Can we trust this website? (About the subject in which Jehovah's Witnesses were a NGO)

by possible-san 131 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • coffee_black
  • debator

    Hi Possible-san

    If something actually happened you will get racial memories as with the flood spanning countries and oceans, literally many different versions of the same event. You cannot just say one came from the other especially when the People involved had very little contact with each other, if any.

    People ask extraordinary proof from the bible which they do not expect from other historical documents taken as historical fact. People approach the bible with scepticism which constantly has to be reset when the bible is upheld.

    People doubted King David was real until a archaeolgy un-earthed a stone naming him.

    People look at all these different versions and try and find similarities but ultimately they are only guessing since they weren't there at the time to verify which was the source and which copied or if they a simply alternate descriptions of the same event.

    Scepticism is it's own enemy since you can no longer see the truth in anything.

    Titus 1:15
    To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa, this is not guessing or speculating by anyone. This is hard facts. There is however delusions and wishful thinking, embellishing and ignoring of facts by JW to deny the fact that their leaders, God's so-called channel of truth, lied down with the beast they claim to abhor.

    The cold, hard facts show hypocrisy to the highest degree on the part of the WT.

  • debator

    Hi coffee-black

    Are you willing to read the alternate explanation?

    Personally since I know Paul used his Roman Citizenship openly to further the Christian cause, talking to Caesar Agrippa. I do not find accessing the Department of information of the UN to help the preaching work (Rome equivalent of now) for information as a wrongdoing.

    People are saying they do not need to be a NGO DPI to access the information, so then why did they join in the first place? The fact is if it was that easy they simply wouldn't have joined. They had already been used the library for about 40 years without being an NGO DPI it was then they were told they needed to do this to keep access (then they only needed to have the same goals without supporting the UN. Witnesses do have the same goal of peace but see Jehovah as man's salvation through his son, not the UN). From what I believe some access is allowed outside of this but it isn't complete access at all.

    I am only repeating myself now. This is an exaggerated wrongdoing that isn't even a wrongdoing. Unless you are willing to condemn Paul for using his Roman Citizenship under the same warped principle you are applying only to witnesses.

    It is also dishonest to only use the appelation "NGO" since being an NGO for the DPI (Department of information) is not the same type of involved NGO for the UN itself.

  • coffee_black


    Why, then do you not apply the same standards and excuses to other religions? Why make excuses for the wt and condemn other religions for the same behavior they are guilty of themselves? Can you not see the hypocracy? Or is hypocracy ok for the wt? Do you not see how redicuolous your argument appears?

    Why is it that the wt cannot admit thier sins? Why do you feel compelled to defend them, when thier actions in this case are indefensible and go against thier own teachings?

    boggles my mind


  • coffee_black

    After looking at the website you provided, I have the following questions.

    Just what was so important about having access to the UN library? There are many important libraries they have/had access to without having to compromise themselves. What possible reason could they have....what information did they have to get at? Did Jehovah direct them to become a member? Really?

    Why promote the UN, which they did in the Awake satisfy the requirements of an NGO to promote the UN charter? They went from condemning the UN as the Beast of Revelation... to complimenting them in glowing terms for their work. Do you think they ever showed the UN all the articles they printed that identify it as the Beast?

    10 years as an NGO.... do you honestly think they didn't know they were doing? With all the jw lawyers on staff... do you think no one asked about this? Do you really think they only learned about this because the apostates exposed it? Do you think that Jehovah used the apostates to reveal this ;) If they finally realized they were a member of the Beast..and were repentant....why didn't they come clean? Why is it that most rank and file members have no idea about the UN membership with the UN?

    They condemned other religions as harlots for lying down with the Beast... yet it's ok for the wt to lie down with the Beast.

    All the excuses in the world can not make this make sense...nor can they make it right. You have to be pretty gullible to buy into the rhetoric.


  • CuriousButterfly
    They had already been used the library for about 40 years without being an NGO DPI it was then they were told they needed to do this to keep access (then they only needed to have the same goals without supporting the UN. Witnesses do have the same goal of peace but see Jehovah as man's salvation through his son, not the UN). From what I believe some access is allowed outside of this but it isn't complete access at all.


    I will first say I am not well versed in the whole WTS being an NGO (reading up on it). The "excuse" you are giving is meaningless, it does NOT matter if the UN changed their guidelines on accessing the UN Library because "JW 101" depicts the UN as the beast in Revelation. So the GB/WTS can "expose" the UN as the wild beast which is evil why conform to their guidelines??? An evil beast is an evil beast NO matter what.

  • CuriousButterfly
    10 years as an NGO.... do you honestly think they didn't know they were doing? With all the jw lawyers on staff... do you think no one asked about this?

    If anyone truly thinks the WTS did not know, then "I have swampland in Florida to sell you".

  • thetrueone

    The WT, for 10 years, repeatedly signed up and agreed to SUPPORT the charter of the UN...or should I say scarlet-colored beast.

    This is the whole crux of the matter if one is to look at the situation with whole hearted direct honesty.

    The WTS violated their espoused doctrine in associating or supporting the governments of this old world.

    Signing up as a NGO of the UN was in direct opposition of their own solemn professed doctrine.

    Of course once this hit the open media and JWS all around the world put forth enquirers directly to the

    the WTS. head office as well to the NGO department of the UN, the WTS went into damage control

    backed out of this noteable act of hypocrisy and went about pulling that pure and wholesome righteousness

    that they self proclaim .

    Was it an act of hypocrisy of course it was !

    If this situation hadn't come out as it did you can best assume the WTS would still be signed up as an NGO today.

    The man behind the curtain of the WTS. has always been deviously corrupt and hypocritical but isn't

    that the way most organized religions operate ?

    Hypocrisy is the act of pretending to have beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards that one does not actually have.

    Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.


    Good Morning Possible-San..

    3rd Witness could`nt tell the Truth..If you put a gun to his head..

    Reniaa/Debator is full of Shit..

    You can`t Trust them,to be Truthfull..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

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