Anyone here have any experience with the "super-natural"?

by Knowsnothing 114 Replies latest jw experiences

  • designs

    Your're in a parking stall, you look left you look right you look behind and then you start to back out a Viola! a car is behind you...... Strange very Strange hmmmm

  • watersprout
    Im getting bored with trying to justify what I saw

    You know what you witnessed and that's all that matters. It doesn't matter if certain ones doubt you, you know the truth.

    If you say it happened who am i to doubt you!


  • SweetBabyCheezits
    who am i to doubt you!

    Who is she for you to believe? I'm by no means saying she's a liar, I just wish humankind was a little less quick, in general, to accept extraordinary claims.

    "Really, it's okay to reserve judgment until the evidence is in." - Carl Sagan

    I was attacked by an 8' tall praying mantis yesterday. It had eyeballs the size of my head. If I say it happened, who are you to doubt me?

  • misocup

    When I left, I decided that I needed to confront my fear head on. The number one fear was Satan. So, I started reading everyting in the local metaphysical bookshop including Alister Crowley the famous satanist. Well here's what I found:

    Alistair Crowley uses the name YHVH and/or Jehovah in his 'satanic' rituals. If it is as it says in the bible that satan and the demons cower and run at the mention of the name, then why would a satanist use the name? This convinced me that satan is not real, the bible is not fact, and demons as they are portrayed in the bible do not exist. How many of you were frightened when 'in' and called upon Jehovah and found no relief? The reason it failed most of the time is because that's not the way the universe works. I don't claim to know it it does work, just that I've ruled that explanation out.

    That is not to say that there are not trickster beings lurking, but the simple way to avoid them is to be fearless, and keep yourself on a positive thought pattern. Fear and negativity will attract them. Where there are tricksters, there must also be beings of light and assistance.

    The only way to find out is to explore. Be fearless.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Regarding the "Ten Year Rule", all the events that I am describing occured over ten years ago. While I keep an open mind on these matters, I am still waiting to hear a scientific / rational explanation for the things I saw happening almost all the time.


  • lovelylil

    where does the bible say Satan and the demons cower and run at the name jehovah?

  • watersprout
    I was attacked by an 8' tall praying mantis yesterday. It had eyeballs the size of my head. If I say it happened, who are you to doubt me?

    Your being a little facetious!

    I just wish humankind was a little less quick, in general, to accept extraordinary claims.

    It's not that i'm being quick to accept extraordinary claims, i have had extraordinary things happen to me. So yes i believe these things happen. If i posted what has happened to me they would seem unbelievable. Yes i have had ''evil'' things happen, but i have had so many ''wonderful'' experiences. Truly wonderful things.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I'd shared it on another "ghost" thread and it only seemed to get remarks from those who were already skeptics. I'd also really like to get the impression of someone who believes in the spirit realm. Anybody?

    I'll bite.

    Just because some times things can be explained to have a physical cause, doesn't mean everything does. I believe in a spirit realm, but I'm also open to the idea that many things that are called "supernatural" can also be explained scientifically.


  • Knowsnothing
    However, since Knowsnothing asked the question, I'd be interested in what s/he thinks.


    First off, of the masculine persuasion.

    Secondly, what do I think? The closest thing I had to a super-natural encounter was when I prayed to Jesus. This was my first time doing so, as being rased a witness, you would never do such a thing.

    But, I'm skeptical even about this experience, because I had been under alot of stress prior to that, so maybe my mind simply found a coping mechanism, and made me believe it was real. The only thing I know, is that I had never felt a calm like that before, even when deeply and profoundly praying to Jehovah.

    Really, I asked this question, because of the many "experiences" I heard within the JW community. I knew some of these brothers/sisters well, and have no reason to doubt them. To me, if they experiences are true, and not a figment of the imagination, misinterpretation or a trick of the mind, I believe then that it would give credence to the whole demon/angel belief. I still believe in God, just not in this religion. I haven't really found a theology I can adhere to.

  • Este

    where does the bible say Satan and the demons cower and run at the name jehovah?

    Do you cower? How about when you place a cross in front of a suspected "possessed" person? Or even holy water, how scary is that for a demon? lol. Is it scary to you?

    Why the demons scoff and even laugh at the ridiculous antics......

    It is not until the righteous spirits including of course, Christ himself, exert power over these wicked spirits that fear becomes overwhelming to them. Use your thinking ability for it is similar to a strong man exerting strength over someone weaker that it might bring fear to a man.....


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