So me, of all people, had a religious experience

by sabastious 363 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    new light- It seems to me that many on this thread are trying to help Sab to do just that. I'm not sure how that fits the definition of trolling, or how name-calling becomes justified. Personally I have a ton of respect for Sab, and am happy to offer my take on his experience.

    Thank you for the kind and understanding words.


  • sabastious
    Maybe you'll need to sleep here tonight, Sab...

    How did you get into my house to take that picture!


  • sabastious
    Welcome to the world of sharing your extraordinary experiences and insights on JWD, Sab. You will quickly learn that to share here is to feed the atheist trolls.

    Meh, sticks and stones at this point, plus I don't see a whole lot of trollin' on this thread.


  • sabastious
    Sab, I only read page one, so if you've answered this I'll go back and look, but what makes you call the experience "religious?"

    I actually regret putting that word in the title. It meant it as a figure of speech as in "epiphany" or "revelation".


  • journey-on
    Well I can see why the lord would show himself in poker hands, as opposed to ending the suffering of children......................

    This statement is leading away from the issue being discussed.

    Sab's question in the garage prior to the answer given at the poker table was answered simply and emphatically in a manner that was personal to Sab. Why he was answered is unknown, but he was and he KNOWS it. I can almost assure you doubters that Sabastious knows for an absolute certainty that he was given the answer to his simple question. Why children suffer, why the world seems to be in turmoil, and all the other questions about this existence we call Life on Earth, wasn't revealed. (Maybe there is a reason that we as a collective people are supposed to figure out...I don't know.) But, he was told there is more working here than just this physical day-to-day grind....have faith and KNOW.

    "I just wish I knew for sure whether or not there is intelligence out there doing anything besides humanity! I mean common! I would just like to know."
  • sabastious

    Ok so let me give the hands that showed up:

    Sentimental Hands(I have many, but only a few showed up):

    K-Small(2-8) any suit (slang term: King Rag):
    My brother and I have been struck by King-Small being dealt VERY often. In all the home games we have played together this has been the most superstitious hand because it's always more often than it should be for both my brother and I.

    Queen-Duce any suit:
    My brother and I used to play poker tournaments at a local casino. There was this guy that we called "baldy" because he was bald. If you got put next to him he would talk you ear off and he was a horrible poker player, but loved to speak as though he were a pro. His favorite hand is Queen / Two which is an unplayable hand in most situations. My brother and I found that very funny so we always play Queen-Duce when we play against eachother and try to beat the other person with; fun times.

    Nine-Five any suit:
    Nine five is a superstious hand for my brother only, but I am well aware of it. It all started with my brother's friend and workmate that continuously made two pair before the end of the hand and always loses with it anyway. My brother and I always laugh when one of us has 9-5 because it's a death setence because you will have a strong hand... but not strong enough by the end of the hand.

    King-Queen any suit:
    King / Queen is my favorite hand and I love to play it, espeically when it's suited.

    The first thing we do before we play is what is called "finding the button." The dealer deals one card to each person face up. The person with the h highest card gets the Dealer Button. The Dealer Button is used to determine who acts first, who has to bet blind before the hand and a number of other things used for strategy; the button moves clockwise to the next player after each hand. He dealt two cards to find the button I got the King of clubs and my brother dealy himself the 6 of clubsl King-Rag, we had a chuckle.

    We have this inside joke when we play; he's always jokingly accusing me of looking at the bottom card of the deck when he's shuffling and tells me to stop cheating; it's fun. Sometimes he makes it impossible for me not to see the bottom card and still accuses me of cheating when I see it. He did this the first time he shuffled and I saw the Ace of Spades and pointed it out. That's another thing we joke about when we play, more often than not there is an Ace at the bottom of the deck; many a time have we chuckled because it always seems like there is an Ace there. (he's not cheating btw, I know from an outsiders perspective it sounds viable, but believe it's not).

    The Ace of Spades showed up on the Board which ends up being 5 cards by the end of the hand. The Ace of Spades was on the board on ALL eight hands we played except for one where it was one of my whole cards.

    There were 8 hands alltogether; every time the Ace of Spades was out on the board and every time at least one of us had King-Small. The one time I didn't have King-Small I had the Ace of Spades; funny thing is when I had it I made trip Aces with it and lost to my brother's King-Duce of clubs which made a flush by the end of the hand.

    There was one hand we didn't play, I guess that would be a phantom 9th hand that only our face down 4 whole cards were dealt. We had just got done with a hand where he had Queen-Duce and I have King-Three. The very next hand he dealt himself a different Queen-Duce (different suits so different cards alltogether) it pissed him off because it's a crappy hand so he just shuffled really good then dealt again.

    The last hand was my King-Seven vs his Nine-Five; we didn't even play it because at this point we knew something was up. I'll try to post the math to have it make more sense.

    Edit: oh yeah I had King-Queen for one of the 9 hands. I was going against my brother's King-Small.


  • sabastious
    I can almost assure you doubters that Sabastious knows for an absolute certainty that he was given the answer to his simple question.

    I am really leaning that way; the post I just made is my best explanation why it was so personal and so crazy. I'm not sure if I got the point across well enough. I'm not one to jump on that kind of train. I like to consider myself a look before leap kind of guy.


  • journey-on

    Sab...If prayer is uncomfortable to you, make sure you throw out a positive vibe of appreciation and thanks into the universe for what you were given.

  • sabastious
    Sab...If prayer is uncomfortable to you, make sure you throw out a positive vibe of appreciation and thanks into the universe for what you were given.

    Interesting concept.

    But I gotta prove to myself that it was communication before I offer thanks. Still in that process.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Now that I have specifics, I can see why you think God (or the devil for that matter) was involved.

    So, YES. OTWO will be the one to throw himself on this grenade and be the skeptic.

    The Ace of Spades always always always showed up on the board for eight hands... ....oh, except for one somewhere in the midst where it was a hole card.

    The sentimental value of these cards allows for any suits. No point in testing the supernatural with too much specifics. It includes garbage hands that make you think of someone. I suppose not getting garbage hands and getting Royal Flushes (any suit) would not have been as sentimental.

    Regardless of the specific odds of specific hands showing up in some order, you allowed it to seem more specific in your mind than it really was. One hand with any King and any card less than a Nine, next hand with any Queen and any Two, etc. That's really so typical.

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