Petition against MadJW

by brotherdan 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • isaacaustin

    here we go:

    TheMadJW is just another one of the apostates of the Watchtower.

    Now google it!

  • Essan

    Alice: "I simply chime in here and there to set the record the straight. It's not much different than solving the crossword puzzle in the morning paper."

    LOL. Your performance here is like "solving a crossword puzzle" only if you feel that the solution to 1 Down, 5 letters "wrongful or criminal deception" is "Truth".

    But then, you've been calling fraud "The Truth" all your life. So t's only logical you would do that here too.

    And your arrogance is so misplaced it's deeply embarrassing. You make a fool of yourself here day after day, being exposed, your arguments thoroughly refuted, your 'reasoning' absolutely defeated, yet you flounce around as if you're actually good at what you do.

    You remind me of some girl who thinks she's "all that", strutting around town, smirking to herself as passersby stare at her, thinking she is admired - oblivious to the fact she's actually a public laughingstock because she has the back of her skirt tucked into her knickers. LOL.

  • theMadJW


    This just gets funnier and funnier; year after year you JW-Bashers orally defecate all this nonsense about us (with SOME truths!), and I come along and insult your deceptions- and you whine like a bucha little babies!

    Who needs the Comedy Channel?

  • theMadJW
  • mrsjones5


  • poppers

    I've never been a Witness, and I have no relatives or friends who are either. But when I see posts by people like theMadJW I am totally convinced that I'd never ever become one. Thank you theMadJW.

  • mrsjones5

    Well that is MJ's official purpose here, to soundly dissuade anyone from becoming a jw. I think he's doing a fine job.

  • poppers

    Well mrsjones5, I'll then add I'll never become whatever it is that he is either.

  • Mythbuster

    If he's so smart, why can't he figure out how to change his avatar?

  • miseryloveselders

    You guys just gave MadJW four pages in one single thread. He's going to overdose from this kind of attention. To be honest, I wonder if he deserves his own deodorant, or body spray commercial now?

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