All the accusations- and no SHOCKING!

by theMadJW 334 Replies latest jw friends

  • Denial

    Watchtower 2000 May 1 p.10
    "Some apostates are increasingly using various forms of mass communication, including the Internet, to spread false information about Jehovah's Witnesses."

    Watchtower 1993 November 1 p.19
    "True Christians share Jehovah's feelings toward such apostates; they are not curious about apostate ideas. On the contrary, they "feel a loathing" toward those who have made themselves God's enemies, but they leave it to Jehovah to execute vengeance."

    Watchtower 1994 July 1 p.12
    "For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of "smooth talk" and "counterfeit words." (Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Peter 2:3) What would you expect from the table of demons? ... Those who have continued to feed at Satan's spiritual table, the table of demons, will be forced to attend a literal meal, no, not as partakers, but as the main course-to their destruction!"

    WELCOME TO THE TABLE OF DEMONS, MADJW. are you going to continue hanging around self-proclaimed apostates?

    oh, and here's two for flinching:

  • brotherdan

    Those quotes were interesting, Denial. They sound like things that MadJW or Alice would say. They say nothing about the facts, and just spout of words and terms like "have a loathing" and "table of demons" and "apostates".

    So EVERYTHING that exJWs have said are lies or false truths? I'll admit that some things have been exagerated. But I have to say...the majority of things that people have seen and experienced are sadly very true.

  • agonus


    Surely you must see that the thousands of cases of child abuse reported to Silentlambs are complete fabrications by apostates with nothing better to do.

    And Watchtower materials that are evidence of organizational deception only appear that way because you still have your Aposta-Vision specs on.

  • agonus

    And the reason the Library CD is only available to "brothers in good standing" and not to the public as per its license agreement is clearly NOT because it contains damning and sensitive information we don't want to fall into apostate hands, but because...


    Can I get back to you on that?

  • brotherdan

    They just couldn't be true, agonus. As Alice always likes to say, Show me proof. I want to see documents. I want to see videos of the act. This is a spiritual PARADISE RIGHT?!?!?!? How could there molestation in a paradise? How could there be lies and deciet in paradise?!? There couldn't. So it all MUST be false!

  • chrisjoel

    So if I understand Mad JW, he is saying and Insisting that

    Regardless of the fact that JWs have "all these problems"(insert anything___) the fact remains, that they alone are the ones that are going door to door championing true doctrines, such as No Hell or hell fire, no Trinity, no immortal soul, abstaining from anything pagan and and so on and so on. Therefore they are the true distinct christians to be heralded as representative of the only true god Jehovah and therefore anyone not being able to see THIS is only assuring himself of destruction especially apostates.

    Is that right Mad JW?

    But dont you see that all those TRUE DOCTRINES being championed are subject to interpretation!!!!!!!! Everyone has a different view on how to render a passage in the bible. Never mind all the awkward texts that have to be explained.

    I appreciate your point of view, but it really doesnt hold water. Worshipping god with spirit and truth, when it comes to the trinity doctrine for example: Lots of ppl INSIST there is a trinity and use the exact same scriptures you do to prove what they believe. WHERE DOES IT END?

    According to you it should end with the Society. According to evangelicals it ends simply with "jesus"......ect ect ect...

    Its all subjective sir. Its all open to interpretation . SO YOU COMING ON THIS BOARD and insisting we are wrong for pointing out the Watchtower Bible and Tract Societys blatant errors , nevermind obvious coverups like the faithful and discreet slave class being 1900 yrs old, IS TO SAY THE LEAST , very naive! Im not going to adress the going door to door evangelizing BECAUSE thats again OPEN TO INTERPRETATION. Just read In search of Christian Freedom by Ray Franz.

  • theMadJW

    Chris: "WHERE DOES IT END?" When yopu stop depending on PEOPLE for your faith, and "keep your eyes on the things ABOVE...NOT on the things here below"!

    If you've checked our site, we SHOW you how Churchianity twisst all scriptures, and changes the definitions of all Bible words.

    Its easy to see...if you WANT to!

    I'm not here to defend the WTBS, or to talk any into going to a Kingdom Hall (although I feel you will WANT to ,when you KNOW the Truth).

    Just to fry all the Baloney, and to promote the...TRUTH!

  • carla

    Carla: If the mods let YOU on here, they do so me! I make no money from that site- and it's NOT just mine; several of us run it! Too bad it disturbs your tiny littlew conscience!---- are you absolutely nutters? I do not promote a website that I would benefit from here. How would it bother my conscience? that doesn't even make sense

  • chrisjoel

    I havent go ttime to get into this but please enjoy this video BTW, No need to depend on ppl when you already KNOW certain things:

  • brotherdan

    First, MadJW, let me agree with you. Yes, many churches (maybe even the majority) change and twist the scriptures to meet their own ends. I have seen this.

    However, the Watchtower organization DOES THE SAME THING! They do not know the first thing about hermeneutics. Because of this they CAN'T properly interpret scripture.

    Like I said before, I pity you. I'm a bit embarased for you as well. ALL of the arguments you bring up are things that most of us on this site grew up with. We KNOW the JW arguments because WE USED THEM OURSELVES.

    But when we stepped back and looked at what we were actually saying and actually teaching it was clear that we were sick and trapped people. I hope that you will one day come to that same realization.

    It's great that you say to look at the things above and to ignore what men do. But seriously, that only goes so far. Is there ANYTHING that the WT could do to make you stop and say, hey...maybe these guys really aren't who they claim to be. Would it take them approving murder of individuals that left the faith? Would it be the molestation of children to be approved by them? I mean, how far does it have to go before you stop and think for a second?!?

    But thinking isn't what you are doing here, are you? You like to argue. You like to be in the middle of dramatic dialogue. But the sad thing is, you are making a fool of yourself in front of everyone. You are showing them how trapped you are in this demonic cult. How sad... Too bad for you.

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