Can we trust this website? (About the subject in which Jehovah's Witnesses were a NGO)

by possible-san 131 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thetrueone

    This little video put up on Youtube by someone tells the tell quite well.

  • debator

    So the best you can say is that share and support are the same word when they patently are not?

    1994+ = share

    Since Jehovah's witnesses Look to the hope of of a peaceful world secure under Jehovah and the UN also work towards peace but say men can acheive while they both SHARE the same goal of Peace neither support each others point on how it is acheived.

    2005+ = Support

    Which is really asking that those that join the UN DPI to actually support not just the UN trying to acheive peace but doing it through men rather than Jehovah which is their Goal.

    This is a massive difference.

    Biblically Paul had no problem using his Roman Citizenship (the UN of his day) and then Rome was about conquering and world domination under Caesar a man seen as a god. According to you he would be a hypocrite by your nit-picking.

    Like I said your desperation really shows on this subject and It is you digging the hole if you resort to pretending different words mean the same thing.

  • coffee_black

    So debator, the wt sharing the same ideals as the Scarlet Colored wild beast is ok with you? Yes or no. No tapdancing allowed.

    Different words can mean the same thing. They are called sinonyms. No massive difference there. Try a Thesaurus. Ideals and principals are listed as sinonyms. Sharing the Beast's ideals means that the wt is in agreement with the ideals of the Beast. The wt defintely published and distributed articles that both shared and supported the ideals/principals of the Beast.

    You are just kidding yourself. Ask an active jw if the wt shares the ideals of the scarlet colored wild beast. I dare ya.


  • debator


    The bible clearly shows the people will be crying out "peace and security" to no avail

    NWT 1 thes 5: 3 Whenever it is that they are saying: “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.

    Jeremiah 33:6
    " 'Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.

    It is a written prediction that they want what only God can offer "peace and security" (The UN goals are Peace and security) but in denying Jehovah they cannot attain it. It is not a sin to want Peace itself but who we looked too to attain it.

    By you weird reasoning Jehovah is sinning by offering peace and security because it is the same goal as the UN. Trying to change the goalposts to making sharing the same ideals such as peace as the sin is just a bazaar argument on your part.

  • thetrueone

    Here you go Debator will do the work for you !

    Synonyms are different words with identical or very similar meanings. Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called synonymy. The word comes from Ancient Greek syn ( σ?ν ) ("with") and onoma ( ?νομα ) ("name"). The words car and automobile are synonyms. Similarly, if we talk about a long time or an extended time, long and extended become synonyms. In the figurative sense, two words are often said to be synonymous if they have the same connotation.

    Synonyms can be any part of speech (e.g. nouns , verbs , adjectives , adverbs or prepositions ), as long as both members of the pair are the same part of speech.

    No one is nit picking anything here is all just a composite of facts, although one dishonest person ( no names mentioned )

    wants to white wash over the whole event.

    One fact that can be solidified out of this whole scenario is the WTS. secretly hid this certification with the UN deliberately and when

    it was openly disclosed they quickly withdrew it. Like I said before the word changing on the application is irrelevant to the matter.

    Its only relevant to people who are intensionally trying to white wash the event, whether it comes from the now GB leaders

    or the spiritual warfaring Debater.



    If the WBT$ was`nt Ashamed of Themselves..Why Resign?..Obviously if Joining is Good..You don`t Quit..

    The WBT$ left the UN-NGO out of Shame..LOL!!..We Shamed the WBT$ into Resigning!..

    They never thought we would make such a Big Deal ,the Rank and File Jehovah`s Witness`s would hear about it..

    The WBT$ was Wrong..

    We made dam sure "Everyone" heard about it!!..

    The UN was flooded with Calls..The UN thought we had organised a phoning campain..

    The average Jehovah`s Witness was in Shock.....They needed to find out for themselves..

    The WBT$ never counted on anyone finding out about it..

    The WBT$ was Shamed out of the UN-NGO by Everyone,who let Jehovah`s Witness`s know..

    The WBT$ was "In Bed with the United Nations"..

    Now you want to come here and tell a story,so many here were part of?..

    You don`t know Anything!..

    Shut Up and Learn..

    If the WBT$ was not Ashamed to be a UN-NGO.....The WBT$ would Not have Resigned.....Period..

    No amount of Damage Control by the WBT$,will ever Change that..


    Did I mention you should Shut Up and Learn?..


    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • coffee_black

    It is you who have wierd reasoning, debator/reniaa.

    If it is indeed ok for the wt to be part of the scarlet colored wild beast, why did they not announce it to the rank and file jws? Why did they hide it? Why did they scramble to extricate themselves when they got caught? Why do they condemn other churches for involvement with the UN? As jws we were always taught not to get involved with politics and worldly organizations...yet they joined this immensly powerful organization.. Other churches want peace and security as well. Should the wt join them too? Does the wt share thier ideals as well? According to the wt, babylon the great rides the beast. They work together..are intimately connected. By thier own teachings, the wt has become a part of that. And sadly, most jws don't have a clue that they lay down with the beast.

    Joining an organization that they themselves condemn is strange to say the least. To the jws they say the UN is the scarlet colored wild beast... and not to be involved in it stay clean from this world. "My Kingdom is no part of this world"....remember? Yet Secretly they joined it. Jws don't salute the flag, fight for thier country, vote or run for office because the wt teaches them to stay separate from the world....yet the wt joins the biggest political organization on the planet...and that's ok. There are other reasons the wt joined...other than access to a library. Think about it. Would they really risk it...just for a library card? I think you know that. It is obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense.

    They themselves identified the UN as the Scarlet colored wild beast...a beast that is controlled by the is evil to its core. If they really trusted in JAH, they wouldn't need the UN for anything.


  • debator

    White wash what Thetrueone?

    A ten year library pass to the UN department of Information?

    Exageration cannot make this is Big terrible conspiracy. It just makes the proponents of this conspiracy theory look ridiculous.

    Since both the words share and support are refering to different things grammer doesn't even apply here. The "support" is for the UN itself and the "share" is for the goals not the UN these are two different things.

    You cannot back-date current UN policy to cover what they didn't do years ago. You cannot make the fact that the UN in this century decided to make even NGO's of subsiduary departments sit up and say "hail UN" when in the previous century this simply wasn't the case and on record as so.

    Hi coffee-black

    They weren't "part" of the UN. To this day you have to be a Country literally to be a member of the UN. They simply had membership of it's information department for 10 years. The UN is an authority given powers by the countries that are members of it and has to be dealt with. Paul recognised this fact and used it as a Roman citizen himself. Biblically they have done nothing wrong even if your exagerated opinion and desperate loops makes you want to say otherwise.



    Shut up already..

    There is no Excuse for the WBT$-UN Association..

    If the WBT$ wanted a Book from the UN Library.....All they had to do is request it from any USA Library..

    There was no need for the WBT$ to join the UN-NGO to get a Frigg`n book..

    Only to be Shamed out of an Association with the UN..

    By us..LOL!!..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • coffee_black

    They weren't "part" of the UN.

    Yes they were. They were part of the DPI, which is part of the UN. If you work for a department of a company, you still work for the company. An NGO is a Non Governmental Organization....a member of the UN that is not a government. The wt alligned themselves with the UN for thier own benefit... to use the influence of the UN as leverage in countries they were/are having trouble.... the library card was just a rediculous cover. I don't know anyone who ever really bought that.

    You are delusional... I still dare you to ask an active jw if they share the ideals of the UN. I'd buy tickets to that. Would love to see the look on thier face!

    Coffee who wonders if you actually read the responses to your posts...and who has serious bruises where I've been banging my head against a brick wall!

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