Can anyone here SEE the "Run-Away Freight train" about to "Blind-Side" the WTBTS???

by foodalls 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    So I will give you all more information.

    The New Jerusalem is "coming down from the Heavens" as foretold. The UFO's are scout ships. They can no longer pick up our radio frequencies in outer space because of the digital change over. The digital signals stay within our own orbit and are reflected and transmitted through the satellites.

    The New Jerusalem, or Paradise Planet, is a planetary satellite that will orbit Earth.

    There is more info about this on my new thread:


    I'LL BE BACK "GOOFEY".....Foodalls

    It`s spelled "G-O-O-F-Y"..Genius..


    Learn how to Turn your Caps Off..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • shamus100


    I don't know what you're talking about. You're all just talking back and forth, making no sense, and you claim there is a goodalls here talking to you? What is a goodalls? Are you eating magic mushrooms again? Tsk tsk....



    "Goodalls"..Like Jane Goodall the Gorilla Lady..

    You may have to Rip his Face Off..

    Then Barter it with the Aliens,for your Freedom..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • Satanus

    "Battle..What Battle?..

    You ran your mouth and said nothing.."

    Yah, nothing to squish. Reminds me of the troll patrol days. Only, in this case, it was a roach, a small one.


  • chrisjoel

    Is this what ur trying to say..that soon before the month of Dec 2012 ....there will be a really big show of UFOs and contact publically made and it will be disclosed that aliens and alien types are already here living among humans ....and that there isnt any religion only the Great UNIVERSE that they cant even explain....and a new paradigm shift in human thinking will happen...and those in control like the shadow government will have to face the music?

    Is that the road your on? ....cuz if it is....tell them aliens if they are going to be living here they should look hot and not gross...Seriously though sometimes I feel like something needs to change but I dont know what the hell it could be..I cant deny some of the nasa type videos showing strange things ..Mind boggling sometimes...

  • freskalynn

    OUTLAW, seems like u have read & studied and seen things. You may have already read what I posted. Its called: UNDERGROUND BASE LECTURE (UFO) Must Read. Its on New Topics. From what u said u probably have read some of Phil Schneiders Lecturers. A friend of mine sent it in a email. I thought it was real interesting. Back in 1982 we saw a formation of 4 UFO'S within a quarter mile from our house and we followed them & they disappeared out of site. I think they have some sort of highway through this part of the country. There was a piece in the paper the next day about it.

  • shamus100

    Are you talking about Jane Goodall, my hero, the monkey saver? Google her, she's a hero!

    Does she hate me because I cannot see her posts? What's wrong? DEAR GOODALL, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME!!! IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG, YOU DAMNED DIRTY APE!!



    Well, I'm off to bed - the psychosis has passed... for now.... ;D :D ;D Muuuuhahahahaa!!!

  • freskalynn

    You guys go to ur browser and type in: "Phil Schneider Lecturer" and there will be a page of articles u can click on. Its what Phil Schneider helped do and the underground bases he helped build and the battle he and some of the government people encountered with large grays. There are several videos that show his speaches. His speach is what I posted. I think it is some of what OUTLAW was speaking of.

  • Scott77
    PEACE be with you Brother! Namaste!...

    Are you from or is connected to india subcontinent?

    Oh good, another off balanced psychotic to join the the ones already here.

    See what kind of people attract the JWS.

    I hope this guy doesn't own a gun !


    I understand foodalls has been here since 2007, a year after you joined JWN. So he is not new of course. Its extraordinary amazing and surprising as such that in less than 6 hours of post of this thread, its has garnered 6 pages and been viewed a whopping 1252 times. Unbelieveable but true.


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