Can we trust this website? (About the subject in which Jehovah's Witnesses were a NGO)

by possible-san 131 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • isaacaustin

    Agreed Outlaw!

    Just like you don't have to go work for a publicly traded company to find out their stock price! You can go to

  • thetrueone

    Does it really matter though, maybe they thought they could gather some information

    cataloged in the DPI library that they couldn't obtain elsewhere ?

    The real point of the matter is HOW they able to access the library, instituted

    and set up by the Department of the NGO.

    They were quite the deceiving prodigious liars when the signed the application

    which stated that all applicants must support/share the ideals of the UN charter,

    which they obviously don't. ( they are directly opposed to the UN charter )

  • mentallyfree31

    The Guardian UK ran the story on Monday, October 8th I believe. Within a day or so, WT had contacted the UN requesting disassociation from it. After a 9 year membership.

    Sound fishy? Does it sound like WT was in a hurry to put a lid on this? If it was acceptable, why terminate their membership at all? They could still be a member today if it was justified. I admit, this site is slick in its arguments.

    I rest my case.

    Paul - I have not read your expose. Thanks for the link. I will check it out.


  • Listener

    Paul did not hide the fact that he was a Roman Citizen, the Organization did over it's membership and resigned only after it became publicly know.

  • Kenneson

    Paul appealed to the Roman government, but the U.N. is NOT the government of the United States, nor of any other country. It is an ORGANIZATION which uses a base in the U.S. as its headquarters. NO ONE is a citizen of the United Nations. So, why claim that what the Watchtower Society did was appeal to it as Paul did the Roman government? No relationship. And yet in the same breath claim their expressed purpose was to have access to the U.N.'s library?

  • Kenneson

    What is really amusing is that 3dwitness and others claim that at the time the Watchtower Society associated itself with DPI, they were not required to support the Charter of the U.N. However, a press release in 1992 puts that claim to rest. JW apologists try to discredit it by claiming the writer of the press release was in error and that they do not depend on press releases for accuracy. LOl "To be granted association with DPI, NGOs must have national or international standing, SUPPORT the Charter of the United Nations, have a broadly based membership and possess the resources necessary for effective outreach." So, let's see the Watchtower Society does have national and international standing, has a broadly based membership and possesses the resources necessary for effective outreach (its literature), but we are supposed to believe that the writer was in error by claiming that NGOs were expected to SUPPORT the Charter of the U.N. 3dWitness is supposed to know what he is talking about but the writer of the press release was in error. LOL

  • Kenneson
  • possible-san


    Thank you for your comments.


    Paul did not hide the fact that he was a Roman Citizen, the Organization did over it's membership and resigned only after it became publicly know.


    I think that this shows vividly that the Watch Tower society (GB) is "insincere/dishonest."
    There is no other explanation, I think.

    To all active JWs.

    I think that you have to be able to say, "A bad thing is bad" even if you are an active Jehovah's Witness.
    I think that Jehovah God would reject it if that Organization would rot even if we assume that the Watch Tower society is the "God's Organization."


  • agonus

    Even if the WT never flat out lied about anything related to the UN mess, at the very least the whole affair - from the "explanation" and excuses offered to the circumstances surrounding their involvement and resignation - has an unmistakable aura of insincerity and suspiciousness.

    I can't think of a better word than "weaselly" to describe their behavior.

  • Podobear

    Could it be that acknowledgment as an NGO via a library ticket bought the WT a pass card to far more than a collection of books?

    By writing periodic articles in praise of U.N actions, this entitled them U.N. endorsement to expand in such countries as Angola. There, and I stand corrected by those with greater knowledge than I, literacy programs and co-operative farming has attracted many to the WT movement.

    On the one hand I acknowledge everyone's shouts of Hypocrisy, on the other (as an outsider now) I warm to any efforts to provide the proper tools for living to those who need it most. The JW's are in a lose lose situation from critics here. Why not ask the beneficiaries of their efforts, in places like Angola... directly?

    WT should be up front about its duplicity. Perhaps it would gain them respect in stead of endorsing their arrogance in the matter.

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