Anyone here have any experience with the "super-natural"?

by Knowsnothing 114 Replies latest jw experiences

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Okay, here goes.

    I believe that the people who are "posessed" are actually schizoid.

    I believe also that there are ghosts and you can see strange things and hear strange things and it be of a super natural source.

    I don't believe in demons, but do believe there are good and bad spirits/ghosts/whatever.

    They were people just like us, some good and some bad.

    That's it. No soul posession, just schizophrenia.

  • Nickolas

    Nope. Never. Nor have I ever met anyone who could put forward even the tiniest shred of evidence of the supernatural. I am also aware that the Randi prize has yet to be awarded and that there have been no serious contenders attempting to claim it. I have therefore come to the conclusion that the supernatural almost certainly does not exist, and until I see something supernatural with my own eyes and witnessed by several others who I trust and who can assure me that I am not hallucinating, I will continue to hold fast to that conclusion.

  • skeeter1

    I'm sorry, I thought this thread was about Whole Foods.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I have had a few strange experiences over the years. But the strangest by far was about 25 years ago.

    I was staying with a friend and we were lying in bed chatting. Before we knew what was happening we had stopped talking and were feeling very serene. Even though we were lying in the dark, the room appeared to be getting lighter to the point that we could see everything very clearly as if there was a dim light on.

    This all felt and seemed perfectly normal while it was happening but the furniture in the room was no longer the same. It looked like someone elses room and felt like we werent even in the same era. Everything looked very old fashioned.

    Then I had the overwhelming feeling that something was going to happen. A figure appeared dressed in a white garment. I don't know if it was male or female because I couldn't see the face clearly.

    This was when I began to panic and realised something wasn't right. Then we both discovered we were unable to move. We were literally feeling like we were being held down on the bed, Like our bodies were frozen. All I wanted to do was get up and turn on the light. I'm not sure why, but I felt like doing that would end what was happening.

    Finally I managed to get out of bed and head towards the light switch across the room. Something tried to prevent me from doing this too. As soon as I started walking, I was walking down corridoors that kept turning and I seemed to be walking forever. Eventually I reached the light switch and everything seemed to end.

    Afterwards my, friend asked my why I was walking round and round the room in a type of square and I told him about the corridoor. He said that made sense because that was what it looked like I was doing.

    The whole experience was very scary, and if I hadn't been with someone who experienced it with me I might have thought I was dreaming or something. I don't know how long the whole thing lasted but I think it was quite a while before we actually realised what was going on. Later I discovered that other people that stayed in this rental house liked to dabble in seances etc.

    A year or so later I was flatting in another old house and had strange experiences there too. Also in this house people were dabbling with Tarot cards etc. So I can only guess that because of what was happening around me I was attracting these things.

    The only thing I can say for sure about any experinces I have had is that they are not good. I think evil attracts them and I say this because people I had lived with were doing bad things. Gang involvement, A flatmate I discovered later, had raped someone I knew. And hard drug users.

    This was not a result of drug use for me. I was straight, my friend was straight and as I said we experienced this together.

    There is not a person in this world that can convince me after all this that evil does not exist, I have experienced it first hand. For me the only thing that stops these things from happening is prayer. I pray to god to protect me. This gives me peace.

    For people that have never experienced anything strange like this I would say you are very fortunate. There is nothing as horrible as feeling and being that close to evil.


  • moon84

    @Skeeter1- Lol too funny! U surely must be disappointed in this discussion then :)

  • lovelylil

    Yes, many times. I think some people are just made that way, they are more in tune with thier sixth sense, for lack of a better term. Here are a few of my many expierences. And I have Witnesses to all of these;

    I kept smelling smoke in my home starting right after we moved in. I thought there was an electrical problem or something. My hubby kept checking things out but everything was fine. Twice during a deep sleep I was startled awake by the smell of smoke in the house. I ran down the stairs one night yelling there was a fire in the house and woke up my kids. My husband did not smell anything. He thought it was a dream. I was wide awake standing in my kitchen and kept asking him "don't you smell that?". It literally smelled like the entire house was engulfed in flames. Anyway my hubby smelled Nothing. After the 2nd time this happened he thought I was going nuts.

    One day, a few months after we moved in, my nosy nieghbor came over to chat while I was watering flowers in the front yard. She asked me about the house, How I liked it, etc. And I told her about my "dreams' of fire in the house. She looked at me like she had seen a ghost and then she said. didn't you know there was an actual fire in your house? Then she told me the entire house went up like a candle one night and burned almost completely to the ground. She said she thought they were going to tear it down for sure but they just rebuilt it. She was sure they kept some of the old wood of the original home and built on top of it. This was verified when my hubby gutted the bathroom a few years later and found charred wood behind the old tub.

    I had 2 experiences when I woke up from sleeping and knew my son was in danger. The first time literally saved his life. He had an asthma attack when he was in the woods behind our home and did not have his inhalor. When I got to him, he could barely breath. He told me he was calling me for help, and I told him I heard him because I literally heard him calling me in my sleep, although he was too far away for me to hear him. My daugher had not heard anything but followed me as I jumped awake off the couch, grabbed the inhalor and made a mad dash out the door not even knowing WHY I was doing it at the time. The 2nd time he was injured when a large nail went through his shoe and into his foot and could not walk home and I knew something happened and went looking for him. Again, I was asleep on the couch and jumped up knowing there was something wrong with my son.

    Another experince was my deceased mother came to me in a dream to tell me my dad was going to be joining her soon. It was about 3 months after she died. He was diagnosed with cancer 3 weeks later. The doctors said they caught it in time, but I knew he was going to die. He did die exactly one year to the date of my mothers passing.

    Anyway, I have too many of these supernatural type experiences to list. Someone told me to write them all down. Maybe I wil someday. Peace, Lilly

  • free2beme

    Personally seen spirits many times, and even taken part on paranormal investigations. I have been in a room with a spirit for over an hour, saw it move, walk and even react to words people said to it. I was in a group, and it was something we all saw. I have had lights come on and off, while I asked questions and expected responses. I have had objects move, that should not have. I have done remote viewing and compared notes, passed information through the higher self connections with people. I have been able to see cancer, broken bones and even heard people's passed relatives say things when I was near them. I have taken part in Saunces (sp). Will do use a Ouji, as I think it is low level spirits. I could go on and on ... and in all of it, I did not see a demon or anything that made me think Christians were the only true faith. I will saw though, I have felt angry spirits, confused spirits, and what I would classify as negative energies.

  • lovelylil

    My daughter is into paranormal investigating. I have also sensed negative energies, as well as positive ones.

    Free, you should really say a protection prayer before you do anything like that. Don't want anything negative attaching itself to you.

  • free2beme

    I use a lot of forms of protection, and play safe on all regards. I actually get very irritated when the group I did paranormal investigation with, were too easy going and not smart. There are spirits you should not mess with, or at least be prepared better. I take the spirit world very serious, and never go beyond what feels right for me. I will say though, fear is a filter that can get in the way at times though. As some fears are valid, while some are just obsticals.

  • lovelylil


    I agree with you. Glad you understand the seriousness of dealing with the spirit world.

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