Debunking the Watchtower - Slam Dunks and Solid Arguments

by Nickolas 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    I think losing one's faith is dangerous. Just before my younger brother died he blamed his situation on his up bringing. My older brother is ill. He also feels some of his trouble started post 1975.

    If I lost my faith in Christ I think I would suffer alot.

    When I left the "truth" in alot of ways I wanted my wife to stay. One reason was I felt she could be leaving because of me. I wanted her to leave because she didn't accept it not because I didn't also it makes it more difficult for me to gauge my reasoning.

  • AGuest

    Designs... peace to you!

    Aren't you just perpetuating another set of Beliefs just as unsupported as any other religious system.

    No. There is a record. That you don't put store in the record is on you. Funny, though, you want me to put store in the "record" as to what you believe... or don't believe. Do I believe the record to be completely accurate and infallible? No. Which is why I have to rely on the Holy Spirit.

    This whole notion that if you Believe and Practice x you get to go to Heaven or some other Reward and if you don't then its curtains is the core of all of these discussions as to the value of Religion in people's lives.

    If that were the discussion, we could go into that. And I don't say we shouldn't (indeed, let's, but in another thread, if you've a mind to). But this was about telling someone "(1) we believe in a book and all that it says; (2) and its says such and so as to anyone; but (3) anyone doesn't mean anyone. It certainly doesn't me you." Which is evil. And a lie.

    Now, if they said "(1) we believe there's a book that contains a great deal of what we believe, but (2) we know it's fallible so we don't rely fully on it or tell you to do so; rather, we look to another, more reliable source; however, (3) it does say such and so... and as to anyone; (4) and while that may or may not apply to you; (5) far be it from us to decide - you do what you feel you need to and no one [of us, at least] BETTER say anything about it or we will personally set them straight"... well, then, that would at least tell me that they at least not FALSE christs, but just imperfect humans like everyone else... and know that all they can really do is wait for it all to shake out...

    Case in point was the funeral I attended yesterday in a Protestant church, and the question was raised- why did God give this man cancer and take him to Heaven. People can do quite well without that conundrum.

    I would absolutely agree... and my position would be that these, too, are false christs (if they even considered themselves chosen at all) because (1) there is no place in the Bible that says God would do such a thing; indeed, what's written there is the contrary; and (2) the Holy Spirit would have told them absolutely different... that the Most Holy One of Israel is LIFE... and the God of the LIVING... and not Death... and the God of the dead. That Spirit would have also told them that the man wasn't taken to heaven, as no one has ascended to heaven, yet... at least in the manner they apparently believe... because none of the chosen (if he were in fact of that group) precede any others of the chosen... but all "enter" at the same time.

    "Christianty" is divided and fragmented for one reason, dear designs: the great apostasy that was foretold to come. This apostasy is the manifest in the FALSE TEACHINGS that the Bible is the Word of God... versus Christ being that Word. By teaching this LIE... so many have misled so many others to listen to THEM... and their interpretations of what is contained in the Bible... which is NOT "scripture"... rather than listening to the One that the Hebrews, Israel... and the 1st century disciples... listen to. Christ, the Word of God.

    The BELIEF... had ALWAYS been that God spoke to man; either directly, through His angels, through prophets, and... until that great apostasy... through Christ, His Word and Holy Spirit. Even the disciples didn't understand the "scriptures"... until HE "opened" them up to such ones. And even they taught to listen to Christ... and not to them.

    This belief that the Bible is how we hear God, however, is false. It is ANTI-Christ. And the one who first perpetuated it... and those who follow such one... are anti-christs. It is how the world has been overshadowed, oppressed, and misled... by "christianity." Such "christianity" has led far more away from God and Christ than to them. If not by people's beliefs, then certainly by their works and actions.

    TRUE christianity is not based on a religion, or a belief, or a doctrine, teaching... or organization... however. It is not because one recited a creed, took a vow, agreed to a set of beliefs, and/or got baptized in water. It is not based on one's choosing. TRUE christianity is based on BEING chosen... as a "holy vessel"... a place to "house" the spirit of God... by means of a baptism by "fire": which is baptism... with holy spirit! That spirit is poured out upon one... even into one... so that it fills one up. Thus, making one a "temple" of God. A place where God "dwells." It is done by UNdeserved kindness... and mercy... NOT because such one believes in a set of doctrines, or understands the writing in a book, or is kind/nice/gentle/meek... or can quote scripture backward and forward.

