All the accusations- and no SHOCKING!

by theMadJW 334 Replies latest jw friends

  • chrisjoel

    A perfect, shiny, freshly scrubbed example of:


    Iam 100% convinced that JWs dont have "the truth" in the same way that Iam convinced the bible is a work of myth mixed with history. But since going out in field service is so incredibly valuable to you knock yourself out! But i ask, why bother to be entertained at the "table of the demons"?

  • theMadJW

    Agnos- I'm talking the Truth- NOT speculation on the prophecies.

    The Truth about God stands on itrs own- JWs or NO JWs.

    Fact is CHURCHianity despises truth as much as you do Us!

  • Denial


    1. a real, faithful, obediant, kingdom hall attending, field service doing Jehovah's Witness would NOT be posting on this message board.

    2. the same REAL Jehovah's Witness would NOT create their own webpage about theocratic matters.

    3. therefore, you are not a real Jehovah's Witness.

    4. therefore, you are a

  • theMadJW

    "how do you explain pulling up the sheets with the UN from 1991-2000 as a United Nations DGI/NGO?"

    Not very discreet, eh?

    However, no political involvement; likely to learn what they are UP to.

    YOUR spin? Why WERE they there?

  • theMadJW


    Sorry to disappoint you, Denial: I am a 100% genuine JW- and HAVE been for well over 30 years!

    Nice- but corny, PS graphic!

  • brotherdan

    You are a counterfeit JW, MadJW. That's the worst kind. They pick and choose which parts to believe from the WT, and yet will defend the WT to the death.

  • carla

    why do the mods allow him here when he is so obviously trying to get backlinks and traffic to his site? it is very common technique in internet marketing to join a forum to get your site out there be it a pro or con site. People either agree with you and visit to see what it is about or hate it so they can post a comment, either way the sites owner benfits by more traffic! why contribute to the mental illness of these poor demented souls with their delusions of grandure.

  • theMadJW

    BD:"You are a counterfeit JW, MadJW. That's the worst kind. They pick and choose which parts to believe from the WT,"

    Mad: Like the churches do scriptures? Of COURSE; one HAS to seperate fact from opinion!

    BD:"and yet will defend the WT to the death."

    Mad: You call this defending THEM? I defend Bible Truth; they are just fellow brothers.

    Carla: If the mods let YOU on here, they do so me! I make no money from that site- and it's NOT just mine; several of us run it! Too bad it disturbs your tiny littlew conscience! Maybe we SHOULD, and allow cheesy ads like those that appear HERE!

  • brotherdan

    You just did it again MadJW. You excused your own counterfeit faith by saying that the churches pick and choose scriptures, so you can pick and choose your beliefs. You make no sense dude.

    And, by the way, I have found MANY MANY MANY churches that respect the Bible more than JWs. Listen to some sermons from this site ( and you will see how much respect they show for the Bible.

  • brotherdan

    I agree with Wing Commander. I pity you. It's sad how lost you are. You are leading people over a cliff and think you are doing the right thing. But as soon as you hit the ground, you're going to find out how wrong you were. Sad...sad.

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