Anyone here have any experience with the "super-natural"?

by Knowsnothing 114 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I don't like the word supernatural. There is our universe and its nature. There might be other universes but I don't know of any way they have been shown to interact with ours or even if they exist.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    I dont know, today if I believe in demons or not.

    I did find that jws talked about them alot. I think they use it as another gimmick to scare people into joining them.

  • truthseeker

    Yes, I have experienced the "supernatural"

    This is a good website that will explain why certain people experience these things

    In a recent poll conducted by America Online, participants were asked the question, "Do you believe demonic possession happens?" 72% said they do believe possession happens and only a mere 28% of people polled said they didn't believe demonic possession happens.

    In a recent case in which a homeowner had been plagued by demonic activity for the better part of 20 years, he asked, "Why do demons pick a particular person or place and stay for so long?"

    The answer is not easy to explain. If you consider that there are millions and millions of people on this planet that never experience this type of phenomena, it tells you that there is a selection process that takes place. That being said, what makes a good "target"? Four things are to be considered.

    1. The person or persons themselves.
    2. The dwelling that they seek to possess as their own
    3. The risk of being expelled or ousted.
    4. Physical objects being brought into the home.
    If you break the above four down, it goes like this:

    1) Is there someone in the home that's opening the door? Did they use a Ouija board, and in effect, stick their hand blindly into the spirit realm? When that is done incorrectly, the hand can be latched onto by the wrong side. They could be practicing witchcraft or sorcery or worshipping gods other than the Creator? Are they committing acts that would be considered vile or criminal? Or, it could be a simple attraction by a demon that is attracted to a female living in a residence. Or, perhaps it's a female legionnaire that is attracted to a male living in a residence. They can also be brought back with someone from somewhere else. The person might have gone somewhere and were consequently followed back. Or, they could have been sent one by an agent of Satan. It might be from the top rung of the ladder, or all the way down to the bottom rung of the ladder and an all out hooded devil worshiper.

    Maybe they are offended, or seeking to cause the person problems so they can move up in a job; or any number of reasons in which they might use Black Magic against them. Demons can also simply take a dislike to certain people. The person might have said something one heard and did not like. They (the demons) are like people. If they take a dislike to someone, it gets personal with them. They will remain where that person is and stay until they are either ousted or the person passes over.

    2) Demons, many of them, want to be back on Earth as humans. At least those from the Biblical pre-flood days. They might try and fool you into thinking they are ghosts. Or, they might just harass you. Like Cosby said in an episode, "The kids want the house!" The demons might want your dwelling. It's rare, but it happens. Sometimes they also stay where a person has died. It might have been a murder, or suicide, or just a normal passing. But they seek to fool people into believing they are that person. And some demons are lunatics - just like some people are. They will try to drive people insane because those demons hate humans. They blame them for the Judgment hanging over their heads. They seek revenge.

    3) If the risk is low of being expelled, exorcised - ousted or whatever else might happen that would cause them to have to leave, then that dwelling is a safe bet to inhabit. There is sometimes no rhyme or reason for them picking certain individuals. But to correctly assess why they might have come there in the first place, all factors must be taken into account. If all else fails, it was a draw of the deck. The person's card got picked by pure chance.

    4) Lastly, there is the chance of physical objects having demons attached to them. They consider that object their own. If you buy it, or someone gives it to you, the demon or demons go with it. If you destroy it, you are in BIG trouble with those demons. And concerning these types of demons, Satan considered them the most unruly of his lot. They want to do what they want to do, not what they are told. So, many times Satan lets them go their way. They still add fuel to his myths of demons being powerful. But, Satan has the power to pull them to him. Satan actually is less in power than he likes people to believe, but he's more powerful than his confederates.

    The most important thing to know when faced with having to combat demons is that it's fear that is the most powerful weapon Satan and his demons possess. Coupled with the belief that demons can do harm to you and you are in for trouble.

