Why did God kill children?

by brotherdan 185 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Lime, your anger and rage are consuming you. Calm the hell down.

    Wait, me, too. Except I'm not really a true atheist, so where does that put me? I suppose it's like JWs consider us "bitter apostates"... Christians consider atheists "angry atheists"? But then I think of some of the hate mail that prominent atheists have received from Christians. They've got some angry messages of their own.

    Dan, you're going through some tough times. I don't think we should take your words at face value. You're understandably upset and with what you're facing, I'd let you punch me in the gut if it made you feel better.

  • HintOfLime
    Lime, your anger and rage are consuming you.

    Lol, rage? I'm kicked back sipping vodka and watching funny videos on youtube.

    I'm just trying to keep people thinking, instead of flipping the "This independent thinking stuff is tough! God is good, brain off!" switch. It doesn't require any rage, just thought.

    To say "god's actions in the bible are evil" does not require rage at all. Just observation. Painting athiests as being 'angry' is a common way to discredit a message by painting the messenger in a negative light.

    - Lime

    (Incidently, I don't 'blame god' or have 'anger for god' for anything - I don't believe he exists at all, so doing so would be irrational. I will admit, hearing people say "It's ok to kill defensless children if god says to do it" is a little sicking, however. But then - this topic isn't about ME. It's about god's actions, as described in the bible.)

  • tec

    Dan - I don't know if anyone has brought this up yet on this thread... but it is we who are killing our own children. We bring them into a world where we both cause and fight wars.

    God isn't killing any children. But we are... by selling them into slavery (past and present), prostitution, armies, holy wars, etc. Because this is the world we have created for them, and this is the world they have inherited from us. And we from our fathers, and they from theirs, etc. etc.

    Bottom line though... they are our children. WE do not go to God or his son (though some of us do), and so WE do not let them go to Him either.

    Luke 13: 34-35 "Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! Look your house is left to you desolate."


  • SweetBabyCheezits
    TEC: I don't know if anyone has brought this up yet on this thread... but it is we who are killing our own children. We bring them into a world where we both cause and fight wars.

    Hi, TEC. It's been discussed but we're talking about the actions of the "epitome of love" who killed kids in the bible, so while sickening, however ridiculous and bloodthirsty humans today are doesn't play much of a role... unless (tangent) you consider that they're imitating their gods.

    SBC: ...I would expect God's standards to FAR surpass our own. The whole "god's ways are higher than ours" is a great line to whitewash everything from condoned rape to slavery to the death of children but it would make much more sense if God, being the epitome of love, were more LOVING or MERCIFUL than me since I'm well below the epitome of love. It's not "his ways are higher and lower than ours", they're just supposed to be higher.
  • SweetBabyCheezits
    God isn't killing any children.

    But if you buy the bible, he did in ancienct times. And, well, some Christians today claim "God wanted him/her with him in heaven."

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Steeeeephen? Why did you flee when I asked the religion of your parents? Did you size up that it would lead to an uncomfy question about presupposition?

  • tec

    Hi, TEC. It's been discussed but we're talking about the actions of the epitome of love in the bible, so however ridiculous and bloodthirsty humans are doesn't play much of a role... unless (tangent) you consider that they're imitating their gods.

    I'm thinking you missed my point, or I didn't make it very well. Children are ours, and they exist in a world that WE created. As the planet is ours. As the animals are ours. Given to us. We abuse them all, and then blame God for the bad things that we, ourselves, have done.

    But if you buy the bible, he did in ancienct times.

    I'm a bad person to ask about this because I don't believe in war at all... though I realize that there might be times that people cannot stand by and watch the torture and murder of another group of people, or even their own. The Caananites practiced child and human sacrifice, and who knows what else. That's why they were being destroyed. The fact that children died as a result of war is an atrocity of war, and not much different today. But children do pay for their fathers' sins in a communal sense because they inherit the world with the mess we create and leave them.

    And we don't have the whole story on those wars, we also should understand enough about the fervor and anger of battle to see where orders and actions could have been without regard to a God of love.


  • tec

    Just to add - If the Israelites didn't even know how to show mercy to their own people half the time, though God wanted it, what chance that they would have understood showing mercy to an enemy?


  • startingover

    This thread has exposed some really sick people IMO. I'll leave it to you to decide who you are.

  • notverylikely

    I was looking for CHRISTIAN reasonings

    Ah. It's on aisle 13, right next to the unicorns, pixie dust and magic rainbows.

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