Why did God kill children?

by brotherdan 185 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brotherdan

    That was a copy from another site, and the poster didn't referrence anything. He just said that the Hebrew word used was not the Hebrew word for "child" it was the Hebrew word for some of apprenticeship age. I can't verify this though. I thought it was an interesting viewpoint, and it DOES make sense in the context.

    These people had just witnessed a miracle of God and were mocking it and his prophet. They knew what they were doing and who they were doing it to. Also interesting is that the word used at the end is claimed not to be the word for "killed", but it could have meant "injured".

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Thats the thing about the Bible I don't think there are any Dumb questions. You must question things you have Doubts about.

    I love seeing the responses from Those Strong Faithed Christians to The Atheist view.

    Seeing both sides can answer questions that a single thought could not. Take the views of both and weigh them out.

    Was it a Mercy Killing or Was it preventing Revenge from a Generation that would be left if not killed.

    These were Nations and we know how Proud Nations can be.

    Again War is never Pretty... even if it was a Holy War From Jah! Blood is Blood and Death is Death. Right or Wrong.

    I think that's why Satan is around to take some of the Heat off God.

  • leavingwt

    What have we lost?

    It may take you months or years to answer that question. For each person, it's different.

  • brotherdan

    Well right now, I only feel that I have benefited from my relationship with God. I have hope. I have a sense of fulfillment NOW. I don't believe that I only have a few years to live and then die forever. I can live my life as though I already have everlasting life.

  • bohm

    Misery - yes, why would you expect the 1000 leggers to worship you? Why would you punish 1000 leggers for eating the wrong fruit? Its a really good illustration in many ways, actually.

    BD - still hope you will answer my post.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    You came into this life with nothing.... and you leave with nothing..... so what have you gained???? Nothing

    Monty Python

  • brotherdan
    What if i, as a scientist, created an artificial being which was every way as a child in a laboratory, would i then have the right to kill it as i saw fit?

    You're not going to like my answer. But here it is. You are not omniscient. You are not omnipresent. You are not perfect in every sense of the word. God IS love. You are not God. But if you WERE and you created something LIVING, then yes, you have the right to do with it as you so please.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis
    I can live my life as though I already have everlasting life.

    Nice way to look at life. Just remember to enjoy your Paradise now... doesn't mean trade in your Morals.

  • leavingwt
    Well right now, I only feel that I have benefited from my relationship with God. I have hope. I have a sense of fulfillment NOW. I don't believe that I only have a few years to live and then die forever. I can live my life as though I already have everlasting life.


    Well right now, I only feel that I have benefited from being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I have hope. I have a sense of fulfillment NOW. I don't believe that I only have a few years to live and then die forever. I can live my life as though I already have everlasting life.

    I agree with Steve Hassan. If a person is TRULY happy within their group/faith/religion, they are NOT going to leave. Only when one can see and feel the bars of the cage, will he begin to have any reason to imagine life on the outside.

    So, if your faith is something positive (to you) and non-violent (to others), I don't really have any major objections.

  • brotherdan

    I am living life now. I'm no longer part of a destructive cult. I'm appreciating life moment by moment. I'm not dreading the future thinking "What if I haven't done enough". I feel freedom.

    Losing my belief in God, at least it seems to me, would not make me feel any more free. I think it would be entirely depressing.

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