    It is granted on one basis: faith. In the One who so grants it, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. Faith that allows one to hear... and, in some instances, see... that One. Not faith that says "maybe I hear," or "I think I hear," or "I really want to hear"... or "I wish I could hear, but others say I can't and I believe them." It is faith that says, "Yes, Lord, I hear you. I absolutely DO hear you... and what you have said... to ME." Regardless of what anyone else heard, did not hear... and/or believes/disbelieves what you [say you] heard.

    Faith... is not a twin... to doubt. It is the OPPOSITE of doubt.

    I hope this helps, dear designs. I understand that these things are difficult for some to grasp. Indeed, they are difficult for those who call themselves "christians." And so, like the Jews of my Lord's day in the flesh... those who did NOT possess God's holy spirit... they, too, seek to kill anyone who doesn't teach what they have always believed. With the exception of the covenant for a kingdom, what my Lord and his chosen were teaching at that time wasn't new or beyond what the Jews... who considered themselves "Israel"... had always believed and taught. It was absolutely the SAME things that a FAITHFUL Israel would have known. Had those who believed themselves to be "Israel" paid attention to the teachings and prophecies in their own belief system, they would not have been surprised at all. Indeed, some weren't... and so were called to be disciples.

    The same is true today with the so-called "christians" who believe themselves to be "Israel." They are simply... and blindly... repeating the pattern of the Jews before them. They take issue with anyone who speaks or teaches something different from what they believe or teach... even if the "new" teaching isn't new at all, but goes BACK to the original teachings of Christ and his disciples. Simply because THEY never "heard" of it. They never HEARD, however... because they've been listening to the wrong ones! They shouldn't take issue with the messenger, however, but with those who have falsely and misleadingly taught them.

    And they should humble themselves... and return to the love THEY had at first: of the truth. Which means, they should be seeking out, returning to, and listening to the One they CLAIM called them: Christ... God's only TRUTH. And no longer men (and women) who have little or no truth IN them.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ... and NO other...


  • designs

    Well Shelby yet another Denomination is born. What's the number now 1801.

  • AGuest
    I will not let some things pass, as I think they need to know that I do not hold to any of their beliefs.

    Nor should you, dear Wobble (the greatest of love and peace to you!)... if you know it to be a lie. Granted, you might have to wait for an "opportune" time, but I would never tell you that you CAN'T say anything. That's totally untrue.

    Education, life experience all play into the process of our personal growth. ... he immigrated to the USA and eventually entered UC Berkeley where he got his Phd...

    I was born in the USA, dear designs (again, peace to you!), and have lived here all of my life. I live here still. When I left the Borg I went to university and eventually law school. I received my JD in 2008. The thing is, while I left the WTBTS I did not leave God and Christ... and have never, even after obtaining an education, felt that I needed to leave them. Actually, the experience drew me closer (I learned a great deal that not only helped me under them more, and the physical universe... but the world I live in).

    I don't believe that one has to compromise one's faith... in order to succeed in this world. Success is defined by the individual, not by society. And, unlike the WTBTS... and, apparently, you... I don't think education has to... or necessarily will... absolve one's faith. I consider it a GREAT gain in my life that I can share, with some degree of intelligence, with the farmer, janitor, and mechanic... as well as, the judge, banker, or CEO. I live in both worlds... among people of all ilks... and I make it my goal not to forget that.

    Limiting one's "community" to those whose minds are closed due to a lack of education, in these times, however, is folly. True, my Lord is recorded to say that it would be harder to a rich man to enter into the kingdom... but he also said it was possible, with God. There are enough disciples to share the truth with the uneducated and/or poor. indeed, that is where most aim their "ministry." Someone, however, has to be able to share with the educated and not-so-poor, as well. Because it really is an "equal opportunity"... opportunity. There are uneducated AND educated who have faith... and educated and uneducated who don't. All should have the opportunity, however, and then be left to make their own choice.

    I bid you peace... and ears to hear, if you wish them, when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... FREE!"

    A slave of Christ,


    P.S. What "denomination" would that be??

  • Giordano

    I don't know the family dynamic your dealing with but your concerns are loud and clear. You also said "I should emphasize that my objective is not to turn my wife into a non-believer. I'm not sure she could handle it, even if I could."

    So if I understand, the goal is to encourage her to keep her faith in god but to help her ease out of the JW world and focus on a gentler humanistic religion that does not seek to divide family.

    The bad news is that the WTBTS has had years to condition their members to think in certain ways as you well know.

    The good news is that over the years they have also created serious internal contradictions. Which is one of the primary reasons they are a failure. Some of those contradictions can be exploited but one must approach those conversations carefully.

