Why did God kill children?

by brotherdan 185 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • donny

    "God" did not kill any children. This was men doing bad things and then conveniently blaming "God" for the terrible deed.

  • brotherdan

    I don't mind expressing my opinion. If anyone wants to follow me, they just need to get to know me...and then they won't want to follow me anymore! :-)

    Kyser: That statement isn't without biblical support. Paul said the for him to die would be gain because he would be with Christ.

  • james_woods
    "God" did not kill any children. This was men doing bad things and then conveniently blaming "God" for the terrible deed.

    I repeat - what about the flood? Or, for that matter, the kids killed by the bears?

  • bohm

    brotherdan - i believe Al-Queda use the same justification for acts which kill muslims: While they are killed, they will end up in heaven, and thus it is not so bad.

    I wonder what your thoughts are on my first question.

  • brotherdan

    A monster that spares children from a life of suffering without God...and takes them to heaven?

    Like I said, it's just an attempt to explain how it can be answered. If the children were innocent, then they would receive their reward from God.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Or, for that matter, the kids killed by the bears?

    They deserved it. They made fun of Elisha's haircut.

  • brotherdan

    bohm, you are not God. God is not you. If he is our creator and gives us life, well He actually has the right to take it away as well.

    For James Woods, I found this explanation online. Not sure how true it is, but I found it interesting: "One slight ajustment to make in your mind. The Hebrew word translated "little children" in that scripture refers to people who were in the "apprenticeship" part of their lives, meaning between the ages of 18 and 30. Most modern tranlation use the word "youth", not children These were not a group of 9 and 10 year olds just being silly. These were young adults who knew exactly who they were mocking and what they were doing.

    If you look at where and when the incident happened, Elisha had just spend several years following, servicing, and learning from Elijah. The time had come for Elijah to go to heaven. Elisha refused to allow his master to go off alone to die. Instead he kept following him. Finally, when the time came, a fiery chariot came down and picked up Elijah and took him off to heaven. The chariot was visible to more than just Elisha, because immediately the others in the area wanted to go searching for Elijah, considered that the charoit whould drop him somewhere.

    Al Elijah is leaving, up comes this gang of young men (at least 42 of them) and begin mocking and abusing Elisha, yelling "Go up, bald man". These young men must have also witnessed the miracle of Elijah going up in the chariot, or what did they mean by telling Elisah to also "Go up."

    This was no innocent group of kids. It was a large gang of 40+ young adults, surrounding, mocking, and probably endangering the life of Elisha. Laughting at the miracle of God they had just witnessed. Elisha spoke against them, and God sent the two bears. Elisha walked away unharmed. 42 of the youth did not. Note that it says the youth were "torn apart" in the KJ. Most other translation use "rend", "torn" or "injured". The original Hebrew word does NOT mean killed."

  • leavingwt
    Instead of allowing them to grow up and become adult idolaters and sinner who would eventually die in their sins, He mercifully took them out of that evil future and brought them into heavenly paradise to reside with Him.

    He's "God". Why not just do it, 1st Class, to begin with. Why the temporary, painful exercise in futility on Earth?

    Instead of allowing them to be born as imperfect sinners in the first place, he mercifully created them as perfect spirit creatures in a heavenly paradise to reside with Him.

  • brotherdan

    We are the ones that rejected HIM. He didn't reject us.

  • leavingwt
    We are the ones that rejected HIM. He didn't reject us.

    Where is Deputy Dog?

    We are born depraved. We cannot choose Him. He saves the ones he likes, the rest are tortured forever in Hell.

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