How Many JWs Have You known Who Have Commited Suicide?

by Was New Boy 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    James Olsen and Richaed Wheellock both bethelites.

    Rich Templet. Rich and James out of guilt, Richard out of depression.

    James and Rich were both under 30 years old.

    After Richard Wheelock (a bethel heavy) killed himself the society changed it's stand on whether suicides could be resurrectioned or not.

  • Iamallcool

    One sister shot herself in the face, it woke her JW husband up at night.

    One of my distant relatives shot himself in the head before getting arrested for child molestation back in the 80's.

    One brother told his JW wife that he loves her very much, then he was supposed to be on the way to his job site, but instead he stopped somewhere on the way, he shot himself.

    I think thats all I know of for now.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I won't name them, but I personally knew two and heard about others.

    One was a paranoid schitzophrenic who lived two blocks from the Kingdom Hall. 3 English congregations met there and she went to all 3 of their evening meetings. She regular pioneered, walking all day everyday to "get her time in." It was never enough. She felt ashamed of herself and drank some drain cleaner. She almost lived too, but the damage was too much. Better off that she passed in the hospital.

    The other was depressed all his life and couldn't measure up. He was a total inactive JW, but still went to the meetings for the sake of his wife. I am sure the elders didn't help his depression any. You know, all they can do is try to drive a person crazy with "Turn in some field service time." After trying various ways to stay gainfully employed, he took too many pills and passed. Luckily, he had some older insurance policy that did pay out on suicide after so many years. I think he figured that was all he was worth- the insurance payout.

  • clearpoison



  • tiffy122146

    I know of three. One young boy hung himself in the basement, a very nice kid. Another shot himself in the head and the last one went into the garage and turned the car on and it was over for him. What a waste of life, all three were young men.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I knew of only one, though he was da'd at the time. Of course it was exploited by those in the cong as to the dangers of leaving the organization.

  • sir82

    One active JW

    One a few years after being DF'ed, but he was raised in it and it was all he ever knew.

    Both < 45 years old. Heartbreaking.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle
    She felt ashamed of herself and drank some drain cleaner.

    Only someone who truly loathes themselves would take such a horrendous way out.

    I know four that were successful in ending their lives.

    And one that sliced herself up pretty good in multiple places, even stuck the knife in deep enough to nick her heart, but she made it. It was kept a secret, the congregation was told that she had to have an emergency heart surgery, because her husband is a promenent elder, and good JWs dont do such things.

  • Crank!!!


    one was a MS who got df'd (he had a family)

    the other was an elder who got df'd (he had a fmaily also)

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    3 come to mind. two of them were in their late teens, one about 35. because of depressions, the three of them.

    one hanged himself, one jumped down a mountain and one crashed his car full speed against a wall.

    make that 4, one gassed himself with his car.

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