Thanks and Goodbye

by brotherdan 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • letsslatejws

    Love all your posts Bro Dan, I dont post much, but when I do I dont attack JW's like my user name suggests :z

    Hope you will come back xx

  • thetrueone

    Did man create God? Or did God create man?

    Research this question as much as you can, after you've have done so you'll come to the obvious conclusion

    that man created the gods/god out human ignorance of himself and the world he lived in.

    Human ignorance is a known fact whether you accept this or not is totally incumbent upon you.

    Study ancient mythology thoroughly, the gods were a very necessary part of any ancient cultural civilization.

    Then go on to study some of the modern sciences such evolutionary biology, earth geological formulations

    and things associated with modern human discoveries.

    Most recently removed JWS suffer from intellectual immaturity, its somewhat of a causality of having a long term relationship

    with the JWS/WTS . The knowledge is there, its just a matter of wanting to search and become aware of it.

    I think you'll eventually be back

  • palmtree67

    I hope you will change your mind.

    If not, then I will miss you very much.

    Wishing only the best for you, brotherdan


  • ziddina

    Aw, Brother Dan....

    SO sorry to hear about that!!

    Please keep in mind that we're here for you, if you ever do decide to come back...

    Also - just an idea - you were reading most of the threads as a "new" person. When I started on this board, I'd read most of the threads, too, including those which I knew would make my head want to explode.

    Eventually, I also became tired of the conflict. Now I am much more discerning as to which threads I read and post upon.

    It's sort of like being a kid in a candy store - or a new bookshop. I wanted to sample EVERYthing - and, as in a candy shop, I ended up with the occasional bellyache. [Or blurry eyes from too much late-night reading...]

    After a while, disillusionment - or wisdom - or both - set in. And I don't visit the board quite as much, but I do enjoy it more.

    Hope this advice helps - remember, we're ALWAYS here for you!!!


  • undercover
  • mrsjones5

    Everyone needs a stress break every once in a while. Know that not everyone is gonna agree with you and that's the beauty of this site. If everyone agreed about the nature of God and if there is a God or not this place would be no better than a kingdom hall. You might be back and if so I'll be happy to see you.


  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Best wishes to you, and I have felt sad reading over your situation- my only hope for you is that you find peace mentally and spiritually


  • Magwitch

    I have enjoyed all your posts so much! You will be missed!

  • cyberjesus

    Dear All Smurfs,

    I am smurfing you this letter because I’m leaving the village today for good.
    It’s been smurftastic living here with all of you, but now it’s time for me to
    go. I’m leaving because smurfly, I’m smurfed up. I’m tired of cooking
    smurfnormous meals for all of you. All the sewing, I can’t thread another
    needle. And above all, I’m sore as smurf. It was fun when we all started doing
    the "smurf bangs" but after twenty seven years, I’m super smurfed out.

    I’m moving to Hawaii. What will I do there for work? I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll
    pick pineapples or braid vacationing humans’ hair on the beach for nickels. I do
    know that I will probably soak in the warm Caribbean waters for a few weeks. I’m
    super sore. With that being smurfed, I would like to give some personal
    smurfbyes to some smurfticular Smurfs:

    Brainy: Thanks for being too nerdy to smurf me. And thanks for the
    math tips.

    Farmer, Fisher, Grouchy, Hefty, and Snappy: You took that last
    "smurf bang" party too far…I mean blood? Really?

    Papa Smurf: You know what you did

    I think this fits the occasion. :-)

  • miseryloveselders

    Nothing wrong with moving on Dan. I liked your posts and threads. Hope the best for you and I hope you come to some kind of resolution with your respective other. I hope you stand your ground dealing with her too. I'm not saying that you grab her by the throat, but don't let her step all over you either. I hope you swing through here occasionally and say wsup. Also, I think its a good thing to move on from this forum for some. There comes a time when its appropriate to stand on your own two feet. I hope and pray the best for you Dan. Grab life by the horns, and break its neck while you're at it.

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