    The discussion I would start with is the bibles teaching about women especially in the NT. Your actually attaching how the WTBTS treats women but not directly. Your premise is the bible has a history of treating women as second class citizens. If it doesn't bother her it will certainly come to bother her that the teaching may not be inspired. And that will be the start of a debate that hopefully will have her thinking about her place in the congregation.

    Examining the source is the better and most respectful tactic. The Society teaches, as many religions do, that women are basically inferior. To talk to family members who are still in I have read Bart Erdman for the critical historic approach. But I was very surprised by John Shelby Spong who was the Episcopal bishop of Newark now retired. After reading him I decided not to hold that bishop thing against him LOL. He is deeply concerned that Christians have gotten way ahead of themselves in believing that the bible is the inspired word of god. In the two books I have read "Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism", and the very readable "The Sin of the Scriptures". He examines sex, gays, women, etc. and looks at the source material that has promoted hatred, the beating of children, slavery and the treatment of women and why they should not be an influence on our lives. He maintains that it is wrong too often to be trusted as such. That there are important things in the bible but none of it is inspired of god. It is not god's word it is mans. Spong goes to the heart of these issues with reverence and respect which means a believer is not being attacked. He seeks to encourage a more loving relationship with god and to study the loving parts of scripture.

    On the issue of women he makes a convincing argument that Paul's words were simply Paul's letter's, one sided conversations filled with Paul's thoughts that must be considered in the context of his education and times and how he was raised. To understand why Paul had distain or suspicions about women he quotes Paul's words to show he was a very conflicted person. That in modern times we have moved well past Paul's assumptions that women were clearly inferior.

    Once you are talking about women's rights you are on common ground. Once one understands that the treatment of women is not inspired by god that religion is still being guided by old testament misogamy you have a breach that will open the door for further discussion.

    The WTBTS is so weak now that even a small deflection may be all it takes.

  • designs

    Shelby, it still comes around to a common problem with individuals thinking that their thoughts are channeling from the Divine realm. As our Muslim friends repeat 'from God's thoughts to my lips', so many claim this notion in and outside of Christianity. Mohammed, The Baha u llah, Prince Gautam Buddha, John Calvin and Martin Luther, William Miller, Armstrong, Charles Russel etc.. Each thinking their little brainstorm was some advancement in spirituality.

    Strange reasoning occurs when people can diagram the gaps and omissions in the Watchtower's Belief system but can't see their own gaps and omissions.

    1801 Denominations and growing it appears.

  • Curtains

    nickolas, another thing that struck me, triggered by Aguest's posts above, which you may not be aware of is that the watchtower leadership appeals to its followers anti-intellectuallism to keep them happy, contented and flattered. I'm not a person of many words and hope you understand what I mean (if you don't then I can explain). So my suggestion is to, using non religious material (perhaps a newspaper, TV programme or film even), examine and discuss with your wife how leaders can use appeals to anti-intellectualism to win people over. Leave her to make the connection to Jehovahs witnesses. If this was Gods organisation would they need to make such appeals.

  • AGuest
    Shelby, it still comes around to a common problem with individuals thinking that their thoughts are channeling from the Divine realm.

    I am not sure I agree, dear designs (again, peace to you!). Your example explains why:

    As our Muslim friends repeat 'from God's thoughts to my lips', so many claim this notion in and outside of Christianity.

    I think most of them are only saying that in that they consider the Quran/Koran to be "God's thoughts"... and so, if "it" says, then that's what's what. Unfortunately, not all of what they do comport with what "it" says. Like many so called "christians"... they never condescend to read it for themselves. They simply rely on what others tell them it says. Excluding a few, people are pretty lazy when it comes to reading (if not illiterate). Which is how they GET misled...

    Mohammed, The Baha u llah, Prince Gautam Buddha, John Calvin and Martin Luther, William Miller, Armstrong, Charles Russel etc..

    I agree. Which is why I stopped "listening" to these (or those who made similar claims)... and just went directly to the Source for myself. No contamination.

    Each thinking their little brainstorm was some advancement in spirituality.

    Well, you have to admit, most were some kind of advancement... at least at to certain religious beliefs at their time. Better than what came before them, to a greater or lesser degree. Unfortunately, just like with "the Bible"... you end up with those to taint and alter... and misinterpret... and reinterpret... in order to mislead others.

    Let's take Mohammed, for example. I believe he may have been a prophet. I base this on the Muslims I know personally - not a one has a hair of contention in them that I have ever seen. I can't imagine any one of them taking up their hand against another. I believe such ones to be "of Abraham," through Ishmael, no problem, whether of flesh or simply by means of what they believe. Because of their "works." Ishmael was not a bad man, was loved by Abraham AND God... and was constituted a mighty nation.

