Want to quit Bible study

by confusedstudent 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedstudent

    I know this weekend is the convention. I called my teacher earlier today and told her I wasn't going. I already went to this exact same convention in California in December. I told her I wanted to spend the last weekend I had before work with my husband. She wasn't pleased. I was confused because I have already gone to this convention! She said it is good to go again for fellowship but I said I need to spend a weekend with my husband. And my teacher is actually only about 30. Her husband is very young also, which confused me because I thought all the annointed were very elderly and about to kick the bucket.

    I am going to be working on base. She knows this. There were several sisters in California who were married to military members who were still publishers. I wonder why they allow it for them. She didn't seem to be deterred in trying to get me out in the ministry by this fact. I wonder what they would expect me to do for a job otherwise, I dont' speak Japanese. It is hard enough for a military wife to get a job on base even!

  • james_woods

    ConfusedStudent - am I correct in the assumption that your JW "bible study teacher" is Japanese?

  • confusedstudent

    The one in Japan is. My old teacher in California was not though.

  • james_woods
    The one in Japan is. My old teacher in California was not though.

    ConfusedStudent - I think you have already made your decision. This so-called "religion" is not for you; you are just needing some moral support in telling the JWs the facts about it. Trust us on this - just tell them honestly, and then concentrate on the important parts of your life.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Since you aren't baptized, if you work on a military base, you will not be eligible to be an unbaptized publisher nor qualified to enroll on the Theocratic Ministry School. It has to do with the neutrality issue.

    You mentioned about sisters who are already publishers who are married to active duty military. If they were to work on base, then they would be excommunicated from the congregation because it means that they would have disassociated themselves by breaking the neutrality issue.

    If you elect to work on base, then it will create a buffer for you in terms of congregational committments. You will be prevented to have any active role in the Kingdom Hall. Thus, your study conductor will then have an "unprogressive" Bible study. Great for you if you want to just slip away.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • thetrueone

    She said it is good to go again for fellowship but I said I need to spend a weekend with my husband.

    There's that cult thing that you've probably heard about, watching your every move, what you read, who are you associating with.

    It will only get worse over time as you proceed deeper. ( they have actuality told people to not marry or have children as an example )

    The JWS will try and separate you from your husband and your entire family.

    The JWS identify themselves as a family ( a new spiritual family, under god )

    All of this separation comes into play so that the individual becomes their own subjective controlled slave, working for the

    WTS publishing company.

    They have also said that when someone becomes a JWs they put on a new personality ( brainwashing in other words)

    You've been warned !

  • wasblind

    While I was a study still attending the Hall

    I had this part time job ( WHICH WAS BADLY NEEDED )

    I was called to work a lot of weekends, I was told that

    I was not putttin my faith in Jehovah, And guilted into quiting

    big Mistake. That job was right at home, all the othe part time

    jobs are 30 miles away, ain't worth the time with gas prices

    please don't do anything foolish like I did and expect " MOTHER" ( Governing Body )

    to inform Jehovah of your need, cause MOM ain't got much pull as

    they think when it comes to Daddy

  • confusedstudent

    My teacher and everyone at the hall knows I am going to be working on base and none of them have said anything about it, this is the first I have heard of that. I know for a fact of some sisters who have worked for base childcare and still were publishers. Some sisters have even suggested my filing under military spouse preference for a job on base (they are active publishers and military wives). Has everyone I have ever met just ignored this rule or is it different if you are married to someone in the military? I have to live on base since I am overseas, I shop on base, use base services.... I just find it odd nobody has ever said anything about this before and have in fact been encouraged to search for a job on base by active sisters who are military wives.

  • james_woods
    Has everyone I have ever met just ignored this rule or is it different if you are married to someone in the military? I have to live on base since I am overseas, I shop on base, use base services.... I just find it odd nobody has ever said anything about this before and have in fact been encouraged to search for a job on base by active sisters who are military wives.

    They treat people differently when they are trying to get you into the religion than they do when you are actually in the religion.

    The job has nothing really to do with this - the point is that you do not want to be caught up in an all-controlling religious cult.

    As I said before - just tell them politely that you are not interested in joining the religion - and get on with your real life.

    These people are not your real friends. They are merely trying to recruit you into their cult.

    BTW - and I forgot to ask earlier - what does you husband think about all this?

  • wasblind

    I don't live in a military town, But North Carolina does have a military base

    maybe they are not being as heavy handed becuase their being so many

    military wives in that area, depends on the cong your in also

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