Can we trust this website? (About the subject in which Jehovah's Witnesses were a NGO)

by possible-san 131 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • debator

    Hi black-coffee

    Since The UN itself does not consider NGO DPI's part of the UN why do you?

    On the contrary DPI NGOs are specifically told by the UN itself that:

    “association of NGOs with the DPI does not constitute their incorporation into the United Nations system”

    According to You the UN is lying here.

    In the United Nations system, there are NGOs who are associated with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and there are also NGOs associated with the Department of Public Information (DPI). The Watchtower Society was of the latter kind — associated with the DPI.

    “For an NGO to be recognized by the United Nations, however, there are requirements, and even two statuses for which an NGO might apply. The DPI status is under the authority of the U.N. Department of Public Information (UNDPI), which controls U.N. archives and research facilities...
    “The other status for which the NGOs may apply is ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) status. The U.N. Website says that to obtain ECOSOC standing an NGO must prove that its work is directly relevant to U.N. goals. With ECOSOC standing an NGO may enter into a formal consultative relationship with access to officials of U.N. member states and must provide useful or special information to the U.N. Economic and Social Council...”

    This is exactly what apostates are accusing the Watchtower Society of doing. Yet, this is not a description of the type of NGO the Watchtower Society was, but it is a description of the other type of NGO — that associated with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

    the 1994 NGO brochure stated as a perk that:

    “For NGOs associated with DPI, the United Nations provides: ... use of the Dag Hammarskjold Library.”
  • possible-san


    Thank you for your reply.

    But..., do you wanna offend me? LOL
    I have asked to you repeatedly, "Are you Ms. Reniaa?"

    Since other your explanation is not needed now, please answer to this question.


  • debator

    Hi Possible-san

    Unless you have any further discussion on actual forum topics I see no reason to talk further. I do not feed ad-hominen attacks they are simply distraction techniques, including trying to get me to be various past posters.

    Thank you for your earlier replies on the topic at hand.

  • possible-san


    Is your reply proving that you are Ms. Reniaa?

    If you are Ms. Reniaa, I feel that that (multiple pen-name) is insincere/dishonest, but what do you think of it?

    But I do not know whether you are Ms. Reniaa.
    So, I am asking you.

    I cannot understand the reason you do not answer to my question.

    Why can such a person defend the WTS?
    I am an ex-defender.


  • debator

    Hi Possible-san

    I refer you to my earlier reply.

    My name is debator and I try to reply to all those who ask me questions. If they use different names for me then I will likely miss their replies. So It is upto them to ask me directly using my name as I respectfully use yours Possible-san.

  • possible-san


    If so, why have they said that you are Ms. Reniaa?

  • inbetween

    JW are for a world government right ?

    so they share the same ideals as Hitler for example ? Would you say that ?

    Jw always make clear, how they are different from all other religions or institutions, even seemingly similarities are denied by highlighting even minor points as different. (eg jesus dies for us, but not on a cross, only on a stake etc)

    But out of a sudden they share the same ideals as the wild beast ????

    inconsistencies where you look



    Debator/Reniaa is as slippery as a Dead Fish..

    Reniaa said she would not return here,but came back under a new Name..Debator..

    Even Reniaa,is Ashamed to be Reniaa..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • possible-san


    You have a strange way of discussing a topic? You call me ill-bred when all I have ever done is politely stick to the topic at hand offering no personal attacks towards you?

    With regard to this point, I would explain my opinion to you.

    When I said first such as "ill-bred", it is after you have said that other religion is "Babylon" and "false religion."

    In my opinion, usually, in the field service, it is an "insult" to express other religion like this.
    And, if you say directly to a personnel of the United Nations as the "wild beast", that is an "insult."
    Therefore, also like this, I stated.

    "Are you really an active Jehovah's Witness?
    In that ill-bred manner of speaking of yours, in the field service, I think that probably people would not listen to your talk.

    First of all, I think that since the society's representatives did not do an ill-bred manner of speaking like you, the United Nations permitted they use the library.
    Do you think that they did a manner of speaking always like you to a receptionist of that library?"

    Do you understand what I wanna say?In this forum, if you wanna do such expression (E.g., "Babylon", "wild beast"), you should be watchful of your manner of speaking, IMO.
    What I wanna say is that your such "outspoken" expression is "ill-bred."

    Scepticism is it's own enemy since you can no longer see the truth in anything.

    When you said as mentioned above, can you say "no personal attacks towards you"?


  • Spade

    "Hi Possible,

    No you cannot trust that website. It's owner, "thirdwitness" he calls himself, is a lying deceptive active Witness.

    He came on this board for a while and was well and truely thrashed. He left with his tail between his legs."

    Hmmm... I think any active Witness that comes on this board would be the target of acidic hate. This simply gives credence that this discussion board is the death cult and the discussion board's religious theme is just an html address.

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