Petition against MadJW

by brotherdan 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FreeAtLast1914

    They can dish it but JUST can't TAKE it!

    Pathetic churchoids. I even FRELLY admit the stupid things my Brotherhood has said and done!

    They can't STAND any kind of truth!

    I think the MadJW is speaking about his religion in the third person. Sort of like an out-of-body experience. I'm all for not responding to his propaganda seeing how ridiculous it has been, but my newfound respect for freeness of speech and beliefs prevents me from such an absolutist ban on this moron. I still hold out hope that many more like him will leave that religion and it may be from something posted on this forum.

    I can't forget how blind I was as a JW. And the MadJW is even more blind than that. Still, there's hope...

  • wasblind

    I'm with you on that BrotherDan

  • nelly136

    6 hours here is 6 hours off the streets and not on doors, win win.

  • brotherdan

    Freeatlast - I'm all for freedom of speech. But spamming violates the board rule #5. Not that I'm all for rules... I just don't want to encourage the troll to hang around. He's not trying to hold a free discussion of ideas. He's trying to get everyone to his website and to start using his buzz words "Churchoid" "Churchianity" and whatever else.

  • brotherdan

    Hmmm...good point nelly...

  • theMadJW

    Wow, Nelly! Good point! But I'm there when I have the time; I do this between jobs (I;m self-employed, internet-based buz)!

    And freeatlast, thanks for such loving concern; do you show it to God- or teach Him to be a Triune Sadist as CHURCHianity does?


    Read his Threads..

    If you don`t respond to his posts,he posts to himself..

    Thats why his threads have so many pages..Most of the posts,are his own..


    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • Essan

    I'm very tempted to back this idea, BD.

    There are a few JW apologists here - Alice, DJeggnog, MadJW, - who, even though they have different styles, all debate in a way that is obviously so grossly dishonest that there is really no way to differentiate it from lying. I personally don't think proven liars should be tolerated here. If I were the board Mod I'd probably ban them. But such moves are often met with opposition as some value freedom of speech - even blatantly dishonest speech - above all else. So I doubt you'll have much success. Actually, MadJW doesn't so much debate as just..... bait. Does freedom of speech include protection of the freedom to bait and be a pointless irritant? Maybe. I doubt it.

    Maybe there is a case to be made for such ones being here and their deception being exposed.

    I don't know. But I can totally understand your frustration.

  • isaacaustin

    LOL We had Debator (aka Reniaa), and now we have Baitor (named TheMadJW).

  • FreeAtLast1914

    MadJW, so other churches teach God to be some "triune sadist" but yours teaches him to be some vengeful, bi-polar, manic-depressant, jealous nit-picker with a massive case of advanced senility combined with an inferiority complex?? Can you say pot, kettle, black?

    And who said I believed in God?

    Wake up, brother. See the truth instead of running from it. You might actually become likable.


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