
by minimus 189 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    Ok, we get it - you don't like some of the words and phrases that Barb used and will make damn sure to point out the error of her ways whether it is something she posts now or something she said in a topic many years ago.

    What she does and the message isn't important, all that matters is the tone used and how it makes you feel.

    Got it.


    Some of us appreciate the message though and the effort and research and cost that goes into providing it so please feel free to shut the hell up whenever you feel you've had enough, Ok?

    Simon, with all due respect, I don't think you'll find anyone on here who doesn't appreciate what Mrs.Anderson has contributed to The Cause. However, its a disservice to her reputation, as well as the movement when someone of her caliber lowers the bar and gets involved with what I like to call Tabloid Apostacy. As someone who finds himself unwittiingly in the middle of a rock and a hard place as a born in JW who's in too deep to simply walk away, I don't exactly appreciate it when someone gets my hopes up with tabloid threads. Its especially unsettling when its a poster who's reputation precedes them, such as Mrs.Anderson. Not only that, but I'm still yet to find the post that was particulary offensive to Mrs.Anderson and her constituents. The lack of such an inflammatory post, at least inflammatory in my definition of the word, leaves me questioning whether she's above criticism. The comment by Betsy, I found even more disturbing as he likened anyone who has constructive criticism for the so called elite of WT apostates, to be anonymous peanuts. This is one anonymous peanut poster who would have smacked flames out of him had I been in the same room with him after he verbally made such a comment.



    I disagree..Barb reported on a story in progress..

    Reporting on a story in progress is far from irresponsible..

    It`s done by Respected Jounalists all the time..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • believingxjw


    "Some of us appreciate the message though and the effort and research and cost that goes into providing it so please feel free to shut the hell up whenever you feel you've had enough, Ok?"

    This is so ironic. We come from a religion that says this to us all the time, shut the hell up, they say. Now you say the same. Fine, Simon. Just fine.

    The Governing Body says it because they don't want waves, I presume it is said here for the same reason. Too bad really but it does show one thing, we are all the same.

  • miseryloveselders

    I love you Outlaw, but even if this is a story in it a story in progress worth reporting? Remember that Tawana Brawley nonsense? Or the Duke Lacross rape fiasco? Or even that DA who already failed trying to prosecute Michael Jackson once, and then made another attempt with flimsy evidence right before he retired? This is the same thing, another bizarre attempt at slinging mud at the WT, and unfortunately Mrs.Anderson got Okey Doked into throwing her weight behind it.



    So..You`d like to shut Barb and Simon up?..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • believingxjw


    Did I say that? Or are you imagining things again?


    Hey Misery..

    The story is sensational..I`ll give you that..

    The people in power,who are interested in it,is what gives it legs..This may go some where..

    Or Not..

    Yes I want to know how it plays out..Barb is on top of it..I say,let her write about it..

    This may go in a direction that will amaze all of us..Mostly the WBT$..

    They are not used to getting their ass kicked..Which is exactly what may happen..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW


    Did I say that? Or are you imagining things again?

    Thats easy to sort out..

    Would you like Barb not to report this story?..

    Would you like Simon not to write,how he feels about this topic?..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • believingxjw


    As you well know it was Simon who was calling for end to discussion not me. You can misdirect all you want but it won't work!

    As you well know it was Simon who was calling for end to discussion not me. You can misdirect all you want but it won't work!.....BelievingexJW

    Some of us appreciate the message though and the effort and research and cost that goes into providing it
    so please feel free to shut the hell up whenever you feel you've had enough, Ok?.....Simon

    You need to improve your Reading Comprehension Skills..

    Simon can shut down anything he wants..He didn`t do that..He gave his opinion..

    Your still posting..I`m still posting..And..We are both Free,to Shut the Hell Up whenever we want..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

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