    In so many cases in which you read about demonic activity, those being harassed become afraid of the dark because they fear the evil they believe lurks there. In reality, that evil is present even in the daylight. But the very belief that they feel they are vulnerable is what gives the demons the opening they need to harass someone. To combat them, that fear should be shut out. But, there is healthy fear also. It is fear generated from the natural instinct to survive. For example, you hear a window shattered in the middle of the night. That fear that you feel is for your safety. That is the difference. It is a different kind of fear. The other fear is generated by the mind, and it is a fear of the unknown of the spiritual world. That is the fear that Satan and his demons are permitted to work off of. It is not a healthy fear. It's detrimental.

    Something else about this type of fear is that the demons can literally smell it. It is their cue that a person's mind's door is open to attack. Under the Creator's Rules, it gives them the right to enter your presence of mind. During that period, they can and will test you. It can be lengthy, which is why it's so important to shut out that type of fear. Don't provide the very thing the demons can and will use against you. The fact that Satan is powerful, but limited as to how he can use those powers, gives reason enough to keep the door closed to him. With the door closed, he is powerless; otherwise, he is very powerful.

    It is best for a person under attack to do their own prayer for help. Whether intervention will help to end the demonic attack is determined by many factors.

  • truthseeker


    I am sorry to hear about what your family is going through, all I can say is to keep praying and pray out loud and if that doesn't work, find someone of faith who can pray for you.

    A relative of mine was recently harassed by demons/converts and I was able to find someone to help take care of the situation.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    What I find in the scientific field is that a lot of these 'hauntings' and 'possessions' disappear with the correct medications, medical care or improving education and living conditions.

    I'm not saying anybody here is crazy for experiencing certain things but a lot of it can be attributed to an active imagination coupled with religious believes in the spirit world. Some things that even I have experienced can be explained to daydreams, lucid dreams or external (controlled or involuntary) influences. As far as synchronous dreams, look into deja vu. Our mind will fill in certain blanks with things we experience, hear or see at a given point in time.

    One thing I have noticed that as the culture changes, the descriptions of the 'persons' seen also change to whatever the believe system says they should look like.

    A good example of how your imagination can be influenced is the video game Amnesia. If you're interested, go buy the game, play it through and see how and when the character you're playing reacts to it's surroundings and starts seeing and feeling things. According to the character something is really wrong but is it his mental state or is it real.

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    NDEs Are Not Satanic

    Skeptical members of the clergy and organizations, such as the Christian Research Institute, are often highly critical of NDEs and view them as a tremendous threat to the Christian faith and their parishes. They accuse the Being of Light to be a sinister lying devil masquerading as an angel of light preaching a different gospel because he isn't interested in theology at all. Some Christian skeptics say the Being of Light only mimics the real Jesus of the Bible in order to lead the flock away from the true Jesus and the authority of Church.

    As a seeker of the truth who has studied Christian theology and NDEs extensively for decades, I am saddened when I hear this kind of misrepresentation of an experience so spiritually beautiful and lovely. Personally, sometimes I feel like Paul when he said he wishes he were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of his brothers in order to win them over. These critics - who are still our brothers - servants with flames of fire are zealous defenders of the Christian tradition and this is good. But their uninformed criticism of the profound and lofty divine revelations found in the NDE is very dangerous. It is equivalent to rushing into forbidden labyrinths where angels fear to tread.

    This kind of misunderstanding is often the result of judging spiritual ideas by a narrow interpretation of the Bible rather than by the method given in the Bible. The Bible teaches us to test all the spirits to see whether or not they are of God because not all spirits come from God. How do we test the spirits? When Jesus was accused of performing miracles by the spirit of the devil, Jesus replied that a tree is judged by its fruit. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Nor can a good tree bear bad fruit. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, etc. With this in mind, you can judge for yourself whether a particular spirit discussed here is a bad tree or a good tree. If there is an absence of the good fruit of love, joy and peace, then you know the spirit is not of God and is a bad tree. If there is an abundance of the good fruit of love, joy and peace, then you know the spirit is true and is a good tree. This is not a matter to be taken lightly. Either a near-death experience shows Jesus to be a demonic lying spirit of evil who bears only the rotting fruit of Satanic hatred for everyone; or, a near-death experience shows Jesus to be a good tree bearing the Holy Spirit's fruit of love, joy and peace. There is no middle ground so choose wisely. After Jesus told his accusers to judge a tree by its fruit, he then taught them about the seriousness of blasphemy and attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil.

