So me, of all people, had a religious experience

by sabastious 363 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    I yelled loud within my mind "I just wish I knew for sure whether or not there is intelligence out there doing anything besides humanity! I mean

    common! I would just like to know."
    I remember really meaning it. I wasn't officially asking for anything... I was just genuinely frustrated and I might have spoken it aloud I don't really remember.

    When you are given your answer in a manner that is meant just for you personally, you KNOW it with absolute certainty. No matter how others try to take it away from you, it was written in your heart and you will never forget it. You just KNOW and you can't really explain it to doubters. You received a blessing.

  • Nickolas

    but if its a 1:10E20 event, well, it would be impossible to dismiss:-).

    Something that is mathematically possible, however remote the odds, is by definition still possible. If, for example, there are a billion galaxies in which there are a billion stars (both conservative estimates) and only one in a billion stars has planets and only one in billion of those planets was a candidate to experience the generation of life, the odds of the earth being the only planet on which there is life are one in a billion billion which is 1:10E18, so at least approaching those astronomical odds above. But we do have life on earth, and because we observe it to be so we know that it is possible. I suggest reading up on the anthropic principle. Experience something that is not mathematically possible and then we'll shift the discussion onto another level. Regardless, bohm, your point is well taken. The odds of what sab experienced, even discounting OTWO's excellent points, are far, far better than 1:10E20.

  • unshackled

    If I posted a personal experience of one of the following, how many on this forum would a) believe me b) believe me and say they had the same experience:

    - I seen a UFO
    - I was abducted by aliens
    - I seen a sasquatch, the loch ness monster, ogopogo, etc.
    - my dead grandfather appeared before me
    - I have a beautiful flower bed and there are fairies living underneath it
    - I was in Wichita, Nebraska and seen Elvis coming out of Walmart
    - an invisible aardvark named Eddy lives in my attic and is the supreme ruler of the universe

    I don't think I'd get much support or acceptance of any of those personal experience stories. Even if someone believed me, they'd likely not want to chime in with support due to embarrassment. But yet, when it comes to "religious" experiences, many concur. Why? Because it seems regardless how absurd something may sound, there is strength in numbers. The point I'm making is best said by Sam Harris, from his book The End of Faith:
    "We have names for people who have many beliefs for which there is no rational justification. When their beliefs are extremely common we call them 'religious'; otherwise, they are likely to be called 'mad', 'psychotic' or 'delusional' . . . Clearly there is sanity in numbers. And yet, it is merely an accident of history that it is considered normal in our society to believe that the Creator of the universe can hear your thoughts, while it is demonstrative of mental illness to believe that he is communicating with you by having the rain tap in Morse code on your bedroom window. And so, while religious people are not generally mad, their core beliefs absolutely are."
    So get this…I can now add my own "religious" experience to this thread. When grabbing my copy of The End of Faith to find that quote above I was thinking of….guess what?! The first page I opened to was the EXACT page I was looking for! A miracle? Did a supernatural being guide my hand? Nope. Random coincidence.

  • mindmelda

    I have things like that happen to me all the time, but then again, I see ghosts, auras and have prescient dreams too and am empathic, and practice empathic energy healing.

    So, I'm always trying to find a rational and scientific explanation why these things are always happening to me, and I keep hoping someone will, because I'm not huge on god anymore.

  • SixofNine

    I haven't read through the thread; has Sabs gotten specific anywhere in this thread about the things he so vaguely described in his first post?

  • beksbks

    Well I can see why the lord would show himself in poker hands, as opposed to ending the suffering of children......................

  • Satanus

    I just read the first page. So, i don't know if my take on it has aleady been given. Anyhooo, imo it doesn't indicate god or coincidence. It indicates your and your brothers subconscious is at work. In your and your brothers subconsciouses, the order of the cards is known. Also, your subconsciouses are connected, as one, so to speak. The more you distract the surface mind and set aside other surface stuff, the more the subconscious can do its thing. The subconscious knows a LOT of stuff. It may even know the future.


  • sabastious

    I've read most of the posts. I intend on responding to as many as I can. The boy's almost asleep gotta spend some time with the wife.


  • sabastious
    It indicates your and your brothers subconscious is at work.

    I'm very interested in this explanation. In fact, it's what my brother and I first discussed after it happend. What if we changed the cards?


  • Satanus

    We all generally, get what we subconsciously want, good, bad or in between. Other people give it to us, working from/through their subconsciouses, and vice versa. The negotiations at the subconscious level go on continuously, w everyone that we are in contact w, but especially from those close to us.


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