Are you suspicious of LURKERS?

by VampireDCLXV 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    I initially came on here years ago in search of answers to hard questions. I read pretty much everything I could.

    I had newborns when I first joined and they usually were sitting with me or I was nursing them when I was reading, which leaves no hands to type. I started commenting here and there when I was able, but for the most part everything scholastic I had to say was covered by Mary, everything funny by Outlaw and everything sweet by Flipper.

    So mostly I observed. I come back now and again and I have brought many people to this forum. I feel like I know alot of the posters personally even if they don't know me.

    Today I am here because I had too many Gin and tonics and then had my memorial invite dropped of. Seemed like fun to come read a bit, see whats up.


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I like the Mystery of Forums....

    You try to picture what they look like by their Avatar and way they speak in Type....

    I have nothing to hide and many of you Know who I really am...

    Again I'm not suspicious of Lurkers or Trolls...

    Mystery all part of the game ...

  • Black Sheep
  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    Cute! black sheep.


  • VampireDCLXV

    It's amazing how some old threads just come back to haunt you... *sigh*


    P.S. You have a PM, twinkle toes...

  • laverite

    I "lurked" for years and years. Even before it was JWN, back when it was JWD. I only got an account to post (almost a year ago?). But I was a lurker for a really, really long time. I wasn't afraid per se...just lazy. I loved reading and didn't feel the need to reply. Even now, I can be away for quite a while just reading and enjoying the posts. Even if I ever got banned, I don't think it would bother me. I'd just go back to reading and not comment. Most of the pleasure comes from that for me.

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    I hear ya laverite. I probably read for 2 years before I got an account. WHich was 4 years ago I think. It is a great resource. Always up to date info about whats going on in the family.


    p.s . Vampire you have a pm

  • wyorobert

    Great topic. Nobody cares about the haters, and who knows how many people are helped by this site. Most people don't participate because like all of these sites, they generally turn into clicks of a few dominant people and it takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there. This can be a vicious forum. It is welcoming to new members, but generally condescending and judgemental once they start contributing. Even in the early days of AOL the chat rooms were like that, so it's just human nature I think.

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