    The seed, however, came through Isaac, not Ishmael. Does that mean Isaac is "better" than Ishmael? Well, again, Abraham loved both Isaac AND Ishmael. In fact, he loved Ishmael MORE. But Isaac wasn't chosen by Abraham - he was chosen by God, because he was SARAH'S child. Over millenia, however, Isaac's descendants have shown themselves to be hard-headed, hard-hearted, stiff-necked, rebellious, murmuring hypocrites. So, no, Isaac isn't better.

    Still, that does not remove the fact that it IS Isaac through whom the seed is delivered. For me, it's merely a matter of David and Saul - although David was chosen by God to replace Saul... he never even thought to raise his hand against Saul. Rather, he left him to God. He knew who he was... and didn't base it on what others believed or thought. And never felt he had to PROVE it... to anyone... including the now apostacized Saul. (NOTE: The people accepted David because of his triumphs against Israel's enemies. Had he not shown such prowess, however, they would have utterly rejected him; regardless of who Samuel said he was.)

    That is my position as to Muslim, Hindus, so called christians, etc. It is not my job to convert them or move my hand against them. My only job... is to tell the truth. Whether anyone listens or doesn't. If I do that, then I fulfill the obligation to and agreement I made with my Lord.

    Strange reasoning occurs when people can diagram the gaps and omissions in the Watchtower's Belief system but can't see their own gaps and omissions.

    Funny comment. I mean, if you're referring to me, I would have to say few, very few... including you, even bother to share any gaps and omissions. The only thing anyone ever says, really, is "Who are you to say such things? Why you and not someone else? I don't hear such things so they must not be true." I have never walked on the moon, either, but I don't doubt that someone else did. And not because others corroborated it... or there is "scientific"/tangible evidence of it.

    For me, it's for the simple reason that, given what I know about man... and his greed and desire to possess all that is around him... I have absolutely NO doubt that someone went there and planted a flag. For the very reason that men plant flags: to show possession.

    1801 Denominations and growing it appears.

    Again, you have not identified this "denomination." There are many "denominations" within so-called christianity. Indeed, within almost every religion. I have no religion... and thus, no denomination. So, there is nothing for others who would want to be a part of some "denomination" to follow or join, per se. There is only a who, Christ... and His Body.

    Because being a christian is not based on what I or others adopt; it is based on WHO adopts us... and how. By holy spirit.

    Again, I bid you peace, dear designs!

    A slave of Christ,


  • designs

    Among the advantages of being at this stage in life is we don't have to be tied to a creed or a religious doctrine. Being a good person, and being productive in our communities and through any internatioanl groups we choose to be affiliated with comes from our own altruism. And that is proving to be a very good thing all on its own merits.

    "The trees I planted in my youth are now 100' tall".

  • Nickolas

    If I might be so presumptuous, I seek permission from those who have generously subscribed to this thread to raise a point of order. Let us, if we can, focus on speaking to the objective of the thread. Its lifetime will be short, measured in hours, but its effect on me personally and perhaps others who reference it has some potential to last a lifetime. It has already contributed much to my understanding and I hope I am not being overly greedy to want for more.

    The WTBTS is my enemy. It has done and is doing harm to people I love and as a consequence it has lost whatever respect I may have had for it and whatever tolerance I may have allowed, however small, for it to be a part of my life. My life is finite and likely 3/4rs done. What remains is precious. I could be content, selfishly, to exorcise the WTBTS from my life and then just walk away and let it be, but my present proclivity is to contribute to its downfall. It could be, if I should actually succeed in opening the eyes of those for whom my love is absolute, that I will fade from the battle content to lick my wounds and live my life free from the influence of this organisation while it goes on doing harm to others. I hope I am a better man than that and that my gratitude would overwhelm my selfishness and prod me to continue on. That remains to be seen.

    There is an ancient Arabic proverb that goes "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". I don't buy into what some of you believe, but that doesn't matter to me at this juncture because it doesn't matter to the objective. If you are here contributing to this dialogue it is because we have a common enemy, for whatever personal or altruistic reasons that may be. I may, in another forum, accept an invitation from you to square off, take off the gloves and slug it out, but it will be another time and only if you invite me to. If we are allied in a common objective you will not attempt to ambush my closely held beliefs and I will reciprocate. It is a delicate dynamic, because the fundamental that each of us holds true within ourselves can be challenged only by full frontal attack with the heaviest of armaments. Let's not go there for now. Never if you don't want to.

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