Can we trust this website? (About the subject in which Jehovah's Witnesses were a NGO)

by possible-san 131 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hamsterbait

    Pauls Roman citizenship was inherited.

    We are not talking about the citizenship of birth, and the legal rights it gave to Paul. This is the "red herring" so beloved of the shittily lousy argument of the JW apologist - it has NO relation to what the WTBTS did 2000 years later.

    The WTBTS ended its NGO status ONLY when it was exposed in the Newspapers, NOt by ex JWs.

    All the other Religions of the world are NGO members yet they are said (in one article by the WT) to have "PROSTITUTED" themselves.

    Maybe the WT only claimed a fraction of full membership. So they were not actually whores. They just ask whores to lend them their hard earned cash, and think they have no share in the acts that earned it.


  • hamsterbait

    In case Reniaa forgets - ALL of the literature available in the UN library is availble by inter library loan.

    They did not have to even be a NGO member to get it.


  • possible-san

    Joey Jo-Jo.

    Thank you for your comments.


    I have some questions to you.

    Are you an active Jehovah's Witness?
    Are you Ms. Reniaa?

    Are you told by the Watchtower magazine, that Jehovah's Witnesses (the Society) were a non-governmental organization associated with the UN?
    Has the Society/GB informed you that fact?
    Rather, have not they yet hidden that fact from their followers (you)?

    I think that they/GB should have explained about it to their followers (you) dignifiedly if they needed to be a NGO in order that they might use the library of the United Nations.
    But, why do they keep hiding that information from you?

    Although I am not going to blame only you, I think that you should know that people consider that their such attitude is "insincere/dishonest."


  • debator

    Whether Paul's citizenship was inherited or not is irrelevent. He still openly used it to further the good news, gaining access to Agrippa, deliberately using it.

    If people read this thread they will see articles were we openly show the UN/beast however sincere cannot solve our problems through man-made means! The answers only come from Jehovah so how is this supporting the UN?

    Recognising the UN trying to do good is not the same as supporting it or hailing it as the answer to our problems, this we have never done. The whip you use to condemn witnesses by saying our recognising the UN is the "disgusting thing" is also the one that disproves the conspiracy theories of our supposed support of UN. How can the UN or you say we support them when we have unanimously said they do not hold the answer to our salvation?

    YMCA is part of the Babylon/false religion a different kettle of fish and clearly a red herring.

    We have always taught recognition of authority structure of the world around us as Christians which both Paul as a Roman citizen used himself and gaining access to UN department of information is as apposed to joining False religion a different proposition.

    You want to make this a big deal for your own need to condemn witnesses and frankly your desperation shows for all to read if I am brutally honest.

    Which is why I think threads like this are good because they highlight the anti-witness sincere but mistaken bias fully.

  • designs


    The Society is still sending Branch Overseers to UN sponsored NGO meetings, mostly held in Geneva.

    The duplicity is multi-fold. They with-held from the JW community their application to the Library and their tenure with the UN/NGO dept. until they were outted on the BBC. They continue to with-hold from the JW community their participation in the Geneva NGO Conferences. You should not on the one hand paint the UN as the direct extension of Satan on earth and then continue to participate in Conferences by that same organization. Can you see the mixed message they prescribe to.

    That's just for beginners, and I tell you this as someone whose family has (had in my case) been with the Watchtower organization since 1900.

  • Listener

    Recognising the UN trying to do good is not the same as supporting it or hailing it as the answer to our problems, this we have never done. The whip you use to condemn witnesses by saying our recognising the UN is the "disgusting thing" is also the one that disproves the conspiracy theories of our supposed support of UN. How can the UN or you say we support them when we have unanimously said they do not hold the answer to our salvation?

    So when can we expect to see an article recognising the good in Obama having recieved the Nobel Peace Prize for his stand on promoting peace?

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa, were you picked on in school? Seems like you enjoy it, actually can not live without that you flout your studpidity here.

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa said:

    Whether Paul's citizenship was inherited or not is irrelevent. He still openly used it to further the good news, gaining access to Agrippa, deliberately using it.

    My reply: Irrelevant, says who? You? Ok, that's a great recommendation! It is totally relevant...Paul used his inherited rights to further his preaching the good news. The Wt voluntarily became a NGO to the DPI to get info to print the Awake magazines- in doing so agreeing to support the Charter of the UN.

    Reniaa said:

    If people read this thread they will see articles were we openly show the UN/beast however sincere cannot solve our problems through man-made means! The answers only come from Jehovah so how is this supporting the UN?

    My reply: One particular, in 1991 I believe...was quite supportive of the UN..and only a JW reading it would realize that it is saying the answers only come from God.

    Reniaa said:

    Recognising the UN trying to do good is not the same as supporting it or hailing it as the answer to our problems, this we have never done. The whip you use to condemn witnesses by saying our recognising the UN is the "disgusting thing" is also the one that disproves the conspiracy theories of our supposed support of UN. How can the UN or you say we support them when we have unanimously said they do not hold the answer to our salvation?

    My reply: Which makes the WT totally duplicitious.

    Reniaa said:

    YMCA is part of the Babylon/false religion a different kettle of fish and clearly a red herring.

    My reply: Says who? The governing body, i.e. your pagan 12-headed god?

    Reniaa said:

    We have always taught recognition of authority structure of the world around us as Christians which both Paul as a Roman citizen used himself and gaining access to UN department of information is as apposed to joining False religion a different proposition.

    You want to make this a big deal for your own need to condemn witnesses and frankly your desperation shows for all to read if I am brutally honest.

    My reply: You want to make this a ignore this for your own need to protect witnesses and frankly your desperation shows for all to read if you are brutally dishonest.

    Reniaa said:

    Which is why I think threads like this are good because they highlight the anti-witness sincere but mistaken bias fully.

    My reply: Which is why I think threads like this are good because they highlight the JW-spologist sincere but mistaken bias fully.

  • possible-san


    So, are you Ms. Reniaa?

  • coffee_black

    The Watchtower identifies the UN as the Beast of Revelation. They condemn other religions for "lying down with the Beast".

    Then the Watchtower joins the Beast as an NGO.... so they can have access to the Beast's library.

    That must be SOME library! So, lying down with the Beast is perfectly ok as long as you do it to have access to their library. Alrighty then....


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