Why did God kill children?

by brotherdan 185 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brotherdan

    We have free will, LWT. He DOES choose us. He is omniscient. He knows the outcome of all of us. He knew who would be faithful and who would not from the creation of the world. We ARE born depraved, but we CAN make the decision to come to him. He begs us, in fact, to do so.

  • bohm

    BD: Well, you didnt answer my question. Why is it wrong to kill children if they will just fly into heaven with God? Who are actually HURT when i kill a child, then, who are NOT hurt when GOD order the killing? Saying i am not God is a red herring in this context; your answer is just stating that when God order a murder of a child, its good because its God, when i murder a child, its bad, because im not God.

    In such a system there is no morality.

    The fact the explanation is used for terrorists to blow people to bits should sound the warning bells.

  • brotherdan
    your answer is just stating that when God order a murder of a child, its good because its God, when i murder a child, its bad, because im not God.

    That is no red herring. God GAVE life. He has the right to take it away from anyone whom he chooses. YOU do not have that right.

  • leavingwt
    We have free will, LWT. He DOES choose us. He is omniscient. He knows the outcome of all of us. He knew who would be faithful and who would not from the creation of the world. We ARE born depraved, but we CAN make the decision to come to him. He begs us, in fact, to do so.

    Did some of the three-year-olds slaughtered in the Bible go to Hell, because God knew that they'd grow up to be bad people?

  • brotherdan

    Don't know. It doesn't say.

    It's ONLY my opinion that God took them to heaven. The Bible doesn't talk about that either. But if God IS love, then whatever He does MUST be loving.

  • leavingwt
    That is no red herring. God GAVE life. He has the right to take it away from anyone whom he chooses. YOU do not have that right.

    OK, at this point, you're going with the Divine Command Theory, if I understand you correctly. IOW, if God does it, then it is necessarily Good, Just, Right, Loving and Correct. Morality is based upon God's whim.


    This is precisely why I'm calling this version of "God" a monster.

  • leavingwt

    IMHO, your values/ethics/morals/standards are superior to those of your God. <------ This is a compliment, by the way.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Not to defend God..LOL

    The older OLDER generation Knew how to fight Wars! War is Ugly War is Horror and in the Days of Old in War you Destroyed EVERYTHING!

    When a Army approached it meant Devastation was coming. Children Woman Elderly Animals it was all DESTROYED!

    So why would the Israelites be any different. They(Enemies of the True God) were Warned and decided to stay and face War!

  • bohm

    Brotherdan: WHY do i not have that right? What if i, as a scientist, created an artificial being which was every way as a child in a laboratory, would i then have the right to kill it as i saw fit?

  • betterdaze

    The fact the explanation is used for terrorists to blow people to bits should sound the warning bells.


    "God ALLAH knew that if the children of false worshipers INFIDELS and enemies of the Israellites MUSLIMS were allowed to grow up, blah blah blah

    … he reasoned in his suicide note. Later that day, he strapped a homemade bomb to his chest that would blow up a Christian daycare center. More news at 11."


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