What prayers does God answer?

by jwfacts 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    I posed this question to my wife once. I asked her that if in the future, through prayer and time, I came to the sure conclusion that Jehovah is not using the Witnesses to teach the truth and yet through prayer and time she believed different, who's prayer did God answer? And how could she prove it to me, without a doubt?

    I got no answer. Funny, the exact same result I get when I pray to God.

    Thanks for the topic jwfacts.


  • jaguarbass

    Did you ever hear that song, "A boy named Sue" by Johny Cash?

    Prayers are similar to that song. God knew he would not be around to help us through all our ordeals,

    so he gave us prayer. Prayer is a way to focus our attention, organize our thoughts and achieve certain

    goals. And when we pray along those lines those will seem like the prayers that God answers.

    Another answer could be God answers 50% of our prayers, the 50% that arent too complicated or taxing that

    dont require any miricles or regenerating lost limbs or body parts.

    If you want to believe in God its 100% faith based with very little concrete evidence of a personal nature.

    I mean were alive thats a miricle and the earths relationship to the sun and moon are miricles and trees making oxygen

    so we can breathe. And trees breathing our carbon dioxide. Some people say those things are all miricles and evidence of God.

    But you dont get very much on a personal concrete basis, thats pretty much all faith or emotion.

  • Mary
    God doesn't answer selfish prayers, such as winning the lotto.

    Oh great.....now you tell me!!

  • hotchocolate

    JW Facts... I love this topic.

    One of my favourite subjects!... It's like the birthday thing. Most active witnesses attempt a defence of both subjects only half heartedly. The idea that god answers Brother Average to cure him of cancer, but overlooks Brother Zealous (and all the passengers) in a car accident on the way to assembly drama practice (yes that happened).. it's really such a pathetic argument...


  • VM44
  • VM44

    How would one know if God answered a prayer?

  • tec

    I don't know, but perhaps I can offer a couple of thoughts:

    - those prayers asked through his son

    - those prayers asked with full faith that they will be answered

    - those prayers that are asked according to his will

    Also, I suppose it seems a little silly side note, but what about those prayers that cancel each other out? I mean, if I had a million people asking me to win the lottery, well, I wouldn't answer any of them. Or to win a football game, etc.


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    "Could it be he doesn't answer any prayers?"

    bxjw: If that were so then the world we live in would be very different, indeed.

    BXJW, if that's true, how is the current world any different than a hypothetical world in which no prayers are answered? I'm looking for evidence that prayers have been answered. (Bible stories need not apply.)

    Most JWs I know are at least a little reasonable in that they do not believe that god intercedes to prevent wrecks or physical harm. The main thing I remember hearing is that you can pray for help COPING with trials. But, again, that's not exactly falsifiable is it? That's a subjective experience and I believe, as many have already stated, that the "power of prayer" is purely psychosomatic.

    "Pray, v.: To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled on behalf of a single petitioner, confessedly unworthy." - Ambrose Bierce

    Tec, if someone on a remote Pacific island calls out to the heavens in a moment of emotional turmoil (for example when a child dies), but they don't know anything about Jesus, and they have no real knowledge of the Judeo-Christian religion (hence no faith in your God), will their request fall on deaf ears?

  • Ding

    Someone once said that in God's eyes the purpose of prayer is not to get our will done on heaven; it's to get His will done on earth."

    In John 14:14, Jesus says that he will do whatever a Christian asks "in his name." Does this mean he is a cosmic genie who grants our wishes as long as we use the magic words "in Jesus' name" at the end? If you've tried that, it's clear it doesn't work. So what did he mean? I think it means that at times he gives his people a clear indication of what he wants and that he wants us to pray in accordance with what he has revealed. Why pray if he already wants to do it? Because he tells us to pray. He wants us to be involved in the process.

    Given God's sovereignty, I don't think think there is any way we can so cleverly word a prayer that He is obliged to grant our request. There are obvious advantages to this reality. I'm sure you wouldn't want me running the universe. In fact, I wouldn't want me running the universe.

    Sometimes things that seem very good to us don't seem so to God.

    An example is Paul's praying for removal of his "thorn in the flesh." (2 Cor. 12:7). Three times, he asked the Lord to stop this "messenger from Satan." God said no. And this was the apostle Paul praying!

  • PSacramento

    A friend once asked me, "does God answer your prayers?"

    I replied, I don't pray to God for things, so I don't think so.

    He asked what do I pray to go for and I realised that I pray to tahnk God, to thank him for his love, forgiveness and Grace and I pary and thank jesus for his sacrifice for us, for his teachings, but I relaised that I do ASK for something, but I don't ask for myself, I just ask God and Jesus to give US ALL the strength to deal with what life throws our way.

    I don't feel right asking God for things, always feel a bit, well...like the kid that does nothing and wants something for it, LOL !

    I ask for our daily bread, and then I feel for those that don't have it, I ask for a roof over our heard, and remember all those that don't have one, etc.

    I thank God for all the blessing God has give me and my family and feel bad when I do this because it almost hints that God gives us something more than others, and I know that is not the case.

    I really just ask for ALL OF US, the strength to carry on and to be good.

    Does God answer that prayer?

    I notice that when God is in US, yes, they are answered, but when God is not in us, they are not, so I realised that, as much as God can do things for US, he doesn't do the things WE can do or fix the thinsg we can fix, but that, if we allow it, God gives us all the strength we need.

    So I ask for that when I pray and so far, yes, God has answered, I just hope that I am strong enough to keep asking.

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