wide ride, with too many on board in that theatre of operation.

  • designs


    Romans is one of the major catastrophies in the NT, now the Evangelical will rush to say you can't understand it unless you are Born Again, BS, study a little Judaism, which it is suppose to be countering and you quickly realize Paul was a fake Jew who had the equivalent of an Enquirer Magazine understanding of Judaism.

  • godrulz

    One does not have to be born again to understand Romans. It is a magna carta statement of the gospel. You fail to appreciate the relationship between the shadow/types of Judaism and the reality in Christ. Jesus/Paul were exemplary Jews, but we are now in a new era of full, progressive revelation (Heb. 1:1-3). Why do atheists and skeptics always think they know more about the Bible and spiritual matters than those who have the Spirit of God? There are answers to all your lame objections.

    Nick: God is the most valuable, awesome, majestic, perfect being in the universe. When you look at creation, you are seeing a fallen, chaotic, demonized world different than God's original 'very good' creation. He will restore creation in the end, but it now groans under the weight of sin and the fall. I am talking about moral issues, but you are talking about physical ones. God's standard is perfection in relation to moral issues and your life. What does that have to do with soil erosion, second law of thermodynamics (that contradicts evolution), etc.?!

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