How can anybody KNOW god?

by Terry 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Robdar

    Thank ya, Satanus. Thank ya very muuuuch.

  • Quentin

    The template for a good shepherdwas plainly stated by Jesus when he described the flock of 100.One of these sheep strayed.This creates the tensionfor Jesus to resolve. Who is responsible for the sheep straying if not the: A. sheep itself for wandering away or B.The Shepherd. Jesusresolves this tension. In his illustrationJesus tells us something unexpected. The ShepherdLEAVES THE 99to go out and locate and bring back the 1 who wandered off.Responisiblity is clear. It is NOT up to the one who wanders off to find his own way back to the fold....Matt. 18:12..Terry...

    Theself-abandonment that is necessary to know God is explicitly described by God... This is all it takes for ANYONE to meet God: "If any [man] come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and his own life also,he cannot be my disciple."...Satanus, back when you were searching for God, what were you holding onto that prevented God from saving you? I can think of nothing that is really worth it. That thing .... whatever it is - What has it done for you?...Lu. 14:26...Perry...

    Eh?...Does anyone see the conflict between these two narritives said to be the words of Jesus? Terry observes a shepard ( Jesus ) that leaves 99% of his flock to rescue one stray. The shepards only thought being to retrive the one lost. Bringing it home to the warmth and shelter of the others.

    Perry observes the oppisite. You must HATE your family, even yourself and surrender ( self- abandon ) to Jesus in order to be his disciple. Remindes me of a Mafia Boss who demands total, complete subjection. This is love, living YOUR life to the whim of another that is supossed to bring peace and fullfilment? I don't think so. High powered sprit, or not. "To be emoty of SELF is to not exist"...( T )

    The Creator is benvolent, kind and loving, One who has no need to be chaneled through a spirit, or person. God is there, we are here. A coming togather can happen. Doesn't have to be the Bible God. There is no need for a special mediator, nor must the blame be on you. Something the Bible and religion does very well.

  • Perry

    There is no need for a special mediator

    As long as the Creator doesn't judge evil, then this may be true for some. Of course an All-Good God must judge evil because if he didn't, that would make him not All-Good and evil himself - as an enabler.

    I don't think you have thought this out Quentin. If you agree to use the word God, then you must also agree to use the common definitions assoiciated with that definition. God's nature as "All-Good" demands justice.

    This is love, living YOUR life to the whim of another that is supossed to bring peace and fullfilment? I don't think so.

    No, love without judgment is evil. For if someone had the authority to judge and to punish, yet refused to do so would make that person a collaborator in the evil. You can't have it both ways here, one way for your local police department and another way for the Creator.

    You need Jesus. Without him you are toast on Judgment Day.

  • bohm

    love jesus or he will torture you.

    if he didnt he would not be loving and or just.

    yah, makes perfect sence...

  • Robdar

    You need Jesus. Without him you are toast on Judgment Day.

    Well Golly, Perry. You act as if you have the butter and marmalade already waiting for Satanus' ass.

    Shame on you for usurping Christ of his own judgment of Satanus.

  • Satanus

    My ass is toast. Lol.


  • Quentin

    You need Jesus. Without him you are toast on Judgment Day.

    Ah, that superiour knowledge you have, take your comedy on the road, you'd make a bundle. The Creator COLABERATES in nothing of an evil nature. Dim, weak and odius your argument.

  • thetrueone

    You need Jesus. Without him you are toast on Judgment Day.

    If judgment day was to come tomorrow, half of the world's population would be toast (killed)

    That would be approximately 3 billion people or more, depending what version of Christianity you believe.

    Or when presented before the Lord upon death and asked if you knew and accepted Jesus ?

    and you said " No I don't know of him ", .....go Directly to Hell do not pass Go !

    Except for Perry of course, he'll be standing there saying ....... " See I told you so, I told you......Na na ne naa naa ! "

  • Perry

    Flap all you want guys. The logic in my last post is unanswerable. An All-Good God must judge. Illusion is the ONLY alternative to such a self-evident reality without Jesus.

  • bohm

    Flap all you want guys. The logic in my last post is unanswerable. An All-Good God must judge.

    it has been answered again and again, thetrueone, for instance, gave a good answer just one post before you wrote that self-glorifying drivel.

    The problem with your silly idea is that your god does not judge after a moral standard any sane person would consider fair. and to that you allways answer with a variation of this:

    "but GOD is GOOD by DEFINITION. you cant judge GOD without BEING GOD"

    which is a false dilemma ... well actually its not even a false dilemma since you are just willing to consider one option. Some options are:

    • god exist and is good
    • God does not exist
    • a supernatural being called "god" exist and is evil/indifferent
    • you are worshipping the wrong god. what does the fact your god (supposedly) act like a total psychopat lend evidence to? what does the fact you rely on such flimsy, self-absorbed nonsense as "personal revelation" for evidence for your god lend evidence to? what does the fact you run away from any thread discussing actual counterevidence for your god like a little girl lend evidence to? (

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