Why did God kill children?

by brotherdan 185 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brotherdan

    LWT: You're right about thinking it impossible that the WT was wrong. What would it take for me to give up the Bible? I guess I just don't know.

  • sabastious
    It's just my opinion. Take it or leave it. But I think it makes sense.

    Well damnit, why can't I get a free ride to heaven like those kids?


  • brotherdan

    That's what I'm sayin, Sab.

  • Markfromcali

    But why would you believe it just because it's in the Bible? Shouldn't you believe that it's trustworthy based on the content, rather than try to force it to make sense because you simply accept the canon of 66 books as inspired? Why does it even need to be those books, can we really trust whoever that decided on this collection that this is THE inspired word?

  • brotherdan

    IF God was in control of the Bible, then yes.

    The problem here is that the Bible is a book of faith. Faith HAS to be involved. So there will always be someone that will be able to question it.

    I know that JWs like to use this argument alot, but I'm gonna use it too. If I'm wrong, what is the consequence? I die, I don't wake up, and I will not exist anymore.

    If you are wrong...well there is a lot to worry about then, right?

  • brotherdan

    P.S - That sounded a bit harsh. I respect all you guys. And you all give me a ton to think about all the time. I don't want to be one of those judgemental atheist bashers either...

  • leavingwt
    If you are wrong...well there is a lot to worry about then, right?


    The possibilities are infinite. What if Musilms, Mormons, Jews, Hindus are right?

  • miseryloveselders

    I was thinking God can choose to do whatever He sees fit to do to us as humans. Its His planet, His creation, we're His creations, yada yada yada. Go can choose to off His human creations for the same reason we as humans off baby insects or animals. I stepped on thousand legger the other night. I could have captured him and put him outside, but I decided to step on it instead. I guess I wasn't feeling exactly benevolent. I've killed racoons, groundhogs, and cats. I've killed fish and eaten them. I've eat meat every day. Just got done shalacking a Steak Queso Burrito. As humans, we have dominion over the animals and we excercise that rule liberally. God does the same.

    By the way Bro.Dan, I like how you tried to soften God's image regarding the Elisha account of the bears killing the "young adults." Whoever said they were "young adults?" I thought they were children if my memory serves me right.

  • brotherdan

    He makes a good point. However, what if I and all other God believing people (regardless of religion) are wrong? What have we lost?

  • Markfromcali

    Lets not confuse whether something makes sense with who thinks what, though. That there will always be someone that questions things does not answer the question. In this case though I would ask whether you make a distinction between faith and belief. I'm simply asking why you should believe the collection of the bible is what you need to be concerned with, or all that you need to be concerned with - there are others who consider themselves Christians who feel there is value in other works not in the canon so it's a perfectly relevant question. For that matter, when do you decide when to rationalize something and when to simply believe? Does faith in God as a reality require that you believe any of this, or simply if it is a matter of conforming these ideas to an existing idea of God? Is that faith?

    Your consequence assumes self interest is involved. If it is not, there is not much to worry about is there? Actually, there is plenty to "worry" about - just no in regards to ones own salvation. Believe it or not not everyone is motivated by personal salvation.

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