Want to quit Bible study

by confusedstudent 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • Highlander

    I do feel like I wasted their time,

    Maybe your time with them prevented someone else from being recruited.

    Don't worry about their feelings. They don't worry about the feelings of their close family and friends whom they shun after exiting the cult.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Congratulations confusedstudent . . .

    And I do feel bad. But mostly for accepting a study in the beginning. I do feel like I wasted their time,

    There may well come a time when you consider wasting a JW's time to be a badge of honor

  • jeckle

    good for you i'm happy for you and hubby i pm'ed you earlier on this thread this am was in a hurry and very tired.

  • ThomasCovenant

    I'm sure you'll be ok. After all, out of the 99.99% of the world's population that are not JW's, many seem to get on quite nicely with their lives. Well done.

  • confusedstudent

    I have been getting emails ALL day. Phone calls that I haven't answered too. Mostly about apostate websites and how Satan is trying to lead me astray. Also about my husband needs to be saved by the truth and I am his only hope and "don't you want the best for him?" Mainly just telling me I am being influenced by Satan. Also a lot of stories about military wives who perservered even though their husbands beat them every time they went to a meeting. And "I hope you will make it to convention tomorrow?" I was so nice and direct about it. I WISH TO DISCONTINUE MY STUDY. THANK YOU. Why can't they leave it alone? I was super polite and nice and grateful. If they think bugging me at all hours of the day is going to get me to change my mind they are crazy! They also have a bunch of other military wives who are witnesses contacting me with how thankful they are that they didn't get discouraged their husbands are now witnesses blah blah blah blah, I didn't give them permission to give out my email! Also a bunch of "I have been crying all night I am so worried about you I love you I just want what is best for you". Dang I am glad I got out now I can't imagine how hard it would be if I had been made an unbaptized publisher on tuesday!

    They are trying to make me feel guilty like I have done something personally to them. You can't join a religion just because it will hurt someone's feelings if you don't. That is a ridiculous ploy.

    On a brighter note my husband and I went out to Chili's to celebrate and had a perfectly lovely day doing almost nothing. Much better than the convention!

  • Heaven

    I have been getting emails ALL day. Phone calls that I haven't answered too. Mostly about apostate websites and how Satan is trying to lead me astray.

    And so it begins. I am serious when I say you should consider moving.

    edited to add: If this is not an option, go 'unpublished' with the phone company and change your phone number. Get a new email address.

  • confusedstudent

    Well I live on a military base so the likelihood of them getting to my actual house is nonexistant. I am considering getting my cell phone number changed at this point though. I have other email addresses that I will just have to start using more. This is ridiculous. Especially them giving out my phone number! I am restricted with the phone company though for my house phone, but it's a base number so the Japanese dubs wouldn't be able to call anyway-it's an American number and wont accept it. It really is just the email and cell phone. I will have to go in to the cell phone store to get numbers blocked because I can't read Japanese! But it still is worth it though. It is just SOO annoying. I have never been so glad to live on a military base in my life.

  • confusedstudent

    And as far as actually physically moving I am the military's property and can only move when they tell me too. But being on base provides a certain amount of privacy and protection you can't truly get otherwise. I'm lucky.

  • Heaven

    And as far as actually physically moving I am the military's property and can only move when they tell me too. But being on base provides a certain amount of privacy and protection you can't truly get otherwise. I'm lucky.

    Cool. But if they start showing up there, request a transfer. Or an armed guard to deal with them.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    That someone can progress as far as you have and then just pull out . . . that can be disconcerting to them and "shakes their faith" a little . . . it's an informed 'negative vote' for their religion . . . something they find almost impossible to come to terms with.

    They are "weeping" as much for themselves as for you . . . glad you had a great day . . . can almost sense your relief

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