    A great web site is

  • lovelylil

    If I had told any of the Witnesses of my experiences I am sure they would have said I was demonized. I think they are more mother's instinct and the fact that I am very sensitive to people's emotions, which I pick up on. It helps me with my job working for hospice because I have patients who cannot speak and I can always make them comfortable because I can "feel" how they feel.

    I think the energy of the fire was trapped somehow in the house, like an imprint and that is what I picked up on.

    Paula, I have a dear friend who is not mentally ill. I have known her almost 20 years and she told me how she once saw a ghost in her new home. I totally beleive she saw something and since I was not there, I accept her saying it was a ghost. I have never personally seen any type of apparition.

    I have heard of people seeing angels and I would LOVE to see one of them, but so far I have not. Even though I have never seen anything, like another poster on this thread I have felt the pressence of a spirit before. thankfully they were not evil or dark spirits. Peace, Lilly

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    Were I given to sarcasm, I would put it to you somewhere along the lines of "I know you think that I am mad, but I am not quite that hopeless!"

    However, sarcasm has never been my scene - and I don't intend to begin now! Of course the first place you look for a lost keyring is the floor of the vehicle, its seats, and underneath its seats:

    - that was precisely my first response that particular day, and I drew a complete blank in the process.

    What had in fact happened was something else again:

    - the vigorous shaking of the Toyota Hilux truck, as it bounced its way uphill over that goat track which passed for a "road," shook the fallen keyring backwards as far as it could go - then upwards, so that the keyring finished up being literally wedged both behind and under the vehicle's rear seat.

    - A place in which you would not have imagined it possible for any object to become lodged in. (although that road was so rough, it all but shook ones teeth loose!)

    Had the security officer seen this happen before?

    Perhaps "security officer" is too flattering a term to describe the staff who manned the gates at this remote power station on the edge of the jungle - covered Kupa Range in Papua New Guinea. This person would have had no more than a Grade 3 education, and very unlikely to have ever travelled far from his village, which was just outside the power station's perimeter fence. The only other motor vehicles that came into the plant were the line gang's tip truck truck, and the power station superintendent's Toyota Landcruiser pickup truck - both with totally different seating arrangements to my double-cab Hilux. (i.e. no rear seat - let alone any hidden nooks and crannys that a keyring or other object could lose itself in).

    It is almost certain that he had never even been up close to a double cab Toyota Hilux pickup before, let alone seen this same thing happen previously. YET: immediately upon hearing the V.H.F. radio call that I was returning to search for a lost keyring, he knew exactly where to find it.

    In addition to this incident, I witnessed first hand many other occurrences in which a lost object - with an almost infinite number of places in which it could have been misplaced - found almost immediately by somebody who seemed to go directly to where it was located.

    "Uncanny" is the only word that I can think of to describe this ability that many Papua New Guineans seemd to have in being able to quickly locate missing objects.

    Perhaps there is a scientific explanation for this - but I am yet to hear it!


  • Knowsnothing

    While I would not recommend it, and will sound hypocritical for it, for those of you that don't believe, have you ever actually tryed the Ouiji board? Wouldn't that be the perfect way to "test" if spirits do exist?

    I'll tell you one thing for sure, not even if they payed me, would I go for that. I'd rather be doubtful about the existence of spirits, and not go out to prove it any day, than to be haunted.

  • doofdaddy

    I believe your story Bungi Bill. As stated here before, I have had very strange experiences in South East Asia and with aboriginal Australians. That is not to say I believe in demons etc, it's just that science has ignored "primitive" people's religious belief as a subject worth studying.

    I have read that psychiatrists are now showing interest in how shamans have a notable "cure" rate for schizophrenia though.

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