Can we trust this website? (About the subject in which Jehovah's Witnesses were a NGO)

by possible-san 131 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ice cream
    Ice cream

    AWAKE! NOVEMBER 23rd or 24th? 1998. Mentions the UN numerous times ALL in a POSITIVE light!

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa said:

    No proof just dubious accusation I see.

    My reply: Blindness andlack of honesty would explain what you "see" Reniaa.

  • coffee_black

    Isaac...and she just admitted that they "share the same ideals" as the Beast!!!!!



  • isaacaustin

    Wow. So Reniaa, what is left as to why the WT is the truth? Oh yeah, nothing. LOL

    And thanks for the admission Reniaa.

  • thetrueone

    NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the UN - ( old wording ) as in 1994

    Non-profit organizations which: share the ideals of the UN charter - ( new wording ) as in 2005

    Debator's attempt to spin the argument in favor of the WTS. has no relevance whatsoever for whatever

    wording is used in the application for access to DPI/NGO, the intensional meaning or directive is one of the same.

    Yes you can spin the words around if you like to relieve the WTS from hypocrisy, but what it comes to in the long run

    is just how well their own inherent personal integrity and honesty are established.

    As one can see Debator's are not well established at all, instead are devoted expressions of intellectual dishonesty.

    Debator's mixing of words and meanings does absolutely nothing to discredit this act of outward hypocrisy by the

    hierarchal leaders of the WTS. !

  • PSacramento

    ideal noun ( PRINCIPLE )

    Click to hear the UK pronunciation of this wordClick to hear the US pronunciation of this word /a?'d??l/ n

    [ C ] a principle or a way of behaving that is of a very high standard

    democratic ideals We are committed to the ideal of equality. They share the same high ideals.

    principle noun ( BASIC IDEA )

    Click to hear the UK pronunciation of this wordClick to hear the US pronunciation of this word /'pr?nt .s?.pl ?/ n [ C ] a basic idea or rule that explains or controls how something happens or works the principles of the criminal justice system The country is run on socialist principles. The machine works according to the principle of electromagnetic conduction. The organization works on the principle that all members have the same rights. See also : first principles in principle If you agree with or believe something in principle, you agree with the idea in general, although you might not support it in reality or in every situation In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it's not always possible. They have approved the changes in principle.

  • PSacramento

    As we can see, principles and ideals are, wording aside, the same thing.

  • caliber
  • nugget

    no they are either misled or deliberately lying.

    I don't trust the stupid or the deceitful anymore.

  • thetrueone

    Good catch caliber

    That quote from their own literature reveals just how full of misleading bullshit this organization (WTS.) spews out of its mouth continually.

    If anything the UN as it is known now, was created out the tenets of Christianity as all peoples from around

    the globe should have an opportunity to speak for themselves in the vein of peace, cooperation and compassionate understanding.

    How in the hell does the WTS. pull out of their asses that Satan the Devil is behind this organization, quite appalling when you think about it.

    Makes one wonder who Satan is supporting doesn't it ?

    Let it understood that the WTS. organization of Brooklyn New York is a power seeking corporation, therefore demeaning

    and demonetizing other known organizations that are not of their specific control is their sought out agenda,

    no matter how good that organization is to humaity in general.

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