Anyone here have any experience with the "super-natural"?

by Knowsnothing 114 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Y'all are just pulling our legs aren't you trying to scare us before we go to sleep. If not, I would suggest seeing a psychiatrist or so. Again, there has never been serious proof of an encounter. Most of them can be explained by vivid dreams, synchronicity or a survival instinct or a combination of them - others by psychoactive effects of the environment, memory, imagination, drugs, fungi, alcohol and most likely a combination of them. It's been shown that mold growing on bread can induce these types of effects as well so check the expiration date on your food.

    If you don't believe in God you can't believe in the here-after, spirits, the Devil etc. I'm personally still on the fence about the whole God thing but I have a hard time believing any of these 'experiences' were actual events.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    I had the shinning but its gone with the house I lived before but unlike free2bene mine were very evil.

  • DagothUr

    There is no supernatural. Period. The duty officer found the keys because other people lost them in the same way and they were found in the same way. To look under the seats is a normal thing to do. Lamps do not fly by themselves and spirits do not throw lamps. One of my ex-University-colleagues saw UFOs, spiritual manifestations, he even had meetings with the prophet Muhammad. Guess what, he is schizophrenic. As long as he takes his medication (Rispolept), the visions do not haunt him anymore. And he graduated from the University while being schizophrenic.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I didn't see any UFO's or have meetings with Muhammad. But I did have this experience. The next morning I doubted myself that it had happened but the person I was with went through the experience with me. There was no getting away from it. We had experienced the same thing.

    Synchronised schizophrenia maybe? who knows, that in itself would be an interesting phenomenon.

    Personally I would rather not have ever had the experience at all. I'm kind of sorry I shared that story here because I really didn't need to have anyone insinuate that I might have a mental illness. Its not something I go around inferring to people.

    Just because people may have met someone who had a mental illness and experienced strange things does not mean that all people who experience strange things have a mental illness.

  • lovelylil


    People have experiences all the time that they cannot explain. I saw a tv show once where a lady was at home cleaning up around the house and all of a sudden extreme anxiety overcame here. She had a fear something happened to her daughter (her only child) and called her husband to come home and help her go look for her.

    What niether knew at the time was that the daughter had just drove off the road into a revine and was seriously injured. She was knocked out and could not call for help. Her mother was led right to her car by some unknown "feeling' of where exactly to go. Isn't that supernatural?

    Believe me I am not on any medications, am not mentally ill. You cannot possibly say there are no supernatural experiences ever in the world, that is just your opinion.

    People have these experiences all the time. Don't know about anyone else on this thread, but I did not make up any of mine. Peace, Lilly

  • alias

    Tins of food flying around, xmas decs flying off and orbiting around, hot coles jumping out of the fire (about 5ft), pictures spinning on walls...

    and the worst one......the oil lamp lifted its glass top off itself...moved to the middle of the room and hovered for a good 15 seconds before throwing itself 50mph into the fireplace.....

    Wow, did you really see this happening? That would be an undeniable experience for the supernatural.


  • lovelylil

    My daughter and I were watching a show called A haunting and this guy was having terrible dreams and felt like something was climbing on top of him while he was sleeping. He would thrash terribly and wake up his wife. One night he literally punched her in the face during one of these episodes, which the Doctors said was night terrors.

    The guy disagreed and said something unseen was attacking him in his sleep. So one night the wife decided to film him sleeping. And sure enough he starts sreaming and thrashing, etc. While he is doing this things start to fly off the dressers in his room like they are being thrown at him. The guy is in bed not touching anything but here everything was being flung about. It was so scary watching that.

    Anyway they decided they had some type of negative spirit and had the house cleansed with a blessing. (by the way I do these for people too), and he was able to sleep fine after that.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    lovelylil for what its worth, I believe you. I didn't make up my story either.

    I know what you mean about mothers sensing things with their children. I don't know what you call that sort of experience but I have had that too.

    When my daughter was very young I always used to wake up a few seconds before her and just know she was going to cry. She always did. I can't explain what that knowing feels like. But its as sure as knowing you are alive.

    I woman I worked with years ago was deaf and her husband was too. When I asked her how she managed when her two children were babies she actually said the same thing to me. She used to wake up and go to get them and they would wake as soon as she got there. I don't know how you explain that type of thing.

    I even have similar things with my partner and he does with me. More often than not when we text each other we will pick up our phones before the text comes through. Like we already know they sent it.

  • focariedu21

    As much as I despise what has happened to me and my family because of the association with jws I must tell you that my family and I experienced Ghosts/demons/angels whatever you want to call them in our lives and still are experiencing them. We sold one house because of the presence of demons in the house. My young daughter came running out of her room one early morning and was all pale in the face and could not utter a word because of the intense fear of what she had witnessed. I told her she could sleep in my bed with her mum and I would go sleep in her room. I joked around tempting satan to come get me and he did. AS I lay down in bed A force came from under it elevating the bed and then all of the sudden this thing was on top of me trying to strangle me and I was in so much fear I attempted to call ON JEHOVAH but it seemed like an eternity before this thing took off like a bolt of lighting straight out the window, this was evident because the window shutters just rattled like a freak storm. I didn't sleep at all that night..the next day we searched the house and found a whole heap of bones under the garage lining and ashes in the roof. We called the elders over that night two infact and one of them sat next to my wife and after an hour of discussion he looked at my wife and they both claimed they heard a loud bang under their feet where as myself and the other elder heard nothing. we had many bad experiences in the house after that night so we decided to sell it asap and we did. The funny thing is where we're living at the moment without my knowlegde only my wife knew of this but my daughter has been seeing someone in the mirror of her room almost every night..but without their knowklegde so have I. I' ve reported this to authorities but still waiting on an answer...go figure

  • losthobbit

    Technically, super-natural is simply something that has not been explained. So in that sense there are definitely many things that are super-natural. There were many super-natural things in bible times, like sickness, wind, lightening, rainbows, etc., simply because the did not have the scientific understanding to explain them.

    Derren Brown is a famous English magician, who can perform all the seance, mind reading, ouja board stuff, ... but he's an athiest (ex-Christian), who does not believe in spirits and admits that everything he does is just a trick.

    I remember when I was a little boy I was able to predict things... now I believe that my memories are not very accurate.

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